Windows 10 is the biggest invasion of privacy in the history of home computers. Knowing this, I resisted and held out as long as I could to my XP until it finally crashed. I was forced to upgrade to a new computer and of course, Windows 10. I do not like a software program that is installed on MY computer restricting my control over certain functions like forcing me to accept their updates. I want to choose when it is updated and what is being installed. These Windows updates are in the gigabyte range anymore and much too frequently. Most of the stuff that is being pumped into my computer is for apps and programs that I don't even use and who knows what else Microsoft is putting in there or extracting in the process. Before long your hard drive is cluttered with useless crap. In addition, They are constantly retrieving your usage data about everything you do on your computer. They even have key loggers that record every keystroke you make. As hard as I tried, I could not shut off all of the trackers, automatic updaters etc. They have intentionally prevented the user from that ability. It was easy on previous versions.
I have good news. I have found a tool that is so simple to use and it is free. I does not require any installation and it gives control of your operating system back to you. It is completely safe. It is such a great tool that I wanted to share it with anyone else that is also tired of having Microsoft acting like they own YOUR computer and do with it whatever they want to. Here is the link and a snapshot of the page.
You are absolutely correct. This tool only addresses the Windows 10 operating system, which is the most violating program they have unleashed as far as privacy is concerned. Intel's corrupt partnership with the NSA/CIA and their built in back door is a hardware issue and one that I currently do not know the solution to. They are so corrupt. It's the whole reason for violation committed against Hawaei because they wouldn't give them access which makes me want a Hawaei phone. XP was the last decent operating system as far as I'm concerned. I held on as long as I could an used it for many years without any anti-virus spyware installed. Every once in a while something would sneak in but with XP it was easy to fish out without having to install any corrupt virus software. I was finally forced to move on when my hard drive crashed so hard I still have not been able to access enough to retrieve my files, which were extensive and not replaceable. (I know I should have backed up, my bad) I haven't given up though. I still have hope that I will find a way. I have Revo pro version for cleaning and I defrag regularly because it keeps things running fast and smooth also. I doubt that it has any effect on the back door because although it is integrated into the main processor, it runs completely independent of it to the point that it even has it's own built in wifi. My system is configured to automatically wipe all internet activity when the browser is closed and I set mine up with the bare minimum processes necessary function properly. Computer security is something I take seriously.
BTW, It didn't crash because of XP, it was a hardware failure.
That's interesting. Mine crashed around Sept/Oct. if I remember correctly.
Winblows 10???..Easier just to avoid that huge piece of shit Malware disguised as an OS, go with 7,'s all I use in the WinBlows category of OS's ...but even better yet....
Yes. I have linux 2016, that's about when Microsoft took over Linux. I use Windows 7 offline for AutoCAD and other programs. Never trust on Microsoft, it's spyware. Google, Faecesbook, Twitter, Instagram etc... spyware.
Microsoft and Canonical partner to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10
Thanks for the heads up on Microsh*t/Linux.
Was an XP devotee until the end as well. Thinking about the version of Linux that is supposed to be so close to XP as to be plagiaraism.
Think of the battle between overlords and the common folk as being between two amoebas. We need to be the more opportunistic / creative of the two sides. It's easy for those of European descent. Improvise - adapt - overcome! The first step in winning is realizing that we CAN win.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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