Cancer Cure Foundation Review
Hoxsey Formula - Wellness Directory of Minnesota (Read formula and controversy of effectiveness)
Hoxsey: When Healing Becomes A Crime
“The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies
In 1924, Harry Hoxsey claimed a cure for cancer, herbal formulas inherited from his great-grandfather. Thousands of patients swore the treatment cured them; but the medical authorities branded Hoxsey the worst quack of the century. So began a medical war continuing to this day.
By the 1950's Hoxsey's Texas clinic was the world's largest, with branches in 17 states. Two Federal courts upheld his treatment's "therapeutic value." Even his archenemy, the American Medical Association, admitted it does cure some cases. Yet organized medicine banned the therapy, exiling it to Mexico where it claims an 80% success rate today.”
Full Movie
(Hoxsey Therapy testimonials on Daily Paul: truthsanityalways)
CancerTutor.com Review
Cancer Cure Foundation Review
Bill Henderson & Dr. Carlos Garcia, MD Review - In their book "Cancer-Free"(p. 277), Dr. Garcia said they would consider this treatment "only as a last resort for brain tumors." They weren't impressed with his published "objective response" rate of 57.2% for breast and colon cancer, and the treatment is very expensive. So, they basically feel that there are better, more cost effective alternatives for non-brain related cancers.
BurzynskiPartientGroup.org - Testimonials
Dr. Burzynski, The Movie
“Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history. His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons...” (Source)
Trailer #1
Trailer #2
Full Movie
Extended Edition Montage Preview of New Material | Cancer Is Seriou...
Dr. Mercola Interviews Drs. Stanislaw and Greg Burzynski on Cancer
“Natural health physician and Mercola.com founder Dr. Joseph Mercola together with Drs. Stanislaw and Greg Burzynski discuss and share novel therapies to naturally addressed cancer.”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dr. Mercola Interviews Rick Schiff
“Dr. Mercola interviews Rick Schiff about his daughter who had a very serious brain tumor.” Rick was the police officer in the Burzynski movie.
May Alleviate Cancer Without Chemo, But it's Forbidden - Mercola article summarizing interview
Full Interview
(Burzynsk Therapy testimonials on Daily Paul: First10Amendments)
CancerTutor.com Review - Bob Beck Protocol
CancerTutor.com Review - Plasma-Beck Protocol
CancerTutor.com Review - Rife-Beck Protocol
Bob Beck Protocol
“Features an interview with Robert (Bob) C. Beck, D.Sc., the creator of the Beck Protocol, as well as interviews with experienced health practitioners and individuals who share their real-life stories about using the Beck Protocol. Introduces the Beck Protocol using clearly defined chapters: Who is Bob Beck? Bob highlights aspects of his career as well as his dedication to bring the use of electricity for health and the Beck Protocol to the attention of mankind. The Beck Protocol: Blood Electrification, Magnetic Pulsing, Ionic~Colloidal Silver and Ozonating Water are outlined by Bob Beck and health professionals. Healing Stories: Features 3 health practitioners who help clients use the Beck Protocol and 9 individuals who have overcome serious health challenges with the help of the Beck Protocol. The Politics of Health: Features author and speaker, G. Edward Griffin, as well as health practitioners. ”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Suppressed Medical Discovery To Treat All Disease - “This lecture was given on January 16, 1997 at “The Granada Forum”. “What if someone could come up with a simple system costing pennies to eliminate all pathogens including the HIV virus - do you think the world would jump at it - wrong! That means a cure for all diseases including cancer and leukaemia. Well that's exactly what Dr Steven Kaali invented - a simple blood electrification system that kills all known pathogens and got a patent in just six months. This was such a threat to the Big Pharma that they went to all sorts of trouble in order stop this incredible invention leaking out to the public. This really incensed Dr Robert (Bob) Beck who decided to do something about this corruption and came up with the his own Bob Beck protocol which does not need the removal of blood from the body like Dr Kaali's invention and published the schematics to his machines on the interent (which went viral) before he died a few years later.” (1hr 57min)
How to cure cancer & HIV
“This is a rare video, taken in 1996 at Ventura College, of Dr Robert (Bob) Beck. A genius in the field of magnetism and ... all » electricity, he focused the last decade of his life on using micro currents to render all known virus, bacterial and parasites (including HIV!) powerless. This video seriously challenges current drug/chemical-fueled approach western science takes towards the treatment of disease.”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
CancerTutor.com Review
"The two DVD documentary set The Royal Rife Story and Royal Rife -In His Own Words are must see videos for those wanting to know about Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. You may not have heard of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife before, but in the first two hour DVD documentary "The Royal Rife Story" you will learn about his great scientific accomplishments. Rife won 14 government awards for scientific discoveries and received an honorary medical degree from the University of Heidelberg for his work in bacteriology. He built the world’s most powerful optical microscopes which overcame the limits of standard research microscopes and became the first person ever to see a living virus. Dr. Rife developed a method of destroying disease-causing microorganisms using frequencies. Also, you will learn about the many other doctors and bacteriologists who worked with him. Rife’s microscopes and bacteriological discoveries were featured in many official medical reports and hundreds of newspaper articles throughout the world. Most of that information is on this site."
"The second DVD documentary Royal Rife-In His Own Words was made from an audio recording done by Dr. Rife in the 1950’s. John Crane one of Rife’s business partners asked Dr. Rife to explain his work in bacteriology and how he found the cancer virus. Not only did Dr. Rife explain how he found the cancer virus but he talked for almost an hour about his work and the many different organisms he worked with. "
RifeVideos.com - "Your Rife Machine History Educational Website."
The Rife Machine Report - "A History of Rife's Instruments and Frequencies"
The Complete Royal Rife CD Collection - Listen to samples or purchace 10hr MP3 CD
DVD 1: The Royal Rife Story - “This film covers the amazing story of Royal Raymond Rife's life and his cure for cancer using his frequency instruments. “ (10 min sample)
Full Movie - Scroll halfway down page and choose format. (2hr 12min)
DVD 2: Royal Rife-In His Own Words - “Here, in his own voice, is Dr. Royal Rife's incredible story about his work on the cancer virus and other microorganisms.“ (7 min sample)
Full Movie - Scroll halfway down page and choose format. (52 min)
DVD 3: Royal Rife Lab Film - "Rife's lab film made in 1936 by Dr. Rife showing the isolation of the BX cancer virus."(10 min sample)
Full Movie - Scroll halfway down page and choose format. (34 min)
Frequency Generators
GB-4000 Frequency Generator Protocols For Cancer Stage IV Protocol - CancerTutor.com
GB-4000 Frequency Generators - CancerTutor.com links to this page.
CancerTutor.com Review
Wellness Directory of Minnesota Review
”Paw Paw Alternative Cancer Treatment Comparison” - Article
NaturesSunshine.com - Product Source
Paw Paw and Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials - Presentation at Columbus, OH (8/31/2003)
Part 1 - “Dr. Jerry McLaughlin begins to tell the story of his life's work at Purdue University's School of Pharmacy. He led a team of researchers over a twenty-eight year period screening 3500 plant species to find drugs for cancer. The US native paw paw tree yielded interesting molecules called acetogenins that were active against many kinds of tumor cells.”
Part 2 - “Dr. McLaughlin reviews current treatments in use against cancer.”
Part 3 - “Dr. McLaughlin reviews current treatments in use against cancer.“ @7:00: Neal Peterson is mentioned
Part 4 - “Dr. McLaughlin reviews current treatments in use against cancer. “ @6:47: Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay Test
Part 5 - “Dr. McLaughlin reviews current treatments in use against cancer.“
Part 6 - “Dr. McLaughlin explains ATP inhibition and how the Multi Drug Resistance (MDR) mechanism works.“
Part 7 - “Dr. McLaughlin discusses anti-cancer testing, effectiveness with drug resistant cells, compares paw paw's active ingredients with Taxol® and cisplatin, and proves apoptosis.“
Part 8 - “Dr. McLaughlin presents peer review, mechanism review, and that Paw Paw is not toxic.“
Part 9 - “Dr. McLaughlin presents clinical results and summarizes the progress to date.“
One on One with Dr. Jerry McLaughlin - Interviewed Richard Lund of PawPaw.TV (8/31/2003)
Part 1 - “He gives the background to the field of study he has pursued for more than 28 years.“
Part 2 - “Dr. McLaughlin talks about paw paw and the special class of molecules that he and his team discovered. He also explains how he used two original methods to screen biological molecules for anti-cancer activity.“
Part 3 - “Dr. McLaughlin talks about testing the Paw Paw compounds in cell culture and in animals. He compares them to other approved medicines used as controls. He also introduces the effectiveness against drug resistant cancer cells.”
Part 4 - “He describes his motivation for continuing his work after retirement and of how he taught his own students to take ownership of the discoveries that they make.“
Part 5 - Dr. McLaughlin discusses his work with the Annonaceous acetogenins at Purdue University.”
Part 6
Part 7 - “Dr. McLaughlin talks about all the safety testing that he conducted while preparing to bring pawpaw extract to the public.“
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 - “Dr. McLaughlin talks about what it's like to take pawpaw capsules and tells about people's experiences. He also talks about what he thinks may be avoided or what may be used along with pawpaw.”
CancerTutor.com Review
Graviola Tree: A Natural Cancer Cell Killer - Advertisement
Cancer healing tree - Farmer Ray introduces the graviola tree, its fruit, and uses.
(Graviola testimonials on Daily Paul: Bob-45)
Cancer Cure Foundation Review on escharotic salves
Wellness Directory of Minnesota Review
altcancer.com - Greg Caton, Founder of Alpha Omega Labs Guayaquil, Ecuador
Reflections of FDA Destruction of AO Labs by Cathryn Caton, N.D - “Cathryn Caton, N.D., wife of Cansema creator, Greg Caton, reflects on the infamous FDA raid and destruction of AO Labs in 2003, the refusal by the media to discuss the suppression of legitimate, effective, time-tested cancer cures, and the need to stand up against the suppression.”
Greg Caton discussing his Cansema mentor - “Greg Caton, discusses his association with his mentor on escharotic preparations, the late Dr. Russell Jordan...”
Greg Caton on How Cansema® Works
Escharotic Preparations - Intro by Greg Caton
“Prior to my U.S. federal imprisonment on bogus FDA charges in 2004 -- not knowing if I would survive the ordeal -- I had this professional video made, instructing viewers how simple escharotics for curing skin cancers are made. The entire history of escharotic preparations and their shameful suppression by the orthodox medical community is detailed in Meditopia®"
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Cansema® Black Salve testimonial of Jim Carraba
Vicky Jackson Cansema® skin cancer testimonial
Joe Coffee testimony of skin cancer cure by Cansema®
James Carrogram - Cansema® Black Salve skin cancer testimonial
Jennifer Wilson testifies of many skin cancer successes over 4 year...
Cansema® Black Salve successful Squamous cell carcinoma case (1996)
Cansema® Black Salve video testimonial - Walter Wence
Cansema® Black Salve testimonial vet case (1996)
Cancer testimony from the Ukraine - "Testimony of skin cancer success by use of Cansema on people in the Ukraine." (Must sign in to watch)
Cansema® Black Salve - Physician's Skepticism Removed
Dr. Douglas Brodie discusses use of Cansema® against skin cancer
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Medical Sciences Promotion Video
“I first saw this video in 1989 ... as explained in the first chapter of Meditopia (www.meditopia.org). It would, in retrospect, become a contributing factor in my education as to the vast, unspeakably corrupt, world of orthodox cancer treatment. Note: although the audio is good, the video -- made from a 20 year old VCR tape, is poor. (G. Caton)”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
(Cansema testimonials on Daily Paul: healthnut4freedom)
PheonixTears.ca - Rick Simpson’s official website.
RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story
Documentary about Rick Simpson and the use of hemp oil to cure cancer and other diseases.
Watch or download movie from official website
Full Movie
Part 1 - Must sign in to watch the first part
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Rick Simpson's CRUSH CANCER WITH HEMP AND TRUTH - “Rick Simpson speaks to the people of the world in his CRUSH CANCER WITH HEMP AND TRUTH FREE INTERNET SEMINAR, all about curing cancer and other diseases with hemp oil.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
How to Make Rick Simpson's Medicinal Hemp Oil Safely - See video description
Essential Cannabis Hemp Oil Making Tutorial Using Safe Countertop D... - See video description
Hemp Oil Dosage Information - Written by Rick Simpson
Dad Gives Cannabis Oil to Toddler Battling Brain Cancer - Medical M...
Vitamin Cannabis Documentary - “Vitamin Cannabis is an ongoing documentary that sets out to prove if Rick Simpsons claims of hemp oil curing cancer as well as various other diseases are true.”
CANCER-GATE - The Rick Simpson Story - Frankie Picasso, the Unstoppable Coach, interviews Rick Simpson.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
(Hemp Oil testimonials on Daily Paul: Geeksneek)
Ingredients: Burdock root, Sheep sorrel, Turkey rhubarb, Slippery elm bark. Some companies add additional ingredients.
CancerTutor.com Review
Wellness Directory of Minnesota Review
Article discussing who should not take Essiac Tea
"In 1920 Rene Caisse met a prospector’s wife who had survived breast cancer. She owed her recovery to an Obijawa Indian tea using four herbs growing in the local Ontario wilderness. Rene went on to save thousands of patients’ lives using her own variation of the herbal formula for all sorts of degenerative diseases – but mainly as a treatment for cancer. Known as "Canada’s Caner Nurse" Rene Caisse never accepted money for her herbal formula."
"Canada's Cancer Nurse" Cured Thousands - Article by Dr.Carolyn Dean MD ND
The History of Essiac & Nurse Rene M. Caisse
www.allensclub.com - Product source
Essiac Tea Cancer Cure
“Dr. Charles Brusch and Rene Caisse collaborated to conduct clinical trials on Essiac in 1959.”
Part 1
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Part 3
Part 4
(Essiac Tea testimonials on Daily Paul: The Libertybelle, billieb52)
Note: Pau D'arco is one of the teas allowed in the Gerson Therapy.
Wellness Directory Review
www.Pau-d-Arco.com - Roger Delong's site recommended by Bill Henderson. A link to a reputable product source mentioned by Delong is listed below.
Pau D’arco Tree - Short video with general info about Pau D’arco and its benefits when taken in various forms
Note: Jim Sheridan's original formula was called Entelev. Later, it was slightly modified and called Cancell(sold by Ed Sopcak). It has been called Protocel since 1999. Protocel 23 is the Entelev formula. Protocel 50 is the Cancell formula.
CancerTutor.com Review -A must read before taking Protocel. It says Protocel or Cantron cannot be taken with other alternative cancer therapies. Refer to Protocel ebook below for a more detailed explanation.
ElonnaMcKibben.com - Elonna is willing to talk to people about their health situation at no charge. See interview with Bill Henderson below.
OutsmartYourCancer.com - Tanya Harter Pierce’s site gives the complete history of Cancell.
www.webND.com - Product Source for Protocel
www.ProtocelGlobal.com - International Product Source for Protocel. Called Entelev in Australia.
Bill Henderson interviews Elaine Hullyberger and Elonna McKibben - “Two Incredible Cancer Survivor Stories” (Audio) (Interview 1 @ 2:00) (2 interview @ 28:55)
Cantron breast & bone cancer testimonial - Part 1, 2
Cora’s Entelev testimony - She had cervical cancer and a tumor on her bladder.
Irene’s lung cancer testimonial
Cantron testimony with pancreatic cancer
Cancell ovarian cancer and chrons testimony
Cancell lung cancer testimony
Cancell and brain cancer
Cancell cancer and aids testimony on the Maury Povich Show
Cancer Survivor Praises Controversial Cantron Treatments
LaSalle Man Turns To Controversial Treatments For Cancer - “Bernie Mulligan, 45, of LaSalle talks about using alternative remedies -- including the controversial Cantron -- in his fight against terminal stomach (& liver) cancer.” He also used dandelion root extract.
Mark used Cantron on his dog’s cancer
Interview clips of Ed Sopcak & Jim Sheridan about the history o..., 2
Andy Cantron Talk - Part 1, 2, 3, 4 - Andy talks about how to use Cantron. (Note: The primary source of information to use is the Protocel ebook mentioned above. I simply added this talk to show some of the experience people have had.)
www.Natural-Source.com - Product Source for Prostabel. Natural Source International was started by Dr. Beljanski’s daughter.
Beljanski.com - The Beljanski Foundation | CIRIS Association. Bill Henderson says that CIRIS “is composed of about 4,000 cancer patients healed using Beljanski's substances.“
Bill Henderson interviews Dr. L. Stephen Coles - “Bill Henderson interviews Dr. L. Stephen Coles, M.D., Ph.D. about his book, Extraordinary Healing, on a unique natural substance for healing cancer. The book covers the work of Dr. Mirko Beljanski, Ph.D., who began researching cellular biology at the Pasteur Institute in Paris in the late 50?s. His discovery of what is called “reverse transcription” within the cell is the basis for substances which seem to be healing both prostate cancer and breast cancer with possible future proof for many other cancers ... At the beginning of Bill’s interview with Dr. L. Stephen Coles, you’ll hear why Dr. Mirko Beljanski was robbed of the Nobel Prize–and how Dr. Beljanski’s work with DNA, RNA, and RNAi could have set us on a course to a Cancer cure over 50 years ago!” (Audio) (Interview @ 22:30)
Bill Henderson interviews Dr. John Hall - “Bill Henderson interviews Dr. John Hall, the Director of Research for Natural Source International in New York City. Dr. Hall explains the action of several of Natural Source’s products; in particular, one which Bill has found improved his prostate problems dramatically: Prostabel.” (Audio) (Interview @ 14:44)
Bill Henderson’s CANCER-FREE Newsletter (March 31st, 2012) - Scroll down to –> ("Cancer's Cause, Cancer's Cure" -- Blockbuster Book!") where he talks about Dr. Morton Walker's book. This article came subsequent to his interview with Dr. Stephen Cole.
Ingredients: Milk thistle extract, Bacopa extract, Ashwagandha root powder, Green tea extract, Tumeric extract
CancerTutor.com Review - "Protandim is the most effective product on earth to minimize and neutralize the side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Much of the damage done by orthodox cancer treatments are from oxidation. Protandim is one millions times more effective as an anti-oxidant than normal anti-oxidants!"
Lifevantage.com - Product Source for Protandim.
Dr. Joe McCord Speaks About Protandim
Dr. Joe McCord on Protandim
“Dr. Joe McCord discusses the science of Protandim at the LifeVantage Inaugural Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah.“ (April 2011)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 - @5:58: Discusses the synergy of all 5 ingredients at low concentration produces an effect 18x the sum of its parts.
Part 5 - @4:24: Discusses tumor suppressive activity of Protandim
Part 6
Part 7
The History of Free Radical Biology - Dr. Joe McCord
Protantim Review Lecture
“Dr. Dondee Nettles discussed the breakthrough scientific evidence proving that Protandim is more effective than common dietary antioxidants. Topics include the difference between direct and indirect antioxidants, powerful antioxidant enzymes, and the new paradigm in antioxidant therapy.“
I'm not sure if he views Vitamin C as having pro-oxidant effects in every situation, but his information on the benefits of indirect antioxidants over direct antioxidants compelling.
Part 1
Part 2
What is Peer Reviewed Research? Protandim, Cancer & Chemotherapy - Dr. Joe McCord (October 2010)
Protandim as Seen on PBS Healing Quest
Protandim anti-aging breakthrough – ABC Primetime - “Protandim is the only supplement clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress by an average 40%, slowing down the cell aging process to the level of a 20 year-old.“ (2005)
Protandim Promotional Video - Good digital visual aid
Montel Williams interviews Dr. Joe McCord & Dr. David Perimutte...
Beta-1, 3d Glucan
Transfer Point Beta Glucan is a long-chain polysaccharide molecule purified from cell walls of baker’s yeast. Bill Henderson believes this is the best immune booster on the market. See his February 27, 2007 newsletter where he reviews the product.. This article may be searched for online at the link I provided to the 2007 edition of his book “Cancer-Free” in the “Bill Henderson Protocol” section.
Caution: In his book, “Canced-Free”, Bill Henderson says “caution is advised for the co-use of aspirin and/or NSAIDs(ibuprofen or Tylenol) with Beta Glucan as severe gastrointestinal damage may result.”
www.TransferPoint.com - A. J. Lanigan’s official website.
http://www.Ancient5.com/ - Bill Henderson recommended Phyllis Pipkin’s site for complete information on this product.
Bill Henderson’s CANCER-FREE Newsletter (October 26, 2009) - Scroll down to -> (Transfer Point vs Our Health Co-op Beta Glucan) where he describes how Transfer Point’s product is far superior but Our Health Co-op’s product may be a cost effective alternative.
Beta 1, 3-D Glucan and the Immune Response - “Animation showing how the Immune System works and how it is enhanced with Beta 1, 3-D Glucan.”
Dr. Mercola Interviews Carole Baggerly - “Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Carole Baggerly, founder of Grassroots Health regarding her fascinating history that suits her for the role.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Institute of Medicine Vitamin D Rebuttal
Parts 1-3: “Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. John Cannell discuss the Institute of Medicine's recent findings regarding Vitamin D.“
Parts 4 & 5: “Dr. Joseph Mercola and Grassroots Health founder, Carole Baggerly, discuss the Institute of Medicine's recent findings regarding Vitamin D.”
Why the New Vitamin D Recommendations Spell Disaster For Your Health - Mercola article summarizing interview
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. David Brownstein on Iodine
“Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. David Brownstein discuss the possible effects caused by nuclear catastrophe in Japan and how you can be protected.”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Alternatives to Iodine for Protection Against Radiation
“Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ori Hofmekler discuss the alternatives to iodine for protection against radiation.” Dr. Hofmekler talks about the harmful effects of high levels of iodine and selenium on thyroid function and argues that we should supplement our iodine intake from food sources.
Part 1
Part 2
Kombucha Tea
Note: White sugar is used in solution to feed the bacteria and yeast. It is said that most of this is used up in the fermentation process but that would depend on how long it is fermented. According to one herbalist, the sugar is broken down into fructose and sucrose. The sucrose is used up faster that the fructose. There is a debate on how much sugar remains so a person may not want to include this in their diet if they are on a strict program of no sugar. Despite this, there appears to be anecdotal evidence of kombucha having cancer preventing properties.
Kombucha - From the history of medicine in the USSR - A dramatic, behind-the-scenes account of the history of Kombucha Tea in the USSR.
- Episode from 1951 to 1953 and how the USA has profited by it since 1983.
- Background to the breaking off of a promising research project on cancer therapy in the Soviet Union.
- US President Ronald Reagan cured of cancer with metastases.
Kombucha Tea (Video Library) - Posted by stillwater
CancerTutor.com Review - Ann Wigmore and Wheatgrass
Q & A: Michael Bergonzi on growing wheatgrass
"Q & A with Michael Bergonzi wheatgrassgreenhouse.com and Sean Herbert of Got Sprouts."
1 - “Michael's Introduction“
2 - “How do I Get Started Growing At Home?“
3 - “Why should I drink wheatgrass?”
4 - “When should I cut the grass?”
5 - “What temperature should I grow in?”
6 - “What kind of water should I use?“
7 - “What is the biggest mistake people make when they grow wheatgrass?“
8 - “What is the biggest mistake people make when they juice?”
9 - “What do I grow in?“
10 - “What about mold?”
11 - “What about lighting?“
12 - “What about gluten sensitivity?”
13 - “What should I do if it makes me sick?”
14 - “The Differance Between Seeds.”
15 - “Soil Vs Hydroponic“
16 - “Should I grow inside or outside?“
17 - “Should I give wheatgrass to my pets?“
18 - “Should I add mineral solutions?”
19 - “How should wheatgrass taste?”
20 - “How much wheatgrass should I use for a week?”
21 - “How Much Wheatgrass should I drink?“
22 - “How much water should I use?“
23 - “How much soil should I plant in?”
24 - “How long does it take to grow wheatgrass?“
25 - “How long do I soak the seeds?"
26 - “How do I store the Wheatgrass?“
27 - “How do I store the seeds?”
28 - “How do I get started juicing?”
29 - “How do I keep it simple?"
sproutpeople.org/ - The Sprout People
Sprouting Broccoli in an Easy Sprout Sprouter - “Broccoli Sprouts contain up to 50 times as much antioxidant as mature broccoli. As a result they have become extremely popular since that discovery - back in 1997. Growing Broccoli Sprouts is very similar to growing Leafy Sprouts, but there are a few notable differences. In this 10 minute video we show you everything you need to grow the best Broccoli Sprouts possible. These instructions will work perfectly for any non-mucilaginous Brassica - Radish, Cabbage, some Mustards, Tatsoi and Turnip. Happy Sprouting!”
Short Bit: Sprouting & "Garbage" Disposals
Growing Bean Sprouts in a SproutMaster - “As we've said before, all beans sprout the same way - so these instructions will show you how to grow any bean sprout in a SproutMaster. SproutMaster is the finest Tray Sprouter in the world (in the opinion of Sproutpeople). It's versatile - you can grow just about anything, and easy to grow in. Today's star - representing bean sprouts - is our lovely pea mix; Pea Carnival.”
Sprouting Beans in a Jar - “Sproutpeople's 1st video tutorial takes you through the process of sprouting beans. In this video we are using a jar as our sprouting device. The Jar is the least expensive sprouter, but it can be more difficult to use than other sprouters. It is however, perfect for sprouting beans.”
Sprouting Beans in an Easy Sprout Sprouter - “Bean Sprouts come in many shapes and sizes. Bean Sprouts offer a wide range of flavors and textures. In this video we use our wonderful San Francisco Mix (a blend of 13 lovely legumes) to show you how quick and easy it is to sprout beans. Using our most popular sprouter, the Easy Sprout - success is virtually guaranteed, and wow - is it easy!”
Growing Bean Sprouts in a Hemp Bag - Bean sprouts all grow the same way, so these instructions will work for any bean you want to sprout in a bag sprouter. The Hemp Bag is phenomenally easy to use, and beans are the perfect crop to grow in it. This video stars Sproutpeople's gorgeous mix of lentils; Peasant Mix as "The Bean". Happy Sprouting!”
Growing Leafy Sprouts in an Easy Sprout Sprouter - “In this movie we take you from dry seed to fully grown French Garden (our most popular mix, it is a clover based blend and so is representative of all Leafy Sprouts - including Alfalfa), using the perfect Easy Sprout Sprouter. This is very detailed and runs right up to the maximum time YouTube allows.”
De-Hulling Leafy Sprouts - “In this movie, we take you through the process of removing hulls from Leafy Sprouts (Alfalfa, Clover, and our Gourmet Mixes), using a Salad Spinner. This method will also work for Brassica (Broccoli, Radish, Mustard, etc.) Sprouts.”
Sprouting Bird Mixes in an Easy Sprout - “Easy Sprout is not only our personal favorite, and most popular sprouter, it is downright famous in the avian community. Sproutpeople has been offering Bird Mixes for years - thanks to the tenacity of bird people who demanded mixes specifically made for their feathered companions. In this video we show you everything you need to know to grow perfect crops of sprouts for your flock.”
GROWING WHEATGRASS and SPROUTS - Wheatgrass growing dvd introduction
Manual Wheatgrass Juicer - Healthy Juicer by Lexen Products - “Here is a wonderful video review about the best manual wheatgrass juicer on the planet! By 877MyJuicer.com - purchase the healthy juicer here!
How to grow Wheatgrass and other Green Sprouts indoors - Got Sprouts?
RARE Ann Wigmore Sprouting Video - “This is rare footage of Dr. Ann Wigmore teaching sprouting.”
DR. WALLACH'S 90 ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS - (Products based on his 'plant derived' Colloidal Minerals)
Note: Some of the advice in the interviews may not be appropriate for cancer patients. Ex. Dr. Wallach mentions eating large quantities of eggs in different places. The main focus in this section is his core nutritional products based on his colloidal minerals.
Youngevity.com - Official website
Dead Doctors Don't Lie Show - Listen to his live radio program on KSCO News Talk Radio or the podcasts.
Joyce Riley interviews Dr. Wallach of Youngevity on The Power Hour - Probably the most informative interview about Dr. Wallach's core products, add-ons, and the amount to take per body weight. @30:05-42:50 he talks about the three core products and some add-ons. Other products are mentioned earlier in the interview though. (04/12/2012)
The Best of Dead Doctors Don't Lie - See video description to jump directly to any of twenty five topics discussed.
Alex Jones interviews Dr. Joel Wallach - (05/08/2012)
Alex Jones interviews Dr. Joel Wallach - (05/22/2012)
Vitamins & Minerals - By Dr. Joel Wallach DVM, ND
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Have You Heard
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
iHealthTube.com interviews Dr. Joel Wallach
Curing Diseases Caused by Physicians
Why Aren't Cures Readily Available
Athletes Don't Live Long
You Need More Salt
CancerTutor.com Review of MSM and Vitamin C ("Super MSM") Protocol
The MSM Miracle - “The official website of the MSM - Medical Information Foundation. A non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of information about MSM” (Pdf format)
www.bulkmsm.com - Product Source
Dr. Mercola Interviews David Wolfe on Healthy Habits (Part 3 of 8) - Part of an interview where David Wolfe talks about MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) with Dr. Mercola. David Wolfe recommends using wood pulp or tree-derived MSM. He also recommends to take MSM with a whole plant based vitamin C (Ascerila, Rose hip, Camu berry).
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Stephanie Seneff
“Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Stephanie Seneff about her interesting perspective about sulfur.”
Part 1
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Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Bill Rich Lecture on MSM
“Bill Rich was the first person to use the nutrient MSM for human consumption. In this video he talks about his personal experiences as well as the health benefits of MSM. DVD copies of this presentation are available on our web site, richdistributing.com. The opinions expressed in this video are the opinions of the Author and no claims are made as to their accuracy.”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
60 Minutes interviews Dr. Stanley W. Jacob, MD about DMSO
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Sugar: The Bitter Truth - “Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.”
The Fluoride Deception - “In this video, award-winning journalist Christopher Bryson examines one of the great secret narratives of the industrial era; how a grim workplace poison and the most damaging environmental pollutant of the cold war was added to our drinking water and toothpaste.”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
ASPARTAME - Sweet Misery, A POISONED World - “This documentary discusses the dangers of Aspartame and MSG, the flavour enhancers that are linked to the increase in brain cancer and brain disorders, and many other degenerative diseases. The narrator, Cori Brackett recovered from MS (Multiple Sclerosis) following the removal of aspartame from her diet, which she had been ingesting from drinking diet coke and 'natural sweeteners'.”
Scientists under Attack: Genetic Engineering in the magnetic Field of Money
“Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela have two things in common. They are distinguished scientists and their careers are in ruins. Both scientists choose to look at the phenomenon of genetic engineering. Both made important discoveries. Both of them are suffering the fate of those who criticise the powerful vested interests that now dominate big business and scientific research. Statements made by scientists themselves prove that 95% of the research in the area of genetic engineering is paid by the industry. Only 5% of the research is independent. The big danger for freedom of science and our democracy is evident. Can the public -- we all -- still trust our scientists?”
Full Movie
Vaccine Nation
"At the end of the eighteenth century, British physician Edward Jenner, with highly questionable medical credentials, initiated the theory and practice of live virus immunization that continues to serve as the scientific basis for the ever increasing vaccination of the world's citizens. With the number of vaccinations given to infants and children rising, kids are receiving doses of toxic mercury and other heavy metals well above environmental safety levels. Yet the medical evidence is clear. Mercury, known as thimerosal, and other heavy metal additives are highly toxic and threaten children with neurological damage. The long-term efficacy of global vaccination remains controversial, inconclusive and is suspect in light of the powerful corporate interests, lobbying efforts, and profits associated with a multi-billion dollar vaccine industry. In his documentary film Vaccine Nation, award-winning investigative film director Dr. Gary Null challenges the basic health claims by government health agencies and pharmaceutical firms that vaccines are perfectly safe."
Full Movie
Cell Phone Dangers | Dr. Devra Davis @ National Institute of Enviro... - Dr. Davis talks about the dangers of cell phone use and the evidence supporting her conclusions.
DENTAL PROCEDURES - Links between root canals, mercury amalgams and disease
ppnf.org - Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
The Price-Pottenger Story - Trailer
Dr. Hal Huggins DDS, MS
Dental Decay - (Article) Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS discusses Dr. Ralph Steinman’s findings on the origin of dental decay. "What root canal work does to health is common among most dental works. That commonality is blood stasis. In the living tooth, a tooth whose root canal system is in tact, stasis locally begins when the outward flow of lymph from this system is inhibited. An instance of misdirected, or reversed, flow is when sugar is consumed. This reversal is temporary, however, provided the flow was fine before sugar consumption. The longer something adverse to this flow is in the mouth, the worse the flow is. When this flow is normal, it cleans teeth by removing toxins and bad and dead bacteria, and it replenishes teeth. Signs of abnormal or reversed flow are discoloration, infection, decay and pain. Ralph R. Steinman, DDS, discovered this flow in the 1950s. A pamphlet of this work of his is at www.hugginsappliedhealing.com. Also reconsider those cleaning agents, tooth whiteners and lumineers. They work against this flow. A-B--B-A"
Dr. Hal Huggins - 1996 Tesla Symposium
“Informed Consent: It's Against the Law by Dr. Hal Huggins Yes, in the State of Colorado it is against the law for you to be involved in the decision (or even request) that dental toxic mercury, nickle, or copper be removed from your mouth. Who owns your body? The State! In this program Dr. Huggins will reveal many of the reasons behind his battle with the American Dental Association and the State Board. Now he has no fear of reprisal and can tell which dental products are involved in Leukemia, Multiple Sclerosis, Breast Cancer, and Alzheimer's.”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Diagnosis and Treatment of Cavitational Osteonecrosis - “This is a video that Kerrie and I made for Susan Stockton that is extremely insightful. It explains the common but largely unknown condition called Cavitational Osteonecrosis of the jawbone, and it's widespread ramifications that manifest as facial pain, but can also manifest symptoms anywhere in the body. Cavitations are caused primarily from ischemia from root canal treatment, improper extractions, and other trauma. Dr. Wes Shankland, facial pain expert, explains the history, as well as the diagnosis and surgical treatment of this condition of necrotic bone.” (A-B-B-A warns about not allowing the use of fillers.)
The Dental Connection - Suzin Stockton, M.A.
“This DVD deals with the role of jawbone cavitations in disease causation.”
Part 1
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Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
healthcarealternatives.net - (Click on “Videotapes” link on Suzin Stockton's website to purchase two videos under “Hidden Dental Pathology, Systemic Disease and Detoxification Seminar” .
- “Michael Margolis, DDS - The Holistic Dental Practice”
- “Wesley E. Shankland, II, DDS, PhD - Diagnosis & Treatment of Osteo-cavitations”
Dental Cavitations
“Video examining the long-term consequences of tooth extraction sites which can form cavities within the jawbone leaching toxins and causing a variety of chronic health consequences. From the dentist, naturopath and author of Chronic Fatigue, ME and Fibromyalgia: The Natural Recovery Plan, Dr Alison Adams.”
Part 1
Part 2
Root Canals, Cavitations & Other Oral Obstacles to Optimal Health
“Could your mouth be interfering with your health?
Two common sources of infection that biological dentists are especially concerned with are root canal teeth and cavitations. These and other oral blocks to systemic health are clearly explained in this presentation by naturopath Dr. Dawn Ewing, author of "Let the Tooth Be Known," an intro to biological dentistry and the tooth-body connection for the general public.”
Part 1 - “Part One covers tooth anatomy and physiology, root canals and their drawbacks.”
Part 2 - “Part Two explains why a root canal filling can't be considered sound biological therapy even if lasers and ozone are used. It also introduces the concept of focal infection and the importance of removing the periodontal ligament from the bone when a tooth is extracted to avoid cavitation formation.”
Part 3 - “Part Three offers more info about cavitations and oral foci, as well as problems with dental implants.”
IAOMT.org - International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology
Dr. Gerald Smith discusses the Dental/Whole Body Connection - IAOMT 2010 conference in Galloway
Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas - (Short version) “The dramatic video titled Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas has had a tremendous impact on both the public and professional audiences. The full version plays 40 minutes with interviews of experts in the fields of mercury toxicology, environmental medicine, politics and dentistry. It is available from the IAOMT for $14.95 + $4 shipping.”
Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Brian Clement on Infrared Saunas and Detoxification
“Dr. Mercola and Dr. Brian Clement, Medical Director at the Hippocrates Health Clinic discuss protocols for detoxification and its benefits.”
Mercola article summarizing interview
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Part 6
Dr. Yu's Detoxification Protocol - "Featuring Dr. George Yu, MD and David Wolfe LIVE at the Longevity Now® Conference 2011"
Best Detox Ever: Niacin, Exercise, Infrared Sauna - “Dr. Mercola presents the most effective whole body Detox of heavy metals, toxins, and impurities at David Wolfe's Longevity Now Conference in Costa Mesa, CA , October 2010.“ He discusses how he learned this information from Dr. Yu.
Dr. Mercola and Steve Benda Discuss Saunas
“Dr. Joseph Mercola and Steve Benda discuss saunas and its health benefits.”
This Daily Habit Can Burn Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals Out of Y... - Mercola article summarizing interview
Full interview
Note: Look for organic broken-cell wall chlorella.
Health Benefits of Chlorella
"Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses detoxification and chlorella." He talks about Dr. Yu's detoxification protocol in the first half of the video.
Mercola article summarizing video
Dr. Mercola Interviews Ginny Bank on Chlorella
"Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ginny Bank talk about the many health benefits of chlorella and how it can be used in heavy metal detoxing."
Mercola article summarizing interview
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Cancer - The Forbidden Cures - “In the last 100 years dozens of doctors, scientists and researchers have come up with the most diverse, apparently effective solutions against cancer, but none of these was ever taken into serious consideration by official medicine. Most of them were in fact rejected out-front, even though healings were claimed in the thousands, their proposers often being labeled as charlatans, ostracized by the medical community and ultimately forced to leave the country. At the same time more than 20,000 people die of cancer every day, without official medicine being able to offer a true sense of hope to those affected by it.” (Source)
Candida, Yeast and Fungus and Cancer - The Cure - “Tullio Simoncini, M.D. discovered the cause of cancer. Watch this interview with Doug Kaufmann as Dr. Simoncini shares information about Fungus/Yeast and Cancer."
Leaf - "Leaf introduces Dr. William Courtney and Kristen Courtney of Cannabis International; along with the people involved in researching, promoting, regulating and benefiting from raw cannabis. Dr. Courtney is a physician and researcher from Mendocino, California, who gives medical marijuana approvals to qualified patients in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties. Kristen Peskuski is a researcher and patient who put her systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, interstitial cystitis, and numerous other conditions into remission juicing fresh cannabis."
Food Matters - Trailer - "Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food." -- Hippocrates
That's the message from the founding father of modern medicine echoed in the controversial new documentary film 'Food Matters' from first-time Producer-Directors James Colqhuoun and Laurentine ten Bosch. And in what promises to be the most contentious idea put forward, the filmmakers have interviewed several world leaders in nutrition and natural healing who claim that not only are we harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to treat chronic illnesses as fatal as terminally diagnosed cancer.”
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Great post James, wonderful resources. I go to a place beyond anger when I think of how greedy corporations bury healthy, natural solutions to our health.
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