New Un-certified, "experimental" Software Put On Ohio Voting Machines
“Before you add new software, you need approval of a state board,” says Arnebeck. “They are installing an uncertified, suspect software patch that interfaces between the county’s vote tabulation equipment and state tabulators.”

Obama Ends Campaign in Half-Empty Arena


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No Confidence Party

"58 percent of eligible US voters boycott presidential election"

The Circus comes to town today!!!!!!!

I'm trying to get this idea across: We don't have to take what they are throwing at us, we can change it!
The concept is doing a 'flash-mob action', namely writing in Ron Paul (Pres) & Jesse Ventura (VP).
If we can get this out at the last minute, perhaps they won't be able to stop the action.
Jim Compton has provided the means to make sure that it will count.  And I've found support all over the web, all included in the links.
Also, I spoke to Bev Harris and she thinks it might/could actually WORK! Could you help me get the message out? Check my logic, I think it is sound.
It is for a good cause, & even if you don't totally agree with everything, isn't it worth it to try?  Thank you in advance for your response,

RE:  Awakening People,

I did a 3 part series. The third one is the one I JUST wrote and want to get out everywhere ASAP.
#1 Sets up the condemnation of the status quo with links to support every assertion.
#2 Lays out the dilemma and the scope of our unmet needs.
#3 Lays out what I can see as the ONLY viable 'solution' we may have, and why.
I hope this line of reasoning will resonate with you and whomever you can send it to.
Thank you,

Ron Retired, Jesse's undecided til 2016 ;)

Six States To Decide On Marijuana Measures

Six States To Decide On Marijuana Measures

Millions of voters will decide on Election Day in favor of ballot measures to legalize and regulate the use of cannabis by adults. Voters in three states — Colorado, Oregon, and Washington — will decide on statewide ballot measures to legalize the possession and distribution of cannabis for those over 21 years of age. Voters in three additional states — Arkansas, Massachusetts, and Montana — will decide on measures to allow for the therapeutic use of cannabis by patients with qualifying ailments. In Michigan, voters in four cities – totaling over a million people – will decide on municipal measures to legalize or depenalize the adult use of cannabis.

I bet the suicide rate gets a healthy spike today...

this is what you can look forward to if Obama wins...

GOP poll inspectors being forcibly removed -- replaced by Democrats


Philly GOP: Poll inspectors being ousted for Dems

Court-appointed Republican poll inspectors are being forcibly removed from voting stations in some Philadelphia wards and replaced in some cases by Democratic inspectors and even members of the Black Panthers, according to GOP officials.

Secrets just received this memo from GOP officials:

The Philadelphia GOP is reporting that court appointed Minority (read GOP) Inspectors are being thrown out of polling locations in several Wards.

These Inspectors are election officials - again, court appointed -- and are reportedly being thrown out by the Head Judges of Elections (these Judges are elected Democrats) and being replaced by Democrats.

This has happened at the following locations:

Ward 32, Div 13

Ward 43, Div 14

Ward 56, Div 1

Ward 56, Div 22

Ward 32, Div 28

Ward 32, Div 28

Ward 12, Div 17

Ward 39, Div 1

Ward 24, Div 9

Ward 18, Div 25

Ward 43, Div 14

Ward 29, Div 18

Ward 65, Div 19

Ward 20, Div 1

Ward 6, Div 11

Another official told Secrets: "one of our female inspectors was physically thrown out."

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney decided at the last minute to make stops in Pennsylvania, believing that the race there was close enough that he could win.



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