I have found that growing your own food is a marvelous way to resist the NWO for many reasons. One being that you are in complete control.... you can choose how to grow, and then you obviously know where your food is coming from, unlike when bought at the grocer. I have been buying organic for almost 5 years, and this is my second year organic gardening! Gardening might as well be my new summer hobby. I'm about 45 minutes south of Chicago which is considered zone five, and before i started doing this.... i knew pretty much nothing about gardening. I'm made countless mistakes.... but it's all about the experience IMO. From that experience, I've come to believe that you can grow food, practically anywhere.... and regardless of the of your yards or apartments size restrictions! Seek, my friends, and you shall find!
I've also heard other movement cats like Jason Bermas say that if he had to garden... he could, but he currently isn't. My only advise to you all is DO NOT WAIT TILL YOU NEED TO GARDEN TO START. I'm convinced that by then, it's too late..... and it isn't necessarily an easy task. Plants have needs just like the rest of us, and I feel it's better to be ready with the knowledge then late and sorry.
I figured, since it's the middle of the season.... sharing our 2009 gardening adventures is a fantastic way to get to know and learn from each other.... and perhaps inspire some of the rest. I'd also like to see this forum take off a little.... so here's my nudge! : )
Here's my list of what we are growing this year. We have the greenhouse bed, and one larger bed, maybe half a dozen pots, and two hanging baskets. I've done the cucumbers, cantaloupe, and squash along the fence to save space also. (last year they took over the yard!) : )
cherry tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes
green peppers
bell peppers
red peppers
chili peppers
bush beans
and zucchini squash.
We also heard about
compost tea and have given it a shot. I do it 2 or 3 times a week and use mushroom compost, humus, and fish emulsion, aerating for 24 hours.
Here are some of my pictures. The first two are from about a month ago. We've since then taken the cover off the greenhouse so the veggies don't fry, and practically everything has doubled in size. I will update the photos here again soon! Hope to see some of you chime in and share your growing journey with the rest of us!