??? Government Freezes EBT Funds: Orders States to Withhold Transfers to Food Stamp Recipients

FLASHBACK: Food Stamp President Obama Wants You on Food Stamps

Mac Slavo

This weekend America witnessed a limited crash in the computer systems that manage electronic benefit transfers across the country. Within hours of the crash panicked food stamp recipients who were left with no way to feed their families rushed grocery store shelves to obtain everything they could while the system was down.

The outage lasted less than a day, but it proved what many already knew, that America had become a nation so dependent on government subsidies that any glitch in the system could lead to total pandemonium.

But if you thought that isolated incident was bad, imagine what could happen next month.

We say next month because the USDA, which oversees the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), has just issued an order to SNAP agency directors calling for their respective States to implement an emergency contingency program because of government funding issues. In a letter obtained by the Crossroads Urban Center food pantry, the USDA is directing state agencies to, “delay their November issuance files and delay transmission to State Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) vendors until further notice.”

What this means is that should Congress fail to increase the debt ceiling this week, come November there will literally be millions of people in the United States who will have exactly zero dollars transferred to their EBT cards.

What will happen to the nearly 50 million people who depend on these benefits to survive?





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I am neither, stupid nor complicit.  The Middle class in all countries are under a planned assault.  Unregulated immigration of cheap labor, is front one. It dilutes the skilled workforce and reduces the over all labor cost. Higher paid older employees find themselves working at lower pay rates and unable to sustain their properties.  Who ends up with the properties, the government by default using the tax lien and imminent domain laws.  The elimination of the middle class creates the two class system of the privileged and the workers.  The second front is education, water down the education to such a degree that moving above your status is impossible, then regulate higher education beyond the ability of the worker class.  Last disarm any who may revolt, and control their ability to eat and heal. 

You can blame the corporations or the government, but the corporations have no armies, and no ability to regulate trade or laws. They need the professional politician for that, and by taking professional politicians out of the picture the big corporations lose the ability to regulate the masses.

In ancient Rome, the senate was comprised of families who were professional politicians, they had no reason to reduce their status and provide for the commonwealth. Rome fell, Kings of old had family titles and hierarchies, they had no reason to support the common wealth and they fell.  During these times it was punishable by death to posses certain types of weapons if you were of the lower class. Wouldn't want the slaves having the means to fight back now would we.  The founding fathers created a constitution which guaranteed the individual liberties of Americans, and the means to defend them. That is why America is still standing, but unregulated immigration, Common Core, Globalization, and Entitlement mentality are finally turning the American middle class into a dying breed.  In the past decade we have started sliding backwards, that is the liberal agenda.  Eliminate the middle class, business alone can't do it, government alone can't do it, so if we get a hard leash on one dog the other loses as well.

Your both right but term limits alone wont cut it.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a
merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini

The middle class is atypical because it exists as a compromise of the privileged class. In allowing a middle layer of wealth they ensured their own survivability during a time when the wealthy were being thrown out of power. By taxing the activities of the middle class they were able to leach off fortunes and ensure the middle class didn't get too high. But with globalization they are finding the middle class has far too much power and wealth when mobilized, the solution then becomes a concerted effort to lower the bar and consolidate the ownership of property and wealth by taxing them under.  As in the days of old, there will be a merging of the police and the military into a single authority which will have absolute jurisdiction over the populations and law enforcement, trials will be quick, evidence will be staged, and punishment will be brutal. Gangs and drugs will be allowed to maintain solid foot holds in communities to ensure they are constantly unstable. Look to European control of China for a lesson in local destabilization. The gangs and drugs will be managed by business and government, and government protected religious authorities in a quid pro quo to reduce the ability to form local groups or factions of any power, and any who fight back will of course be arrested and punished for breaking various laws. Look at current European cases, where the fighters are arrested for defending themselves and their property, whether they used a weapon or their bare hands to defend themselves, they often get heavier sentences than the career criminals they fought off.  This is a means of weeding out the leaders and fighters in society, Polpot showed how that one works. Lastly when you have no value to the privileged class you will find yourself cast out to die, cut off from the ability to sustain yourself, and I am certain it will be a crime for any to help you. This too has historic precedent. 

History repeats itself and will continue to until humanity makes a conscious effort to break the cycle, and we as a species are once again mid-cycle.

The battle to save the future for all begins with each person, every vote has a consequence that sets an action in motion like dominoes falling. I think the first battle is to get government back on a leash held by the people.



That is the irony, the "liberal agenda" is a tactic invented by Karl Marx, who's centerpiece is utilizing the liberals as useful idiots to propel Marxism forward by presenting the illusion of creating equality.  Trickle up or trickle down makes no difference, as long as everybody feels good.


Sounds about right piers.

This actually could be it. If they take people's food, they will freak out and riot. Martial law follows.

They don't need a false flag nuke and/or bio attack. (or motivated patriots...er I mean terrorists) Dollar collapse is inevitable but also not necessary. Just cut off the food stamps. Why not?


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