****BREAKING NEWS**** Everyone in the Gulf near the gulf esp. read!!!

James here,


Note: coast to coast is on am channel its different for everyone globally but its on at night time and they talk about conspiracies, ufos, ghosts etc. i dont know what radio channel it is for anyone reading it i give you this information so you could appropiate it to your correct channel. for me its on am 600 from 10pm to 2am california time


On coast to coast w/ george noory last night a special guest with direct accest to B.P. documentation found out and exploited a lot of things. The most important of them all is the release of 3 lethal toxins from this speciality oil that is spewing in the gulf. the oil is not regular oil but a special kind that russian scientist found in the 50's and now B.P. has spilled everywhere.


According to this scientist guest he was able to find out that the U.S. goverment didn't purposely cause this (although a lot of speculation w/in conspiracy circles) however there is blame on the U.S. goveremnt knowing allowing the 3 lethal toxins to be airborne and not release a evacuation, or tell the public.


The three toxins are i think i got this right 1) sodium phosphate 2) chlorobenzene 3) hydrogen sulfide, these chemicals that are carcinogen are in mass doses all over the coast line of the Gulf. The U.S. goveremnt is not telling the people.


Anyone living in the proximity of the coast get the hell oiut of there its cancerous! The goverment doesnt care about us but i do thats why i tell you all in the area get out now!


The other things they are planning is using a nuclear bomb, they will be doing this within the next couple months speculative. The other things are that they got their paws on a new oil that lasts longer and has other special qualities than regular crude oil. the guest also said there is 4 known oils which the goverment only let us know about 2. now we know of 3 including the oil in ther gulf.

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please help in getting this info out thanks friend
Restore America Plan is taking action against the Crown and BP. Everyone needs to hear about it so the Hague Courts (World Court) cannot ignore it.
ok good spread the word

outlaw said:
Restore America Plan is taking action against the Crown and BP. Everyone needs to hear about it so the Hague Courts (World Court) cannot ignore it.
I most certainly will. Thanks for the info.

james said:
ok good spread the word

outlaw said:
Restore America Plan is taking action against the Crown and BP. Everyone needs to hear about it so the Hague Courts (World Court) cannot ignore it.
right i know that, it didnt tell its citzens to leave the area though

Lauren Henry said:
I can confirm the FAA issued a NOTAM over the gulf. You can try to click the FAA link but it won't work.


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