The nurse that passed out after taking the Covid vaccine on live TV may be dead according to Jim Stone. How can it be proved if that is the case? The MSM will not report that.
She reportedly had a condition called Vasovagal Syncope. For you that do not know what that means I will explain. The vagus nerve is one the cranial nerves.
Vasovagal syncope is the medical name for the condition where individuals faint due to a bodily overreaction to certain triggers. Two of the most common triggers are extreme emotional distress or the sight of blood. When a patient is exposed to the trigger, their blood pressure and heart rate suddenly drop. This causes a reduction in blood flow to the brain, which then leads to a brief loss of consciousness. In most cases, vasovagal syncope is harmless and doesn't require treatment. However, some patients may injure themselves when they faint. A patient's doctor might also recommend further testing to rule out cardiovascular disorders and other more serious conditions that cause fainting.
An ICU nurse would not be able to hold such a position with a condition like that.
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