Twitter is selling old tweets you thought had vanished

Twitter has made a deal with a company called Datasift that gives the firm access to people's tweets going back 24 months. (Regular users can only view a few days of their past tweets.) According to a Daily Mail report, Datasift will allow its partners to wade through the flood of tweets for insights trends as they relate to everything from brands and business to public opinion and finances. Good to know all those dusty tweets about Rebecca Black, the Casey Anthony trial and the Oct. 21, 2011 raptureare being put to good use.

Twitter opens old posts for sale If you thought your old (embarrassing, awkward and regrettable) posts on social networking site Twitter had vanished or were out of reach for anyone, ...

What you should know about Twitter's data sales

(REUTERS) - Twitter users are about to become major marketing fodder, as two research companies get set to release information to clients who will pay for the privilege of mining the data.

Boulder, Colorado-based Gnip Inc and DataSift Inc, based in the U.K. and San Francisco, are licensed by Twitter to analyze archived tweets and basic information about users, like geographic location. DataSift announced this week that it will release Twitter data in packages that will encompass the last two years of activity for its customers to mine, while Gnip can go back only 30 days.

"Harvesting what someone said a year or more ago is game-changing," said Paul Stephens, director of policy and advocacy for the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse in San Diego. As details emerge on the kind of information being mined, he and other privacy rights experts are concerned about the implications of user information being released to businesses waiting to pore through it with a fine-tooth comb.

"As we see Twitter grow and social media evolve, this will become a bigger and bigger issue,"
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THIS is why We need to get rid of the need for money.  Well...  Just one example in a VERY long list!

How do We do that?  Money is merely representing meaningful energy expended in an energy-scarce society.  Add abundant energy and the need for money dissipates.  Where can We get abundant energy?  From the universe:  scientists will say, the universe is mostly made of "dark" energy, and We CAN extract usable energy.  But the Ones who rely on money for Their power over Others have hidden and suppressed all overunity ("free energy") methods for the very reason that money will not have any power.

Sign a petition to release one method They have hidden for over 50 years:

Thank You, and pass this on to everyOne You know.  If We can raise awareness to the tipping point, We can demand this technology!


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