I have a question for all my brothers and sisters on this site. If we fail to bring down the NWO before it starts. What will we do? How will we bring it down when it is fully here? read more

I have a question for all my brothers and sisters on this site. If we fail. If we fail to bring down the NWO before it starts. What will we do? How will we bring it down when it is fully here? Lets say full martial law is imposed in America and we know that the NWO is here and we have failed to stop it from happening. How will we react? What would be the correct action to take in that moment? I think this is something to think about. In those years when lets say when the NWO has just begun, will be our best chance to take it down. Because If the powers that be control the populace for decades on end, then future humans born into this world will simply think that" this is the way things are." Anyways here is my opinion. The best solution would be to hide at the intial onset of martial law. Why? There will be a centralized effort amoungst the army and police and our paramilitary force blackwater to round people up. It will be nearly impossible for us to mount an onright attack on the NWO. the best tactic would be gureilla warfare. I CALL ALL MEMBERS OF THIS SITE ON THIS DISCUSSION TO DEVELOP A PLAN. For instance, We need a place where we can all meet and know that this place is a safe haven where we can all organize if the NWO strikes. It would be foolish not to. Divided we are weak but together we are strong. Otherwise we are sitting ducks. I hope it never comes to that but being prepared never hurt anyone. I think the area we should consider should be mountainous in order to limit transportation and in order to grant us the abilty to hide in mountains. And also think this area should have lots of trees, considerably overcast, and be near a large body of water preferably the ocean. So maybe the redlands in california? In this area ONCE THINGS DIE DOWN, we can mount attacks through gureilla warfare and systematically free people from camps,try to kill the elites, and wake people up. THIS IS WORSE CASE SCENARIO PEOPLE. BUT I THINK IT WILL BE GOOD FOR THE PEOPLE ON THIS SITE TO AT LEAST DEVELOP AN "EMERGENCY PLAN.  IN THIS SCENARIO MY OPINION IS GUERILLA WARFARE IS THE ONLY WAY. HOW DID THE FOUNDING FATHERS BEAT THE BRITISH WHEN THEY WERE SO FAR OUTNUMBERED? So that is my request, lets get a plan. and maybe type it up?

Thank you for reading, Just thinking

Travis Emmanuel.


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While making initial plans, and securing provisions is a good place to start, when the SHTF each of us will need to make it safely to First Base...a location in a rural area to avoid the initial chaos of the cities. Afterwards however what we will need to endure is beyond human comprehension, for whether you believe in the Creator of the Universe or knot we shall be living in "The End Zone Days...before the return of Messiah Y'Shua aka Jesus of Nazareth to at long last bring true peace to our world.

Many of you already sense that once the NWO hammer is dropped that there simply will never be a return to life as we know it. While Physical Survival for you and your loved ones is our natural instinct, Ultimately your only hope will be your Spiritual Survival and the Holy Scriptures are The Key to Eternity. Messiah Y'Shua teaches us:

"He or she that lives by the sword, dies by the sword."  same goes for automatic rifles...you will run out of bullets, long before the devil runs out of dummies who will be trying to round you up into FEMA camps if not kill you for your stuff outright.


What we all need to understand is that the coming blitzkreig by the New World Odor, is the wrath of Satan who realizes that his time as the invisible ruler of Plan Net Earth is rapidly ending. And that ultimately the Judgment of Yahweh is coming at us like a distant freight train...soon we will need to get off the tracks, and run along side to catch a ride to the Promised Land the Kingdom of Heaven.


Biblical Scholar and Teacher Monte Judah considered these scenario's in his 2009 Article: What Would You Do?


Let’s summarize the answer to the question what would you or should you do if you knew that we were the last generation and the end of the ages was upon us. Let me use my approaching train word picture. The answer is not in trying to stay a step ahead of God’s judgments; that is, you cannot outrun the approaching train and stay just ahead of it with your provisions. Storing up food, water, and ammo will not get it done for you. The right answer is found in getting off the tracks altogether and becoming a passenger on the train. The right answer is about repenting.

Let me explain it this way. The financial system of the world will soon collapse. Having a lot of dollars saved up will just be a huge loss for you. If you have decided to store up the value in gold, that’s good. But then what do you trade it for after money is worthless?

The government will collapse and in desperation abandon its own citizenry by hiding in holes in the ground. Anarchy will prevail. You will be able to trust no one. No one will be safe. Only by banding together in groups will you have a chance and then you will have to deal with alpha male leaders using you for their survival.

Mix all of this with the loss of all public services such telecommunications, electrical power, and water. Then let’s put all food and fuel distribution into serious question. Let’s have the sun send some of those CME’s (coronal mass ejections) our way to take out the power grid and radiate us real good. For good measure let’s throw in some volcanoes and big earthquakes. Oh, let’s have an asteroid hit the earth in a deep impact scenario. Let’s have fresh water be poisoned a little to go with the famine and wide spread disease. Then let’s have war, several of them with nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons being slung around. I’m certain those MRE’s you stored up in your very own little house on the prairie will make you snug as bug. The only problem is that we still have another couple of years of the Great Tribulation and your stockpile is only good for a few more days. Like I said, it is like trying to outrun an approaching train.

There is only one reasonable answer for What would you do? Get out of the way of God’s judgment and get right with God.

If God doesn’t help you to escape, help you to survive, and help you to endure, you won’t make it anyway, there is just too much coming upon the world. It is a time of distress as the world has never seen before. To get the kind of help from God that insures deliverance, you must have a good relationship with God and God has to specifically agree to deliver you in the day of your trouble. He has to agree to pick you up and give you a ride on His train through that judgment.

Riding on the train with the Engineer is a lot different from standing in front of the train as it approaches



I try to get On that now. Thanks for bringing that up

To discuss anything on the web at the moment is stupid....Big Brother is watching and listening to everything that is discussed at this site....Use of VPN's, encryptions..etc, etc...is usless....on the internet...We must find another way to communicate amongst ourselves....The Internet is Censored already....

Luv's ya all....


Fairdinkm, HA! We can talk and discuss all we want to. The trick is -- if we plan to make a major move, don't advertise it and lead the little spookies in the opposite direction at the right time.

There are some excellent suggestions here but just a friendly reminder to review the Terms of Service for this site


Dear brothers and sisters,

Hope this finds you all well.

We want to save ourselves from death, but no one will survive, even in the most ideal places. "From the highest planet in the material world, down to the lowest, all are places of misery, wherein repeated birth and death take place." http://www.asitis.com/8/16.html

Suppose we match the equal amount of concern and effort we spend at trying to save ourselves from the NWO in arranging to create a life for ourselves where we will not again be forced to take birth only to again be forced to die? (Samsara, wheel of repeated birth and death.)

Not only do we lowly masses face this insurmountable problem of birth and death in the material world, the NWO members all face it too! Despite all their terrorizing and their expensive methods to slightly prolong their miserable stay in their wrinkled, smelly old bodies, they too will die. And their souls will face serious consequences for what they are doing to us and Mother Earth after death, for sure. 

Meanwhile, who thinks about our part in creating this miserable karmic scenerio for ourselves? Did/do we not, year after year, day after day, purposely and delightedly eat the cooked flesh of poor animals who were chipped, incarcerated in concentration camps, used like slaves, poisoned with antibiotics and other unmentinable toxins (including each other's diseased tissues), slaughtered in effecient secrecy and then eaten? Animals who just wanted what we want: to live in peace with their family members, animals who run away when they can, to save themsleves like we are thinking of doing--animals we ate without remorse just to please our taste buds? Material nature gives justice..tit for tat. How can we be so blind that we beg for justice when we are on the punished end, but neglect to honor those laws of justice when it is we who are taking advantage of the weaker?

So, while making plans to save ourselves from the NWO, the first order of the day is to relieve ourselves of our nasty karmic burden and stop living off the suffering of others. We also need to seek help and shelter from the wisest and kindest saviors in the universe, according to our faiths. For the Hare Krishna, that savior is His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, yuga dharma Acarya. We can be part of the hundreth monkey scenerio, we can be the spiritual change the planet is so desperate for.

We are not good; we have been trained to be bad, but we can change ourselves, and if we can change ourselves, it is possible to change our family, our community and the NWO..from bad to good. Maybe not all of them, a real demon is after all, a real demon--those will have to be fought and killed. But the NWO have children who can be influenced, some of them are also worried about karma and not one of them wants to die. Frankly, they don't have a positive solution they can adopt. They surely know they are wrecking the planet they have to inhabit, they boost each other up in their meetings and communications, but surely have doubts..what they are doing is a very bad idea and if they could think of a way to change, some might.  The very idea that trillions of dollars is not enough and billions of people need to be killed is based on ignorance and arrogance which the Maha Mantra destroys.

Some readers may be offended by what i write and i ask your forgiveness for that. Despite our tendency to do wrong and our grave past mistakes, the Supreme Absolute Truth resides in our heart; that is why denial of truth is denial of our very Self and just feels wrong. If even one person catches the possibility of benefit  by this little note, that is a hopeful sign for our collective future.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead is seated in the heart of every living thing and He is the controller of all. He knows everything and can do and undo everything. It is time to appeal to Him to save us in every respect. The 5,000 year old Vedas of India recommend persons adopt the constant chanting of the Maha Mantra or great chant for deliverance in this terrible age of Kaliyuga. 5,000 years ago the sages of Naimasaranya, India, met to discuss the bleak future of our planet, this discussion is recorded in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Here is a link to a portion of it. http://vedabase.net/sb/12/2/en

Here is the eternal Mantra in sanskrit:


हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे



Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.


Best to you all,

servant of your ever well-wisher, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada





I won't suggest anthing illegal here, but wouldn't it be nice if some "concerned citizens" sort of strufed some of those EU gnomes from Basel into their car boots and drove them deep into the foest somewhere with enough laptops for them to do their magic ala the Fed - that is, pound out those ephereal ledger entries wherein the Greek debt (and while we're at it, the Spanish, Portuguese, and Irish debts as well) are scooped up  - "bought" - and reclassfied as reserves.  Voila!  Financial crisis temporarly averted, until the underlying insanities of those countriees' practises come back to bite the rest of us again.
: )

Can I please suggest that one of these nights Jen or whoever get a copy of the movie "RED DAWN" for Sunday nite at the movies. I did not like the movie but it impressed me and..well we have to know how to kill them if we want to live.

There is a lot of wisdom about how to conduct resistance in the film when the NWO-Elites begin the purging of those they don't want to keep around for their new utopia under the 'Great Work' they have imbarked on.

Just a sugestion.


I would like to know what you think personally, your own opinion. What kind of person are you? Are you responsible for yourself, do you have a family? Where are you?  Many say get a gun and fight, some say run for the hills, some say stay put and do what you always do. Everyone has an opinion, the right one, who knows exactly how much power the NWO has and how they intend to implement it is the question. Lot's of people say be prepared no matter what, and so there you are asking, Well what is that suppose to mean? There are groups to join, sources probably where you live. Survival guides and taking care of personal needs such as food and shelter, first aid are the first priorities for many. Who knows babe,,,a hard question to answer, we all have to dig deep and do what is right for ourselves sometimes. As well having the money to do what you want to do may be a whole other can of worms. Depends I guess. One more add -on for me personally I will not run and hide for freedom. I will rise up , stand tall and fight for my rights.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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