Feds fail to catch 117,000 collecting both disability, unemployment

The government is letting people double dip into jobless and disability benefits, costing taxpayers $850 million

As many as 117,000 Americans simultaneously collect unemployment benefits and federal disability each year, a form of double-dipping that investigators say costs taxpayers $850 million annually and should be ended.

The reason for the double-spending, investigators at the Government Accountability Officereported this week, is good old-fashioned lack of communication.

Put simply, the Labor Department that funds unemployment benefits and the Social Security Administration that funds disability payments don't compare notes, leavings tens of thousands of Americans each month to collect two checks from a stretched-thin government treasury.

"The government is replacing a portion of their lost earnings not once, but twice. Reducing or eliminating this overlap and potential improper payments could offer substantial savings," GAO warned.

Those who take advantage can make out quite well. One double-dipper identified by the GAO, for instance, wracked up a handsome $62,000 in 2010 by tapping both programs simultaneously, even though it appears the person also held a job, investigators found. Another received $107,000 in overlapping payments between 2008 and 2011, despite working for construction companies, auditors found.

For their lack of oversight, coordination and communication, the Social Security Administration and Labor Department earn this week's Golden Hammer, a distinction awarded each week by the Washington Guardian to an egregious example of waste, fraud or abuse that hurts taxpayers.

The two agencies told the GAO they agree with the findings and are already talking to each other about how to tighten up their financial ships.

While some instances of double-dipping are allowed by current law, GAO recommends all forms of it should be ended to...REST OF IT

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I know several people who are collecting Social Security disability benefits who are able to work, but don't want to. I know two other that are disabled, but can't get SS disability. They are both white.


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