UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has welcomed the "Yes" vote on the EU's Lisbon Treaty in the Republic of Ireland referendum.

Mr Brown said the treaty was "good for the UK and good for Europe". David Cameron will now face pressure to say if a Tory government would hold a referendum if the treaty is in force.The Irish electorate produced a 67.1% "Yes" vote, leaving only Poland and the Czech Republic to sign the treaty aimed at streamlining EU institutions.

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Yes of course illuminated, I understant what you say, that the iluminati/Luceferian/synagogue of satan, run and have infultrated many of the diffrent faiths/ churches/organisations through out time. That a great "slaughter" of humanity is in the planning & on the way from these evil designing satanic people. I understand that time is running short. that these people/demons want to usher in the reign of Lucifer. I do my utmost to inform as many people as I can about what is happening. some listen some don't they have there choice.

The things that are transpiring now however are a direct result of humanities choice to do evil to a greater or lesser degree. We, all of us, have collectively sown to the wind & we are now reaping the wirlwind. it is the law of cause & effect, and of course this will result in great suffering, destruction, and death, and everymans soul is on the line.

However the Devil dosen't have it all his way. God is at the Healm. The rise of the N.W.O is prophecied in the bible and other scriptures and it will remain untill the word of God shall be fullfilled.

The European Union is in its final stages with the Lisbon Treaty and the introduction of it's soon to be ecclesiastical system which will last but "one hour" (see rev, 17: 12; 18: 10,19).

One hour in the biblical time frame = 15 years. If a 1000 of our years = 1 day, therefore 1 hour =15 of our years.

The Rise & fall of the European Union, the Final Roman Empire, is prophcised of in the book of revelation, & in the book of Daniel & other biblical books.

The Nations outside of this federation will stand no chance . This colossus will call the shots. it will be a greater economic power than the United States of America, Japan and all the rest put together! the "Beast" that both John & Daniel predicted as "coming out of the SEA" ie Single European Act ?( surley the reference cannot be a coincidence!) will be short lived. From the year in whch it is fully organised as a polictical, ecomonmical, monetary & eccesiastical power, which had it's beginnings in 1992/3, it will last for "one hour"

The 15 years will apply to it's three seperate influences and will be effective at different 15 year periods. Comenmencing in 1978 when the Single European Act came into force.

1987..........................15years.................................2002 "coming out of the "SEA".
Counterfit economic & political system.

1992......................... 15years.................................2007 Maastricht Treaty
Counterfit economic, social, political, monetary system.

2009..........................15years.................................2024 Lisbon Treaty
Counterfil econical, social, political, monnetary & introduction of the ecclesiastical/religious system

As a point of note Britain suffered a great storm through out the whole of the UK, in 1987 after we signed into the S.E.A. Coasts suffered tidal waves, winds of over 90 miles per hour, ancient trees felled, buildings destroyed & wide spread flooding. and the weather men had predicted a nice pleasent sunny day the day before. Coincidence? or ominous warning!

In my opinion we should see the destruction of the European Union/ N.W.O about 2024, if we are all still here that is. There will of course be a 3rd WW at some stage but i have n't studied that indepth yet.

What i do know is that Britain will come out, or be expelled from the EU as will some other european countries ie Danmark, Norway and the like. The British are in the Main staunch Royalist. they are also a fiercely independent people, fearing subjection or slavery to any form of government or power.

This fear of suspicion is born of their slavery in Egypt! This is reflcted in the national "anthems" Land of Hope and Glory and Rule Briitannia.

The Hope is that we will witness the Rise of Gods "Political Kigdom" round about 2015/16 this will be made up of all the Angalo-Saxson Celtic Nations and all nations, people Kindreds who love liberty. We will see the Rise of the Greater United kingdom of Anglo-Saxon Celtic States. Everyone who loves liberty will want to seek out the Lords Laws & Statues and live them, be they of what ever faith or no faith. People will live these laws because they will know that they are just & true. We will see the 10 comandments established and coming out of 10 Downing street where the Law of God belongs.

Now I personally believe & trust in the word of God. I don't blindly trust in it, but gather up information, study ponder pray, & exersise faith. I believe the scriptures to be true so far as they are translated correctly, I have learnt through faith, prayer & Study that there are only really two "Churchs" one of the Devil/luceferian and one of God. The Church of the Devil with all its political, social, econmical, & religious systems are all counterfit The European Union flag is a counterfit flag of the real flag of God Know that Lucifer Counterfits the Things of God How eles could he decieve the Children of God & men. He uses symbols that belong to God.
im not really religious tony.tho i do believe in a god/higher power.i dont think this is happening because its written in some book.its happening because humanity has been lied to and manipulated and we're sitting back and letting it happen.and people have a love of money,and as long as the money keep flowing they think all is ok and it wont affect them.they have a false sense of security because of this.if we can unplug the minds of the masses and police and military then this dont have to happen.i cant see britain being expelled from eu since its the oligarcs in britain helping to set this global government up.interesting and scary times,lets hope we can beat this~peace
illuminated-dj said:
im not really religious tony.tho i do believe in a god/higher power.i dont think this is happening because its written in some book.its happening because humanity has been lied to and manipulated and we're sitting back and letting it happen.and people have a love of money,and as long as the money keep flowing they think all is ok and it wont affect them.they have a false sense of security because of this.if we can unplug the minds of the masses and police and military then this dont have to happen.i cant see britain being expelled from eu since its the oligarcs in britain helping to set this global government up.interesting and scary times,lets hope we can beat this~peace

Archbishop of Canterbury meets Pope over Anglican plan

"The one element missing from the New Roman Empire"
The Romam Empire or its modern counterpart the Fedral European Union again restored along with a religious leader describe as the "false prophet in the book of Revelations 16:13.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is meeting the Pope in Rome amid tensions over the Vatican's offer to welcome disenchanted Anglicans into the Catholic fold.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is meeting the Pope in Rome amid tensions over the Vatican's offer to welcome disenchanted Anglicans into the Catholic fold.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is meeting the Pope in Rome amid tensions over the Vatican's offer to welcome disenchanted Anglicans into the Catholic fold.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is meeting the Pope in Rome amid tensions over the Vatican's offer to welcome disenchanted Anglicans into the Catholic fold.
Tony said:
illuminated-dj said:
im not really religious tony.tho i do believe in a god/higher power.i dont think this is happening because its written in some book.its happening because humanity has been lied to and manipulated and we're sitting back and letting it happen.and people have a love of money,and as long as the money keep flowing they think all is ok and it wont affect them.they have a false sense of security because of this.if we can unplug the minds of the masses and police and military then this dont have to happen.i cant see britain being expelled from eu since its the oligarcs in britain helping to set this global government up.interesting and scary times,lets hope we can beat this~peace

Archbishop of Canterbury meets Pope over Anglican plan

"The one element missing from the New Roman Empire"
The Romam Empire or its modern counterpart the Fedral European Union again restored along with a religious leader describe as the "false prophet in the book of Revelations 16:13.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is meeting the Pope in Rome amid tensions over the Vatican's offer to welcome disenchanted Anglicans into the Catholic fold.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is meeting the Pope in Rome amid tensions over the Vatican's offer to welcome disenchanted Anglicans into the Catholic fold.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is meeting the Pope in Rome amid tensions over the Vatican's offer to welcome disenchanted Anglicans into the Catholic fold.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is meeting the Pope in Rome amid tensions over the Vatican's offer to welcome disenchanted Anglicans into the Catholic fold.
Tony said:
Tony said:
illuminated-dj said:
im not really religious tony.tho i do believe in a god/higher power.i dont think this is happening because its written in some book.its happening because humanity has been lied to and manipulated and we're sitting back and letting it happen.and people have a love of money,and as long as the money keep flowing they think all is ok and it wont affect them.they have a false sense of security because of this.if we can unplug the minds of the masses and police and military then this dont have to happen.i cant see britain being expelled from eu since its the oligarcs in britain helping to set this global government up.interesting and scary times,lets hope we can beat this~peace

Archbishop of Canterbury meets Pope over Anglican plan

"The one element missing from the New Roman Empire"
The Romam Empire or its modern counterpart the Fedral European Union again restored along with a religious leader describe as the "false prophet in the book of Revelations 16:13.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is meeting the Pope in Rome amid tensions over the Vatican's offer to welcome disenchanted Anglicans into the Catholic fold.


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