Cass Suntein, President Obama's regulatory czar, recommended "cognitive infiltration of extremist groups."

I have news for you, this has been happening for at least 6 years on the web, perhaps longer. My experience on message boards is perhaps more extensive than any other truth seeker. If we 9-11 truth seekers are "extremists", how do we detect infiltrators if they are present?

I've learned how this is done. It is actually something junior high school debate teams could achieve easily once the parameters are understood. Just like by the very nature of what the "cognitive infiltrators" have to work with is about on the same level.

I have had a huge advantage here because I actually know exactly, in general terms, how the Twin Towers were constructed. I viewed a 2 hour documentary in 1990 titled "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" that aired nationwide on PBS. I work in construction, have been a welder for 35 years and have also worked as a driller for a blaster on "above ground" blasting projects for road building. I almost attempted to gain the OJT needed to get my BATF blasting license, then decided construction was waning generally.

That advantage is having accurate information about the Twins that can be used to test a group with for infiltrators. My information is absolutely consistent with all evidence. Any one who is in construction knowing of steel and concrete can confirm this consistency.

The average truth seeker is at a major disadvantage because they do not know what is correct or not correct. If they know construction they can determine what is correct once they see it, but before that they do not know.

What I encountered was made a little more difficult because no one had come out and said, like Sunstein, that infiltration's were recommended. I had to determine by behaviors what constituted "cognitive" or exactly how the term was applied to a specific "infiltration". How it was carried out by whomever might be doing it, what it looked like.

Another aspect of the infiltration that was not readily obvious, but became so fairly quickly, was that the infiltration utilized social fears. These are the primary tools of the infiltrators.

A) Ridicule
B) False agreement
C) Social castigation

A more sophisticated and generically related tool is "cognitive distortions". Behavioral psychologists have a list of these that they use in defining when and where therapy needs to be applied to correct erroneous thinking in a patient. Erroneous thinking can, over periods of time, cause people to alienate themselves from others and interfere with the life experience significantly. Here is a list that has been slightly modified to more easily show how it can be applied by others in writing or speaking to distort your perceptions and thoughts.

1) All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.
2) Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.
3) Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.
4) Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.
5) Mind reading: One absolutely concludes that others are reacting positively or negatively without investigating reality.
6) Fortune Telling: Based on previous 5 distortions, anticipation of negative or positive outcome of situations is established fact.
7) Catastrophizing: Exaggerated importance of self's failures and others successes.
8) Emotional reasoning: One feels as though emotional state IS reality of situation.
9) Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.
10) Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.
11) Personalization: Thinking that the actions or statements of others are a reaction to you.
12) Entitlement: Believing that you deserve things you have not earned.

The real power of the above can be understood when it is realized that this "infiltration" is always by one group of another group. Individuals do not infiltrate discussion groups easily or effectively unless everyone thinks the infiltrator is absolutely trusted.

In the case of 9-11 cognitive infiltration, it appears that there was something far greater than just a few agents logging on to message boards and distorting discussion. In the case of 9-11 the extent of the distortion via infiltration has been conducted by a MAJOR PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION. Message boards, information web sites, specific movements, videos, individual icons and organizations on the ground have been either created, produced or (mis) led by agents of one type or another.

There is a term somewhat understood is "disinformation". That would be the goal of "cognitive infiltration" through the methods of disrupting thinking and resultant action so completely that failure is constant and the group infiltrated concludes that the activity is a waste of time and impossible. By the use of fairly simple informational structures as tools for the group of infiltrators to use, we can see how constant failure of action could be created in a larger, unknowing group.

D) Misinformation
E) Useless information
F) Over information

It should be obvious to any informed person conducting accurate and comprehensive critical thinking that the internet was created as the "global village" with the usenet then converted to .com to appear as a commercial free-for-all (which it is) but also take advantage of a simple psychological fact or feature of the human mental capacity.

Human being have 2 brains. Only the left brain can conduct cognitive, rational reasoning. The right brain has most of our long term memory, autonomic function, emotional response structures cooperating with the limbic system. When you have a thought that makes you feel something, that is the limbic system working.

Here is the simple fact.

When people speak or listen to speech, the left brain is always involved to some degree. When reading or writing, the left brain might not be involved.

We read and write on the internet therefore we are more vulnerable to "cognitive distortions".

The identification of "cognitive infiltration" is quite simple once a person is aware of the above and a few simple, general parameters.

A dominate primary parameter is that no ground obscuring correct information ever be relinquished. Meaning real evidence cannot ever be recognized. Cognitive distortions 1 thru 12 are used to diminish the meaning of facts and evidence while showing false group preference of )D, E) and F). Another is that infiltrating agents always agree when opposing specific accurate information. Otherwise they disagree within F) and D) with others acting under B). Secondary is that a false pretense of social interaction be evident to reinforce C) the deception that the group of infiltrators are normal Americans using the internet. Another secondary parameter is that Constitutional principles and lawfulness by government be underplayed, but not overtly rejected.

When the above fails ridicule is the only tool left and to avoid compromising the group of infiltrators only a few infiltrators apply the ridicule and odd reinforcement is randomly applied by other agents of the infiltrating group.

Consider the black budget is fully large enough to conduct this and within cold war secrecy we would have no way of knowing such was true. Consider that two presidents have warned us of various aspects related to this thread and its purpose and they both were in office just prior to the construction of the World trade Center.

Another aspect is that those conducting "cognitive infiltration's" will never meaningfully take part in a discussion about "cognitive infiltration".

To demonstrate my absolute support for the US Constitution and every prior social contract carried by it and supporting it I will share with the viewer an element of natural law. It originates with the spiritual and philosophical understandings of Native American people who contributed significantly to the concepts the framers of the constitution incorporated into our social contract. This is something every America should know but does not. The reason for this is a union of church and state that disallowed this knowledge from being of the first words of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. Instead of these words about free speech we have freedom of religion.

The greater meaning of free speech comes from an understanding that might be found by practicing it. From the understanding can come; forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance, respect, trust, friendship and love, protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

All right . . . who is really here for truth?

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ConspiratusUbiquitus said:
buildings fell in 9.6 secs....not 20 seconds ;)

Correct, that's why I say "2 buildings", but usually I add "a total of" so the math works.

Which is profound to say the least.

My point of "concrete can be instantly fractured to fall freely by a small amount of properly placed explosives" seems to have been lost in the socialization here. It is one very good reason that the concrete core must be considered. Not to mention that the core FEMA presents to NIST and the world,

Is never seen on 9-11, while what can only be concrete is seen numerous times. Curiously this being the ONLY image of either towers semi intact core, you would think that would have it on their site. They do not. You would think that gage would have it on his site, not there either.

The Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identifies a concrete core too.

Finniston, Monty; Williams, Trevor; Bissell, Christopher, eds (1992). "Skyscraper". Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology. Oxford University Press. p. 322. ISBN 0-19-869138-6
How many people here now know that FEMA misrepresented the core structure to NIST and the world? How many know that no proof is offered (by those here who believe official information) that FEMA did not misrepresent the core structure of the Twins? How many can understand that this automatically invalidates the cause of death mandating a new analysis of collapse, the supposed cause of death. How many need the truth?
Hmmmm, you have been reading. And I do appreciate Marklar coming here
and posting his thoughts. Greg too. It is a form of accountability, the beginning of it.

Yes, what I do is original. Like Dr. Ron Larsen, Ph.D asked when he first called me in 2007, "Do you know you are actually, feasibily explaining what happened to the Twin Towers?" Then he called back about 3 days later and said, "Your site is really different. You don't use any of the stuff the other researchers do. Why not?" I explained that I had no need for it because I knew how the towers were built and had figured out how they were brought down. I also explained, because of my legal experience, testing government and court to see if they will follow laws, that not much of the information that the truth movement was sharing could be used to gain more truth. He didn't quite get it at first, because he doesn't really think like that. After a time he realized that what I was saying was that IF any division of government was going to use any of the existing info the movement was using, they would have done so already.
Another aspect very important about the concrete core is that a simple deception by FEMA causes a lot less cognitive dissonance in peoples minds. They can discuss it amongst themselves much more easily with out looking like conspiracy nuts like us.

I explained that the info circulating, while some was also valid, was compartmentalized with explanation that was accepted officially justifying no action for the truth but justifying their agenda. He of course asked, "Why do you think the concrete core is so important?" I explained that IF the public knew that there was a concrete core the "fire collapse theory" was defeated. They would then be looking for the massive pieces of concrete that always exist in a collapse of a concrete structure. When they saw sand and gravel, knowing that mass concrete was there . . . the shit hits the fan because people aren't stupid, but they are fearful and gullible with entities of authority. Not because they aren't suspicious, because they are afraid. Social fears.

Dr. Larsen totally got it after a fairly short period of time and wrote this page about my demo theory.

Because I do know the true structure, and am motivated by real fears, like watching my children's children grow up as slaves in a poisoned world, I am probably the most experienced forum activist in the 9-11 world. Few know that because the post 9-11 psyops is very careful to not bring me up in social settings, even tho I go to their message boards and draw the agents out of the wood work. They expose themselves and are getting to the point where they really don't give a crap.

Here is a thread I started nearly a year ago with 167k reads. This is the post of stannrodd from New Zealand who has been stalking me for 6 years.

Here is the thread.

blah, blah, blah, text and more text with lots of effort to invoke social fears. No evidence, no reason. They are a false social group that knows that they are a false social group.

That is not true here. Here we have a real social group attempting to use false information. No more evidence or reason is posted here in opposition to me than is posted there, you folks are just a lot nicer and are actually serious about reasoning, but socially impaired at doing so openly because of social fears.

Hopefully some of those opposing me have realized there is no independently verifiable evidence for the steel core columns by actually looking at what is out there and trying to find an image of this core from 9-11.

Patriot Horse said:

This is all thought provoking to me. Thanks for making us think and using our God-given brains Chris. Good also to see you and Marklar having dialogue. I like this blog, because it was an original and we do need more of this.
Christopher A. Brown said:
How many people here now know that FEMA misrepresented the core structure to NIST and the world? How many know that no proof is offered (by those here who believe official information) that FEMA did not misrepresent the core structure of the Twins? How many can understand that this automatically invalidates the cause of death mandating a new analysis of collapse, the supposed cause of death. How many need the truth?
The accomplice of stannrodd is gamolon. They were both on "Let's Roll 9-11 in 2004. Since before then I've always demand that anyone who believes the official structural information of FEMA post an image of the supposed steel core columns standing inthe core area on 9-11. None ever has, anywhere ever. The steel core columns did not exist.

The agents have no possibile way to support the FEMA deception so must try and disprove that there was a concrete core. gamolon decided that because on tower had elevators opening on the lobby that it could prove the concrete wall did not have the needed dimensions for required thickness.

Since WTC 1 did not have elevators opening on the lobby, only WTC 2, gamolon falsified evidence, or someone in the disinformation department, made a photo that was uploaded to some NYC photo site.

The beloe photo is of the WTC 2 lobby, but has WTC 1 exterior features photoshopped onto a layer behind the lobby. This is evident because the footbridge windows in this zoomed image are bleeding through the perimeter columns.

Why hasn't Sky Blue Eyes or adveser provided evidence to show that FEMA is correct, WHY? They are on the chat right next to where is says, "solutions and education that lead to destroying the one world new world order." but work to defeat education that is solution to the "one world new world order".

I ask every day if they are interested in solution and they never respond. Does anybody question this besides me?
Here is a cointelpro site if I ever saw one. The intelligence LOVE to use edgy names in urls like we see here. Image orientation cultivated by Hollywood films etc. Duh, are we going to expose "top secrets" by calling ourselves "top secret" OMG!

Hmmmmmm, no independent verification. text, just like agents on message boards do. BIG ERROR too.

From :

Vertical shafts surrounding stairs, mechanical shafts (carrying supply and return air), elevator hoistways, and utility shafts were all contained within the building core, and were enclosed by gypsum planking similar to fire separations commonly used today in single-family attached housing. While similar to other gypsum shaft wall systems and firewalls, this system was unique and innovative in that it eliminated the need for any framing. The gypsum planks were solid 2 in. thick (2½ in. on floors with 16 ft ceiling heights) and 16 in. wide, with metal tongue or groove channels attached to the long sides that served as wall studs (see Fig. 10–3). Where planks were cut to a narrower width, the cut edge was covered with a 2 in. by 2 in. metal C channel fastened with drywall screws
at the top and bottom. Each plank had a mesh layer at its mid thickness and were likely custom fabricated for this job as NIST found no mention of similar products in gypsum industry literature of the time or since. Planks were provided in 12 ft, 14 ft, and 16 ft lengths to run full height. The planks were placed into metal L channels at the bottom and into metal top channels of various shapes depending on the construction element with which it needed to interface

Bwhahhhhhhhaaaa. Drywall screws were not even invented when the Twins were being built.

I didn't see a drywall screw until about 1982, they said then they had been around for maybe 5 years. It was the screw drivers that made them popular and they didn't get popular until small NiCad batteries were common. Notice not one image from 9-11 showing the steel core columns.

Typical site used within cognitive infiltration to attempt to provide something to cognit alternative to independently verified evidence proving a concrete core.

Liars always get caught on the details of their lies.
so are there any real engineers on this forum?

Christopher A. Brown said:
The accomplice of stannrodd is gamolon. They were both on "Let's Roll 9-11 in 2004. Since before then I've always demand that anyone who believes the official structural information of FEMA post an image of the supposed steel core columns standing inthe core area on 9-11. None ever has, anywhere ever. The steel core columns did not exist.

The agents have no possibile way to support the FEMA deception so must try and disprove that there was a concrete core. gamolon decided that because on tower had elevators opening on the lobby that it could prove the concrete wall did not have the needed dimensions for required thickness.

Since WTC 1 did not have elevators opening on the lobby, only WTC 2, gamolon falsified evidence, or someone in the disinformation department, made a photo that was uploaded to some NYC photo site.

The beloe photo is of the WTC 2 lobby, but has WTC 1 exterior features photoshopped onto a layer behind the lobby. This is evident because the footbridge windows in this zoomed image are bleeding through the perimeter columns.

Why hasn't Sky Blue Eyes or adveser provided evidence to show that FEMA is correct, WHY? They are on the chat right next to where is says, "solutions and education that lead to destroying the one world new world order." but work to defeat education that is solution to the "one world new world order".

I ask every day if they are interested in solution and they never respond. Does anybody question this besides me?
I'm not, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn the other day!

Sorry I couldn't resist! I'm in a jovial mood today!

bryan l said:
so are there any real engineers on this forum?

Christopher A. Brown said:
The accomplice of stannrodd is gamolon. They were both on "Let's Roll 9-11 in 2004. Since before then I've always demand that anyone who believes the official structural information of FEMA post an image of the supposed steel core columns standing inthe core area on 9-11. None ever has, anywhere ever. The steel core columns did not exist.

The agents have no possibile way to support the FEMA deception so must try and disprove that there was a concrete core. gamolon decided that because on tower had elevators opening on the lobby that it could prove the concrete wall did not have the needed dimensions for required thickness.

Since WTC 1 did not have elevators opening on the lobby, only WTC 2, gamolon falsified evidence, or someone in the disinformation department, made a photo that was uploaded to some NYC photo site.

The beloe photo is of the WTC 2 lobby, but has WTC 1 exterior features photoshopped onto a layer behind the lobby. This is evident because the footbridge windows in this zoomed image are bleeding through the perimeter columns.

Why hasn't Sky Blue Eyes or adveser provided evidence to show that FEMA is correct, WHY? They are on the chat right next to where is says, "solutions and education that lead to destroying the one world new world order." but work to defeat education that is solution to the "one world new world order".

I ask every day if they are interested in solution and they never respond. Does anybody question this besides me?
just checking.

Locutus said:
I'm not, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn the other day!

Sorry I couldn't resist! I'm in a jovial mood today!

bryan l said:
so are there any real engineers on this forum?

Christopher A. Brown said:
The accomplice of stannrodd is gamolon. They were both on "Let's Roll 9-11 in 2004. Since before then I've always demand that anyone who believes the official structural information of FEMA post an image of the supposed steel core columns standing inthe core area on 9-11. None ever has, anywhere ever. The steel core columns did not exist.

The agents have no possibile way to support the FEMA deception so must try and disprove that there was a concrete core. gamolon decided that because on tower had elevators opening on the lobby that it could prove the concrete wall did not have the needed dimensions for required thickness.

Since WTC 1 did not have elevators opening on the lobby, only WTC 2, gamolon falsified evidence, or someone in the disinformation department, made a photo that was uploaded to some NYC photo site.

The beloe photo is of the WTC 2 lobby, but has WTC 1 exterior features photoshopped onto a layer behind the lobby. This is evident because the footbridge windows in this zoomed image are bleeding through the perimeter columns.

Why hasn't Sky Blue Eyes or adveser provided evidence to show that FEMA is correct, WHY? They are on the chat right next to where is says, "solutions and education that lead to destroying the one world new world order." but work to defeat education that is solution to the "one world new world order".

I ask every day if they are interested in solution and they never respond. Does anybody question this besides me?

bryan l said:
just checking.

Locutus said:
I'm not, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn the other day!

Sorry I couldn't resist! I'm in a jovial mood today!

bryan l said:
so are there any real engineers on this forum?

Christopher A. Brown said:
The accomplice of stannrodd is gamolon. They were both on "Let's Roll 9-11 in 2004. Since before then I've always demand that anyone who believes the official structural information of FEMA post an image of the supposed steel core columns standing inthe core area on 9-11. None ever has, anywhere ever. The steel core columns did not exist.

The agents have no possibile way to support the FEMA deception so must try and disprove that there was a concrete core. gamolon decided that because on tower had elevators opening on the lobby that it could prove the concrete wall did not have the needed dimensions for required thickness.

Since WTC 1 did not have elevators opening on the lobby, only WTC 2, gamolon falsified evidence, or someone in the disinformation department, made a photo that was uploaded to some NYC photo site.

The beloe photo is of the WTC 2 lobby, but has WTC 1 exterior features photoshopped onto a layer behind the lobby. This is evident because the footbridge windows in this zoomed image are bleeding through the perimeter columns.

Why hasn't Sky Blue Eyes or adveser provided evidence to show that FEMA is correct, WHY? They are on the chat right next to where is says, "solutions and education that lead to destroying the one world new world order." but work to defeat education that is solution to the "one world new world order".

I ask every day if they are interested in solution and they never respond. Does anybody question this besides me?

All of the real engineers are far too afraid to question the official story. So there are no real engineers here. I do work in civil engineering and have been a welder for 35 years, and have worked as a driller for a blaster.
Currently my theory for the demise of the Twins is the only one that is backed by a Ph.D in physics, Dr. Ron Larsen. It is also the only theory that includes complete technical feasibility in any detail. He worked as a scientist in material testing for 25 years.
I feel his degree is one of the most appropriate for initial scientific involvement because there are so many structural materials involved and they were all extremely effected in some way.

Dr. Larsen made a page about my web site.
nice video's! to bad we can't post them.

Christopher A. Brown said:

bryan l said:
just checking.

Locutus said:
I'm not, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn the other day!

Sorry I couldn't resist! I'm in a jovial mood today!

bryan l said:
so are there any real engineers on this forum?

Christopher A. Brown said:
The accomplice of stannrodd is gamolon. They were both on "Let's Roll 9-11 in 2004. Since before then I've always demand that anyone who believes the official structural information of FEMA post an image of the supposed steel core columns standing inthe core area on 9-11. None ever has, anywhere ever. The steel core columns did not exist.

The agents have no possibile way to support the FEMA deception so must try and disprove that there was a concrete core. gamolon decided that because on tower had elevators opening on the lobby that it could prove the concrete wall did not have the needed dimensions for required thickness.

Since WTC 1 did not have elevators opening on the lobby, only WTC 2, gamolon falsified evidence, or someone in the disinformation department, made a photo that was uploaded to some NYC photo site.

The beloe photo is of the WTC 2 lobby, but has WTC 1 exterior features photoshopped onto a layer behind the lobby. This is evident because the footbridge windows in this zoomed image are bleeding through the perimeter columns.

Why hasn't Sky Blue Eyes or adveser provided evidence to show that FEMA is correct, WHY? They are on the chat right next to where is says, "solutions and education that lead to destroying the one world new world order." but work to defeat education that is solution to the "one world new world order".

I ask every day if they are interested in solution and they never respond. Does anybody question this besides me?

All of the real engineers are far too afraid to question the official story. So there are no real engineers here. I do work in civil engineering and have been a welder for 35 years, and have worked as a driller for a blaster.
Currently my theory for the demise of the Twins is the only one that is backed by a Ph.D in physics, Dr. Ron Larsen. It is also the only theory that includes complete technical feasibility in any detail. He worked as a scientist in material testing for 25 years.
I feel his degree is one of the most appropriate for initial scientific involvement because there are so many structural materials involved and they were all extremely effected in some way.

Dr. Larsen made a page about my web site.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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