Aliens Are Demons: The Coming FAKE "Alien" Invasion

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They play the part of aliens since if they showed themselves as demons its not what Satan wants his biggest ploy is to make people think he does not exists. So he makes his minions be Aliens since its an easier way to cause deception.
undeadteck said:
Sir you are 100 % right in saying aliens are demons .

Its all an illusion since there are no Aliens , demons exist but this when it happens is Project Bluebeam
KLC said:
classic disinfo...hellywood would just love for you to believe all aliens are demons... you have no idea how wrong you are.
What KLC said.

A great deception is on its way and its all an illusion with fake aliens and its been in the works for over 50 years.
Mizzy said:
What KLC said.
Well, if it is not infinite love, then, it is an illusion. So we are living in an illusionl

Well I was talking about the fake Alien invasion being part of Bluebeam being an Illusion but because of the Illuminati we are living in a Matrix. They control just about everything and we were not suppose to live the way we are. This is all an Illusion its like we are in a box.
Mizzy said:
Well, if it is not infinite love, then, it is an illusion. So we are living in an illusionl
BEAM ME UP SCOTTY........well seems to me, that since the advent of RADIO AND TELEVISION, along with PRINT and CINEMA, we have been programmed to fear "aliens". Ronald "Ray-gun" would have had us all unite in fear of them. The military would have us scared to death of them also and claim them a threat to "thier" national security. (control) So, if the government, along with the media want so desparetly for us to fear these "aliens", could it be it is for THIER benefit we should fall for thier "programming"? What if the "angels' appeared in craft like ezeikels, in mass...worldwide...would we, or should we base our reaction simply on the "fear" factor? Do you really trust our government and msm to tell you the truth? Would it not be more logical not to PRE-JUDGE anyone, or any "aliens", until such an event actually occurs? What if just maybe, they are not demons, and from our creator...but wait a momment...did not God create all? So...are we to judge before any real facts are known. Religion also would have us fear God himself...fear our own creator...well I chose not to live in fear...and not to be swayed by dogma from any source. If there are "aliens", or "angels", or "demons", then I must beleive there are both good and bad ones. Remember there was a war in space? Remember Ezekiel and drawings of ships all down through mankind on earth? Keep and open mind, and do test the spirits, so to speak, but I will hold off my judgement, and wait to see the "fruits", and then decide. Will not the Illuminati and the dark one's want us to fear, and rise up against them if "they" are here to do good.....this is what they have programmed us for all please beam me up now Scotty.....

Yes the Illuminati wants us to fear them and their forces but if we wake up all of us in masses then that is what they fear the most since they represent about 2 percent of the population and we are the rest so then we could over take them. We waking up is their biggest fear. brokensheep said:
BEAM ME UP SCOTTY........well seems to me, that since the advent of RADIO AND TELEVISION, along with PRINT and CINEMA, we have been programmed to fear "aliens". Ronald "Ray-gun" would have had us all unite in fear of them. The military would have us scared to death of them also and claim them a threat to "thier" national security. (control) So, if the government, along with the media want so desparetly for us to fear these "aliens", could it be it is for THIER benefit we should fall for thier "programming"? What if the "angels' appeared in craft like ezeikels, in mass...worldwide...would we, or should we base our reaction simply on the "fear" factor? Do you really trust our government and msm to tell you the truth? Would it not be more logical not to PRE-JUDGE anyone, or any "aliens", until such an event actually occurs? What if just maybe, they are not demons, and from our creator...but wait a momment...did not God create all? So...are we to judge before any real facts are known. Religion also would have us fear God himself...fear our own creator...well I chose not to live in fear...and not to be swayed by dogma from any source. If there are "aliens", or "angels", or "demons", then I must beleive there are both good and bad ones. Remember there was a war in space? Remember Ezekiel and drawings of ships all down through mankind on earth? Keep and open mind, and do test the spirits, so to speak, but I will hold off my judgement, and wait to see the "fruits", and then decide. Will not the Illuminati and the dark one's want us to fear, and rise up against them if "they" are here to do good.....this is what they have programmed us for all please beam me up now Scotty.....
You are all wrong - they are Stay Puft marshmallow men.

Marklar said:
You are all wrong - they are Stay Puft marshmallow men.

Well said Broken, I'd have to agree with you. How can we speculate and claim to know the truth about ufos/aliens or anything else for that matter when we are spoon fed fear of the unknown by the many institutions that go out of their way to mold our perceptions? Whatever the media, movies, TV says we should think or feel, more times than not we should think and feel the exact opposite.

brokensheep said:
BEAM ME UP SCOTTY........well seems to me, that since the advent of RADIO AND TELEVISION, along with PRINT and CINEMA, we have been programmed to fear "aliens". Ronald "Ray-gun" would have had us all unite in fear of them. The military would have us scared to death of them also and claim them a threat to "thier" national security. (control) So, if the government, along with the media want so desparetly for us to fear these "aliens", could it be it is for THIER benefit we should fall for thier "programming"? What if the "angels' appeared in craft like ezeikels, in mass...worldwide...would we, or should we base our reaction simply on the "fear" factor? Do you really trust our government and msm to tell you the truth? Would it not be more logical not to PRE-JUDGE anyone, or any "aliens", until such an event actually occurs? What if just maybe, they are not demons, and from our creator...but wait a momment...did not God create all? So...are we to judge before any real facts are known. Religion also would have us fear God himself...fear our own creator...well I chose not to live in fear...and not to be swayed by dogma from any source. If there are "aliens", or "angels", or "demons", then I must beleive there are both good and bad ones. Remember there was a war in space? Remember Ezekiel and drawings of ships all down through mankind on earth? Keep and open mind, and do test the spirits, so to speak, but I will hold off my judgement, and wait to see the "fruits", and then decide. Will not the Illuminati and the dark one's want us to fear, and rise up against them if "they" are here to do good.....this is what they have programmed us for all please beam me up now Scotty.....
This is prolly why they haven't come and said hello, I can only imagine someone running at them with holy water yelling demon! demon! messing up their clothes. Earth what a vacation spot, if you can avoid the jet fighters, autopsy tables and indigenous peoples in general.

We're not the only life, I'll bet theirs sentient life within 1000 light years.


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