Dick Cheney: One Year As a Walking Zombie

Former VP marks anniversary as member of the living dead

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

Prison Planet.com
Monday, August 29, 2011


Although the debate still rages as to whether or not he had a pulse to begin with, torture-approving, wiretap-loving former Vice-President Dick Cheney recently marked one year as a member of the living dead.


In July last year, Cheney had a ventricular assist device implanted in his body which “leaves most recipients without a pulse because it pushes blood continuously instead of mimicking the heart’s own pulsatile beat.”


During an interview aired this morning on MSNBC, Cheney frightened reporter with his ‘Dawn of the Dead’ style antics, removing the battery from his heart pump before it started beeping.


Cheney has survived as a zombie long enough to finalize and promote his new memoir, My Time, in which he unapologetically re-affirms his support for torture, the invasion of Iraq, and warrantless wiretapping.


The former VP’s arrogance has not lessened with age or ill health. The book fails to even admit a single “mistake” in the prosecution of the Iraq war, which still remains unfinished over eight years later and was based on a cocktail of lies and deceit.

“Five hundred and sixty five pages and a simple apology would have been in order in some of them,” writes conservative columnist George Will. “Which is to say, the great fact of those eight years is we went to war—big war, costly war—under false pretenses. And…to write a memoir in which you say essentially nothing seriously went wrong…if I wrote a memoir of my last week, I would have things to apologize for.”


The book has also provided neo-cons with yet another opportunity to make absolute morons out of themselves by still clinging to the fable that the invasion of Iraq was based on some noble necessity and that the justification for it just got muddled in the process.


“The notion that Cheney owes us an apology is interesting,” writes James Joyner. “It depends entirely on whether the Bush administration took us to war knowing Saddam did not have a nuclear weapons program or simply downplayed evidence casting doubt in order to make the case for war they genuinely believed was necessary.”


Joyner fails to mention the fact that Cheney and Bush considered deliberately faking a pretext on which to launch the war after the WMD hoax began to crumble. As the Downing Street Memo revealed, the Bush administration discussed staging a provocation by painting a US spy plane in UN colors and flying it over Iraq, in the hope that Saddam Hussein would order it shot down.

A picture of Cheney’s ventricular assist device can be viewed below. Rumors that his diet now solely consists of human brains have yet to be confirmed.

Dick Cheney: One Year As a Walking Zombie 500x vadnyt


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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Why I won't read Dick Cheney's book

The man's a liar, a killer, a shill for the rich and assorted other unsavory things.

Former Powell Chief of Staff: Cheney "Fears Being Tried as a War Cr...

"He's developed an angst and almost a protective cover, and now he fears being tried as a war criminal so he uses such terminology as 'exploding heads all over Washington' because that's the way someone who's decided he's not going to be prosecuted acts: boldly, let's get out in front of everybody, let's act like we are not concerned and so forth when in fact they are covering up their own fear that somebody will Pinochet him," Wilkerson said alluding to the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, who was arrested for war crimes.

I would not spend a penny on it, nor would I read his lies, but here's the part that gets me -- the lying media pundits and his neocon cronies will buy enough copies to elevate it to the best seller list. But in the end ... Dick really is a "dick."

Dick Cheney Recovers From Heart Transplant 24 Mar 2012 Former US Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney has had a heart transplant and is recovering in hospital. The 71-year-old, who was a controversial figure in the George W Bush administration, has had a long history of heart trouble. His spokeswoman said he was in the intensive care unit of Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, after surgery.

So when his lungs go do we get Darth Cheney with a James Earl Jones voice?

You don't know the power of the dark side!

The battery is ok -Plug Cheney into the wall at night -Lites out Cheney plays up to 8 hours all music-To turn him off -Pull the plug- see very simple instructions. which are written in Swahili

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WHAT? CHENEY had a change of Heart? If he got a Heart from a younger person i can see Cheney wanting to listen to Rap music instead of Bing Crosby.See The depopulation Program doesnt work for Cheney.I heard he got a heart from a Gay guy -so that is gonna make him Happy Happy- er sorry folks i know that Anal k?

Former Vice President Dick Cheney

Former Vice President Dick Cheney cancels an April 24 appearance at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto. (J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press)

Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney was making headlines Tuesday after canceling an appearance in Toronto, reportedly citing safety concerns.

"Dick Cheney cancels Toronto trip, says Canada is too dangerous," bleated the headline in the National Post, which made the story a featured headline pick Tuesday on its homepage at www.nationalpost.com.


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