China's "J-20" Stealth Fighter Jet: I've Never Seen American Planes Do These Things!

At an air show in China Saturday, the Chinese Air Force displayed their J-20 Stealth Fighter Jet capabilities.   I've never seen an American fighter Jet be able to do some of these maneuvers!  Utterly amazing.

I certainly have seen U.S. fighter jets be able to vertically "hover" with their nose pointed straight up, but I have never seen the reversal of direction in flight that these Chinese jets perform.  It shocked me as to the skill of the pilots, AND as to the maneuverability of the jets.

I kept waiting to see one of them just fall out of the sky with the maneuvers they were doing, but that didn't happen.

Maybe we've been out-classed by China?????

Maybe we shouldn't be picking a fight with them over Taiwan?

Maybe we're not as good as we think we are?

Video here:    Hal Turner Radio Show - China's "J-20" Stealth Fighter Jet: I've Ne...

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Just like in the case of Russian military industry, no overcharging leaves money for research and development which is not the case in the US military industrial complex. Greed has taken the air out of that bubble. 

The US/NATO is too busy interfering in everybody else's business to focus on research and development or have funds left over for R&D.

First thing in woke military briefing before engament is to report the pronouns, only then the troops know that they can fight instersectionally fulfilled. And the jets-...

F-35 fiasco

The sorry state of the modern woke US military. No wonder they seek to use other nations to fight their wars, or actually the cabal's.

NATO is counting on the allies' armies as the future cannon fodder. Waging war with other nations soldiers is almost as good as Mossad's "By deception we wage war".


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