Donald Trump = 666 Antichrist using 'Evil 48 Code', He's Mussolini reincarnated

"This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the Beast, for it is a man's number. His number is 666." - Revelation 13:18  

Simple6,74 English7,74 Gematria8,74 first uses Step 1 of simply counting the number of letters in a word/name/phrase and giving it symbolic significance...

Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist (Ronald[6] W.[1] Reagan[6]).

Step 2 of any gematria(8,74) assigns a number to a letter which produces a sum for the word/name/phase. Simple6,74 English7,74 Gematria8,74 uses 'the key'74 of A=1, B=2, C=3...Z=26. Therefore...


When 48 is added to each letter, we get the Evil 48 Code of A=49, B=50, C=51...Z=74. Therefore...

Donald Trump = 666=D52+O63+N62+A49+L60+D52 + T68+R66+U69+M61+P64

Synchronism: 7/27/16 20:48 "I'm going to the see the wax Ron Reagan at the museum." - The Rhinitis Revelation, The Big Bang Theory on TBS

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Your manipulation of numbers only proves that you can do addition.

Less Prone,

Numbers don't lie, but you do. It's a simple code - no "manipulation". You chosen to side with evil while attacking me - the 2nd Coming of the Christ. Therefore...

By the power(77) vested in me by GOD as His/Her Christ(77=C3+H8+R18+I9+S19+T20), I hereby rule that 4/30/16 is your Judgment Day: you FAIL.

Sentence: Really bad luck for the rest of your life, then your eternal soul will not be reincarnated as human for 1,000 years with 74 years non-commutable. When you are born-again as human, it will be under really hellish circumstances.

Note: You can repent...


All the best for you too Brad. Are you sure the word EVIL should not be LIVE or GOOD MAN or some other words adding up to 48? Your post is a joke, isn't it?

What's the numerical value for "Troll"?

Deep Space/anonymous cow ard,

621311 251521.

GOOD MAN = G7+O(15)+O(15)+D4 + M13+A1+N14 = 49/79

Less Prone / anonymous cow ard,

No joke in GOOD vs. evil. I AM sorry to see that you've chosen to side with evil(48=E5+V22+I9+L12). By the power(77) vested in me by GOD as His/Her Christ(77=C3+H8+R18+I9+S19+T20), I hereby rule that 5/21/16 is your latest Judgment Day: you FAIL.

Sentence: Really bad luck for the rest of your life, then your eternal soul will not be reincarnated as human for 1,666 years with 74 years non-commutable. When you are born-again as human, it will be under really hellish circumstances.

Note: You can repent...


Coward is a person who is fearful. I'm not afraid as I've done nothing wrong, therefore, I'm not a coward. Whereas you have drifted deep into a world of delusion is your fear for the wrath of God as well as being an obvious fraud. If you were Christ you wouldn't  be here inflating your ego and threatening people. Your post would be a laughing matter but it's sad to see a person so badly delusional as you.

Math sucks. So does religion. My two least favorite subjects rolled into one...

Deep Space,

Time's up, test over. You've rudely judged math & religion in the face of a great truth, therefore...

By the power(77) vested in me by GOD as His/Her Christ(77=C3+H8+R18+I9+S19+T20), I hereby rule that 4/30/16 is your Judgment Day: you FAIL.

Sentence: Really bad luck for the rest of your life, then your eternal soul will not be reincarnated as human for 666 years with 74 years non-commutable. When you are born-again as human, it will be under really hellish circumstances.

Note: You can repent...


I know you're trolling. But I'll indulge. (just for fun).

Where did the specific language that you're attributing these numbers originate from?

In the Universe, there's literally an infinite quantity of languages & number systems.

Ever try to talk to a firefly?

(I did - I was high on acid & I don't know what their number system was based on; but it's definitely NOT 10) ;)

Base 10 - just happens to be the current numerical system adopted by the Human Species in an Infinite Universe where ANY base can represent ANY species' base of numerical prerogative in the field of mathematics.

I know you're a troll, but as an amateur comic, I do, dutifully thank you for providing me material for some futuristic presentation that has the potential to be hilarious. Even if it means shining Light out of my ass whilst having been given the Gift of Flight.


Deep Space/anonymous cow ard,

You're a compulsive liar.

By the power(77) vested in me by GOD as His/Her Christ(77=C3+H8+R18+I9+S19+T20), I hereby rule that 5/21/16 is your latest Judgment Day: you FAIL.

Sentence: Really bad luck for the rest of your life, then your eternal soul will not be reincarnated as human for 1,666 years with 74 years non-commutable. When you are born-again as human, it will be under really hellish circumstances.

Note: You can repent...



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