Collectivists attack Gadsden Flag, quintessential symbol of American liberty. Veterans sue New Rochelle, NY over flag ban

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Collectivists attack the quintessential symbol of American liberty. Veterans sue New Rochelle, New York over flag ban

The New Rochelle City Council acted on complaints that the so-calle...
"So-called Gadsden Flag"????" "So-called?!?" This moke is either totally ignorant of our own history or deliberately seeks to discredit and expunge it. The thing to remember is that collectivists always attack the symbols of the systems they seek to undermine. The Nazis banned music, imprisoned and tortured conquered peoples for singing their old national anthems, summarily executed French boys caught painting the Cross of Lorraine on walls and even arrested Dutch Citizens for wearing the color orange, the symbol of the Dutch royal family in exile. The war on the Gadsden Flag, the symbol of free Americans since 1775, is no accident. Collectivists want it flushed down the memory hole. If they could burn them all, they would.
Ironically, New Rochelle was settled by refugee French Huguenots in 1688 who were fleeing persecution such as the Dronnade. Many of the settlers were artisans and craftsmen from the city of La Rochelle, France, and so named the town "New Rochelle." Wikipedia reports:
In 1775, General George Washington stopped in New Rochelle on his way to assume command of the Army of the United Colonies in Massachusetts. The British Army briefly occupied sections of New Rochelle and Larchmont in 1776. Following British victory in the Battle of White Plains, New Rochelle became part of a "Neutral Ground" for General Washington to regroup his troops. After the Revolutionary War ended in 1784, patriot Thomas Paine was given a farm in New Rochelle for his service to the cause of independence. The farm, totaling about 300 acres (1.2 km2), had been confiscated from its owners by state of New York due to their Tory activities.
One wonders what the Revolutionary War generation would think of this move. It is no accident that Mayor Noam Bramson is a Democrat. No doubt he flies his own Obama flag sticker from his car bumper. Collectivists always seek to impose their own symbols upon their subject populations. That is what this is all about -- the eternal war between the collective borg and individual liberty. Experts Discuss Banning of Historic Gadsden Flag

Earlier this month ABC News released a story about a town in New York banning the Gadsden Flag due to it being a "symbol" of the Tea Party. Experts from a flag company with more than 38 years in the flag business discusses the history of the Gadsden and how it is not a symbol of any political party.

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The modern Gadsden Flag.

The modern Gadsden Flag.

“The original flag was designed to show Great Britain that the American Colonies would no longer accept “being walked all over”, said president Kerry McCoy.

Little Rock, Ark (PRWEB) April 30, 2013

Earlier this month, the United Veterans Memorial and Patriotic Association in New Rochelle, New York were told they could not fly the Gadsden flag because it was seen as an “offensive” Tea Party symbol. The Gadsden flag is the bright yellow “Don’t Tread On Me” flag that has been seen most recently at Boston Marathon bombing memorials. The Gadsden flag ironically represents freewill against oppression.

The Gadsden is not a symbol of the Tea Party or any other political group. While the Tea Party group does use the Gadsden flag at rallies and political events, it is not their symbol. The Gadsden has been in use since the Revolutionary war. The Navy and Marine Corps first used it in 1775. Ships on the sea at a distance could easily see the bright yellow color.

“The original flag was designed to show Great Britain that the American Colonies would no longer accept “being walked all over”, said president Kerry McCoy. “The colonists were angry about taxation and the very idea that a King who had never stepped foot on American soil could control their fate.”

The Gadsden flag has been used throughout American history as a symbol against oppression or in the last few decades, as a symbol to show the world that the American people will not be cowed by terrorism. Labeling the flag as a certain political parties’ flag would be an incorrect assumption.

The human race has used flags for more than 4,000 years according to researchers. The first flags were made of metal and then about 2000 years ago, fabric was added as decoration and then continued to evolve to the flags we know of today.

In medieval times, knights carried flags into battle so that the soldiers could tell friend from foe during the confusion of battle. Likewise, modern soldiers have flags sewn on their uniforms for easy identification during battle.

Today, every nation in the world has their own flag, with symbols or colors representing their nation. The American flag for example has 13 stripes to represent the original 13 colonies and 50 stars to represent the 50 states.

In America, every state has their own flag and many groups and corporations also have their own flags. The Olympic flag is a good example of a group using symbols as representation of their goals. The Olympic flag has 5 rings that represent the coming together of people from five continents in friendly competition.

Flags can represent many things at once including messages, identification, or just used for beautification. One flag may represent many different things to different people and one flag may have many different styles or uses.

In fact, the Gadsden flag itself has several more connotations from history, the snake against a white field, or a red and white striped field. You can see examples at

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Just saw a new a neighbor flying the flag, gonna have to go meet them here soon.

The Gadsden flag is a historical American flag with a yellow field depicting a snake coiled and ready to strike. Positioned below the snake are the words "Dont tread on me". The flag was designed by and is named after American general and statesman Christopher Gadsden. I

The flag could become a symbol of resistance all over the world. Nowadays, the abuse system is everywhere.

LP, the Gadsden flag already IS a symbol of the resistance outside the US among the awakened ;)

Very good. I like that.


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