Lady Gaga, superstar to teens, wears dress made of animal flesh

How sick is Lady Gaga?
If you’ve ever wondered about the true mental sickness of the entertainment industry, look no further than Lady Gaga. She rose to fame and has become a teen favorite by pumping out tunes like “Love Game” where she belts out lines such as “Let’s have some fun, this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.”

Lady Gaga goes far beyond just mentally ill, reaching to depths of necro-worship that make her appear almost Satanic. Photo: Michael Spencer.
Seriously. This is the stuff your teenage kids are piping into their brains through their iPods, by the way.
And that’s just the beginning: Lady Gaga is also largely responsible for the new craze of wearing “dilated pupil contact lenses” which make young girls appear to be either sexually aroused or stoned. These contact lenses are potentially dangerous, and they are being brought into the U.S. illegally, bypassing FDA approval. But thanks to Lady Gaga, young girls are increasingly interested in wearing them so they, too, can look “aroused and stoned” in order to arouse potential sex partners.
But there’s more to this sick story: Lady Gaga was recently honored at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, where she received a whopping eight “moonman” awards as well as Video of the Year honors.
To accept these awards, Lady Gaga actually appeared on stage wearing a dress made out of animal flesh. Yes, she was literally draped in animal flesh. This has been reported as her “red meat dress.”
“Meat is the decomposing flesh of a tormented animal who didn’t want to die, and after a few hours under the TV lights, it would smell like the rotting flesh it is and likely be crawling in maggots — not too attractive, really.” says PETA on its website (…).
Is Lady Gaga a worshipper of death?
But it goes far deeper than that. Anyone who would wear a dress made out of red meat is, for starters, mentally ill. But Lady Gaga goes far beyond just mentally ill, reaching to depths of necro-worship that make her appear almost Satanic.
In an upcoming live event, she promises to be surrounded by on-stage corpses. It is being widely reported across the ‘net that she plans to put dead human bodies on stage as part of her “act.”
Now, for those who really know what goes on behind the scenes of the entertainment industry, this probably comes as no surprise. There has always been a bizarre element of dark energy at work at the fringes of this industry, but Lady Gaga may be taking it to a whole new depth of darkness. Here’s why:
Google a woman named Lina Morgana. Lina is now dead, but she worked creatively alongside Lady Gaga until one day she mysteriously fell ten stories from a tall building and was crushed to death when she hit the pavement.
According to Lina’s grieving mom, Lady Gaga stole Lina’s act and rose to fame following Lina’s “suicide.”
An article on MyDeathSpace explains how everyone familiar with Lina was shocked to see how Lady Gaga stole her act: “It was the same style, the same look, the same music, the same voice, the same jaw line – the way they expressed themselves,” said Schwab. “And I was like, ‘Is that Lina?’ It was so, so shocking. It was like looking at a ghost.” (…)
Lina Morgan was only 19 when she died ( The circumstances of her death and the similarity between Lady Gaga’s current act (wig, stage presence, attitude, etc.) and Lina Morgan’s previous act is highly suspicious, lending an element of curiosity to some of the circulating theories about her death.
Is Lady Gaga a threat to mental health?
Now, before we go any further, you might wonder what is this story doing on It’s simple: I believe Lady Gaga is a danger to the mental health of those who listen to her music.

In my opinion, her music is a mental assault filled with lewd, sexed-up lyrics that promote teen sex while avoiding any mention of all the responsibilities that should go along with such topics (birth control, parenting, safe sex, abstinence, consequences of pregnancy and so on).
Furthermore, her incessant promotion of sexual promiscuity and dilated pupil contact lenses is a threat to your children’s physical health (eye infections, anyone?). And finally, Lady Gaga may actually be radiating some kind of Satanic or necro-worshipping vibe that could trigger all kinds of bizarre death-related thoughts or behavior in impressionable young teens (who for the most part, let’s admit it, literally worship these entertainment “gods” such as Lady Gaga).
Now, frankly ignored Lady Gaga’s desperate attention-grabbing act up until the point where she wore her red meat dress made out of animal flesh. To actually drape dead animal flesh over your body and wear it on stage is almost a public admission that you’re either mentally deranged or some sort of worshipper of death (perhaps both).
Taking all this with a grain of salt, it’s true there is a lot of bizarre and untrue gossip about celebrities on the ‘net. Everyone I know who is even semi-famous has been subjected to utterly false accusations at one point or another. But Lady Gaga is proving her critics right through her own behavior. Her agenda is blatantly obvious as she now flaunts it on stage, almost as if to say, “I dare you to catch on to what I’m doing.”
What she’s doing, it turns out, is infecting the minds of our youth with truly dangerous ideas about sex and seduction while wrapping these ideas (and herself, literally) in flagrant necro-worship. It would be no surprise, after all, if Lady Gaga actually featured herself on stage having sex with a propped up erection from a corpse. That’s precisely the kind of thing she might conceivably do because it combines her two favorite messages: Sex and death. (It would also keep the tabloids talking for weeks…)
That’s why I urge all NaturalNews readers to ban Lady Gaga material from your household if you haven’t already. Her music and lyrics are, in my opinion, extremely destabilizing to the mental and physical health of children and teens. If your teens are listening to this stuff, they may be headed down a dangerous path requiring some intervention on your part.
Teens, almost by definition, have not yet developed the mental capacity to make wise decisions in their own long-term interests. They are short-term thinkers, almost to a fault, and most of them have virtually no ability to understand how and when they are being influenced. They worship singers like Lady Gaga while having no clue about the ways their minds are being warped through her lyrics and videos. (They also wear Nike shoes, designer jeans and Axe cologne, having no clue that virtually all their product consumption decisions have been spoon fed to them by carefully engineered, corporate-sponsored behavioral influence campaigns. But that’s another story…)
This is why it is up to parents to protect their children from these deranged pop stars and their dangerous messages. Mind you, I’m not against music (in fact, I strongly support musical expression and freedom of speech, and I happen to be a musician myself), and I’ve never spoken out against any music artist in the past. But as I see it, Lady Gaga crosses the line from artistry to insanity, perhaps even delving into Satanic witchcraft or some other dark rendition of psychosis. To allow our children to worship her as a music goddess is to expose them to a highly destabilizing belief system that can only lead them down a dark path of self destruction.
Actions you can take as parents
#1) Know what your children and teens are watching and listening to.
#2) Ban Lady Gaga music and videos from your household.
#3) Ban Lady Gaga material from the portable devices your children may own (iPhones, iPads, iPods, etc.).
#4) Do not financially support the Lady Gaga profiteers. Don’t allow your children to buy music, concert tickets, T-shirts or any other items that financially benefit Lady Gaga and her marketing minions.
#5) Talk to your teens about sex from a responsible parenting point of view. Explain the long-term effects of an unwanted pregnancy and teach either safe sex or abstinence, depending on your own philosophical or religious beliefs.
#6) Consider home schooling for your kids because it may help protect them from the destructive influences of mainstream school kids who are, by and large, Lady Gaga worshippers. (Home schooling isn’t for everyone, but it’s increasingly working for lots of families.)
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Remember, you must make a real effort to counter the messages being imprinted on the minds of your children by the entertainment industry. Music is a powerful carrier of unconscious information, and that’s exactly why I’ve turned to music to help educate people about the dangers of vaccines, for example.
There are positive uses of music, but Lady Gaga unfortunately uses music to negatively influence the minds of children and teens, turning them towards sexual deviancy and the worship of dead flesh or dead bodies. In my opinion, Lady Gaga suffers some kind of genuine mental sickness that should be kept as far away from our children as possible.
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32 Responses to “Lady Gaga, superstar to teens, wears dress made of animal flesh”
bvbdortmund09 Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:31 am
Finally, someone else who thinks she is terrible. Her music makes me want to pull my hair out!

jimjones Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:40 am

huh? where are you from? i don’t know anyone who likes this skank. this biiitch will end up dead sooner than later. her bs NWO crap will only take her so far, then they will sacrifice her to moloch.

Mechetti Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:49 am

I doubt that.

They will be lovers of themselves Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:58 am

all music videos are laden with sexual overtones.
even country has sold it’s soul.
her videos are also heavy in masonic symbolism (as are a bevy of other “artists”)
this article seems more of a witch-hunt on one singer, it should be against the entire music industry.
if infowars wants to witch-hunt let’s hear about christine o’donnell’s admitted background in withcraft

silentjealousy77 Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:23 am

yes and her picnic on a satanic alter on her date lol o’donnell’s a mess.

Aviso Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:41 am
Seriously, though I do not care for Lady Gaga, the Infowars is in desperation to post any stories. I guess Gerald Celente’s false prediction of a war and economic collapse in September is forcing the Infowars to put up garbage pieces such as this.

Is it really a shocker for Lady Gaga to wear clothes of animal flesh? You should all be guilty because where do you think leather comes from? Oh and you all eat meat too? Texas is known for their beef? Don’t tell me it’s not the same. One way or another, you have to kill the animal to get a steak or a leather coat.

Though Lady Gaga’s music and fashion are tasteless there were some who were far more extreme like G.G Allin back in the late 80′s early 90′s.

jimjones Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:50 am

who in the FK is gg allin? hey aviso never seen you here before. it was nice.

Aviso Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:19 am

Exactly, they love those who know nothing. GG Allin was a punk rocker from the early 90′s who performed at CBGB’s where he would defecate and perform self mutilation on stage. Believe me he was far worse then Gaga but that is something this reporter would not tell you.

jimjones Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:24 am

oh FK U. i know nothing? only an idiot getting high in the 90s would know that fool. i made a fortune while you were listening to your fave band gg allin. go lick your nuts little boy.

Sunny Lovetts Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:40 am

GG Allin didn’t get this much attention. Is the article saying he’s good?

Serial killers are also bad, but they don’t talk about that in this article either.

Its talking about some dressed up death loving psychopath who is capturing the demented hearts of our youth.


Btw, little kids didn’t dance to G.G. Allin’s music by the millions. And I’m guessing he doesn’t have the most viewed youtube videos in history either…

Sunny Lovetts Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:27 am

I don’t believe you understand how music and entertainment has stolen the good in children. If you did, this would be a very good deal.

Is it cool to worship death? She has million upon millions of children who love her music and videos etc. Is that healthy to be taught that death worship is cool, and normal?

If you seriously look at the entertainment industry without thinking they are a problem in the New Age Agenda, then you need to find some guidance in life.

Buck Nasty Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:44 am
This whole article reminds me of my high school days when Tipper Gore and the PMRC were all over the place trying to get rid of bands like WASP, Twisted Sister, Ozzy..etc. While I agree Lada Gaga is a world class piece of human shit, attention like this is exactly what she craves. I understand why this article is on infowars, but I still don’t like seeing it here.

Aviso Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:48 am

The Infowars is running out of articles since there is no economic collapse or war with Iran like Gerald Celente had predicted for late August early September. So from this point on, pointless articles such as this will make its way to this website. Heck this place might be the next TMZ.

Buddy Christ Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:56 am

This certainly another sign of the end….. of Infowars doing real reporting.

Another contradiction.

Don’t be bothered with reports of Lindsay Lohan, report Lohan and Gaga.
Google is CIA, but everyone use Google to set “trends” (BTW, I listened to that caller that day he said do searches and he was talking about Yahoo “what is popular now” not Google. If you want to really wake the “dummies”, populate the Yahoo front page by using their search engine.)

Seriously how can we stop the NWO when we are talking about GAGA.

Losing credibility.

Infowars is becoming very suspicious.

The Ronbots & Obamabots are coming in 2012 Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:15 am

It seems that you’re finally waking up to see the Infowars is the pied piper leading you to nowhere with no solution in site.

Buddy Christ Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:22 am


jimjones Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:52 am

sup BN hows the weather down there? let me guess, HOT. you forgot NWA and Too Short.

Buck Nasty Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 8:58 am

Hot, but a nice breeze with the storm off the coast. Forget NWA? No sir!! I just preferred the rock Tipper was trying to do away with.

They will be lovers of themselves Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:22 am

don’t forget two live crew and ice-t

Buddy Christ Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:01 am
Also it would be nice if they quoted the link right. The original story (when you click link) says…to teens, wear dress made out of animal flesh (OPINION)

That’s right, a basic fact of reporting is do not misrepresent the story. Reading it here makes you think she IS telling kids to wear meat dresses and she is not. It was just an opinion from the writer of the original article.

roaddog6 Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:09 am
with the help of the msm this person has found her niche in society and the culture and is accepted by many (not by me). She makes millions of dollars. Its a persons own choice who thier role models, idols or whatever are. You can’t force someone to not listen to her music, but you can maybe educate them about it, but I know growing up I liked most of the rock and roll that was mainstream and you couldn’t tell me no different. As far as wearing leather, well, we’ve been doing that since day one. I own two leather jackets myself. You would think they could hold her feet to the fire without throwing leather in there. I mean its not raw bloody flesh she’s wearing.

They will be lovers of themselves Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:26 am

yeah…it WAS raw bloody flesh
RAW meat
the article was based on the dress she wore to mva’s but the photo they posted does not match

roaddog6 Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:35 am

ohhhh. well, thats different then. You’d think if it was raw flesh there would be flies and maggots on it.

Sunny Lovetts Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:43 am

Support the youths satanic masonic demigods, go right ahead. But you still have yet to know the glory of Christ and unaltered goodness… so I understand.

StealingSociety Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:13 am
I hate her music and all, but come on. This is such a non-issue. Gaga is no more satanic than Dio was back in the 80′s. Really, what Lady Gaga is doing now is no different than what metal groups like Slayer did, except Slayer was far more satanic and wrote songs about the most awful things, whereas Gaga is just like “sexsexsexsex oh what lul I’m practicing celibacy.”

Her music sucks anyway, it’s pretty much all artificial, computer-generated drivel anyway.

okiecarl Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:28 am
Hell, I’m still listening to Jethro Tull, Moody Blues, etc. Never even heard of this silly bitch until the last week or so. Don’t care.

7.62x54R 180Gr FMJ Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:29 am
The article was right about her being a worshiper of death. There is a very good possibility that she is a NWO puppet. Her music videos are filled with Illuminati and Satanic images. And she isn’t the only one. Go to vigilantcitizen . com to read more on that subject.

Psystorm Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:29 am
There are some truths in the bible, and one of them is that Lady Gaga is the Antichrist or even Satan himself.

Boris Bombast Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:37 am
It’s nice to see the “contradictorial theorists” coming out on this site. (doesn’t add up)
but this article is from Natural News, a regular contributor, not the house staff.
I remember Wendy O. Williams being the GaGa of her time, and we got over it.
I’m thinking Infowars is trying to appeal to too “broad” of a base, lately.
…but I don’t have to edit this site and it’s easy to complain.

They will be lovers of themselves Reply:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:55 am

I applaud this site when they report on news
btw…..they might not have written it but they do decide what articles to post
is this news
old news

Libertarian Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:38 am
watch her video “alejandro” on youtube. www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=niqrrmev4mA If you cant see the blatant Illuminati symbolism then you do not fully understand what is going on and should return to fox news asap.

wayout Says:
September 20th, 2010 at 9:41 am
only band i trust 100% is muse-and i don’t even really like thier music! LOL ….*sigh

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Yes I wonder heard of this mysterious death of Lina Morgana hmm odd.
The Natives recognized that the White Man speaks with
"Forked Tongue" The blues artists "The Cross Roads" or
the Fork In The Road. With Folk "The Sell Out". May also
be referred to as "Signing On The Dotted Line ". One of
the first signs we pickup as babies is "to point and look"
And the Demonization of Gaga is a point usually followed
by an angry outcry of "Burn Her...Burn the Witch" sparks
huge outrage and meanwhile the real issues are plotting
along on course. The bombardment of imagery (Left Brain)
overtakes The logic (RIGHT BRAIN)
AIR- chemtrails,,, 9/11,,,
WATER- Katrina,,,The Gulf,,,
FIRE- Frying Pan
EARTH- Aliens from outer space or the Illegal ones, clay
SPIRIT- as above so below or inverse (Wing Ding G up H down)
a combination of the Elements
Food for Thought
Well Lady Gaga she is just an Illuminati puppet and the elite use her to further there agenda to corrupt society even more.

Lou Cypher said:
The Natives recognized that the White Man speaks with
"Forked Tongue" The blues artists "The Cross Roads" or
the Fork In The Road. With Folk "The Sell Out". May also
be referred to as "Signing On The Dotted Line ". One of
the first signs we pickup as babies is "to point and look"
And the Demonization of Gaga is a point usually followed
by an angry outcry of "Burn Her...Burn the Witch" sparks
huge outrage and meanwhile the real issues are plotting
along on course. The bombardment of imagery (Left Brain)
overtakes The logic (RIGHT BRAIN)
AIR- chemtrails,,, 9/11,,,
WATER- Katrina,,,The Gulf,,,
FIRE- Frying Pan
EARTH- Aliens from outer space or the Illegal ones, clay
SPIRIT- as above so below or inverse (Wing Ding G up H down)
a combination of the Elements
Food for Thought
To me, this Lady Ga Ga, is just that......gagagagagagaga, lot's of gagging going on! Whether she is part of an agenda by some sinister forces is not fully known. She just may be into the occult and Illumanti practices, but do we really know? No we don't.

I see her as an attention seeking, egocentric, madonnawannabe singer trying to ride on the coat tails of all that came before her. The music industry has created a formula to stimulate, frighten, mystify and to sell this supposed music to the public. Unfortunatly, young girls have jumped on the bandwagon because Susie, Jen and Mary are listening to it. If they only knew that it's just another pop singer that will fizzle out as fast as the bubbles of fame pop after the next new sex kitten singer arrives on the stage.

The true evil ones have always hidden behind the scene. In the world of the GAGA... they are the producers, directors, choreograhers, song writers, lighting and auditory technicians, ect....that set the scene of evil and egoism..... satanism..... if that is which you would call it.
Yes Lady Gaga may not be evil that we not not know. She is a pawn of the evil onesjust like the Presidents and politicans are. They are bad but the secretly rulers are the ones that are hidden. They use Lady Gaga to corrupt the youth and once her agenda has been filled they will discard her for the next senstaion.

According to sources in the fragrance industry hired to develop Lady Gaga‘s first fragrance, the pop star has requested that the scent
“smell of blood and semen.”
This is sick she is crazy and demented!

Gaga channels Marilyn Monroe for Clinton

The singer has a blond bombshell moment onstage while performing for Bill Clinton's birthday. His reaction

She represents evil, for money.

But does she really know what she's doing?

Well you know that Whitney Houston was killed by in an Illuminati ritual! The whole music industry is controlled by an unseen evil power. What encounters did you have Amy?


"Destroying the New World Order"



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