
  Dan here, I use to be a member back in the original days of 12160.  That was back when the group was about the 12,160 MHz WWCR frequency where Infowars was on during the daytime.

  I remember some of the interesting places on the net from over the past 20 years, and many have come and gone.  I was glad to see this site was still around, after recalling it to memory.

  My interest in coming here again, was primarily to see if 12160 still had members who tune around the shortwave bands.  I promote radio around the internet more often than not.  Of course, in the past 20 years I have done my share of writing about conservative views and concerns, and even have had pages censored on Facebook because of it.

  One project I have been involved with for some years, is to teach folk on CB radio how to use CB radio for emergency clandestine broadcast if needed.  As a means of providing alternative information, if ever needed.  I used to rebroadcast shortwave broadcast onto 11 meters here in Kentucky, which occurred back during the 2000 solar peak.  The conditions back then allowed for my station to be heard at times across the nation.  Oddly enough I utilized Infowars back then as one of my broadcast resources, as well as Bill Cooper's Hour of the Time.  And there were others.  I admin a group called High Fidelity Broadcast Quality CB Radio on Facebook for folk who understand the need for an army of stations that can come on the airwaves if needed.  There are other groups like mine, however they do not want to adhere to good radio practices and the best of technical specifications.  

  I am not here today to get folk here involved in this idea for CB radio use.  Instead, I want to promote the hobby of shortwave radio, and the use of low cost SDR radio (software defined radio) hardware and software, for shortwave radio reception using the computer.  And to promote amateur as well as CB radio for hobby purposes.

  My background is in electronic circuit design and antenna design.  I have been active for some 20 years using LTspice analysis software to produce radio circuits for the hobbyist, as well as antenna models via software files.  I am known for this around the internet.  

  As for some of the topics discussed around this realm, I am well aware of most of them.  I still use radio to tune into what is going on among the grass roots around the nation.  Infowars for instance is no longer on 12160 kHz, which is now replaced with Rick Wiles Tru News broadcast.  I have also done my share of reading articles on the internet in these past 20 years since I use to broadcast on 11 meters.  I really did some broadcasting, and work with my radios to improve them for that purpose.  Up to 8 hours a day from 1998 t0 2004.  And no one said a thing to me for doing so, I told the FCC about it also, and the reason I gave them for doing so, was that via amateur radio I had become a member of Civil Defense Radio back in 1984.  They never bothered me nor took away my license either.  My call back in those days was KA9RZA, that was back then, of course I never mentioned my call on 11 meters.

  If you are interested in shortwave radio, or one of the other radio hobbies such as Part 15 AM broadcasting, then visit my site, Hobby Radio.  I will try to upload all of my circuit diagrams I designed for hobbyist use, as well as antenna designs.  And I even try to find good deals for hobbyist in terms of SDR radio, CB radio, antennas and test equipment and I review those things at times in articles.  I even review software.  

  I radio interest you then visit my site and share it on social media.  I will post about some of the interesting articles that I carry there in articles here.  And if I find something interesting of a political nature I will from time to time toss that out here also.

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Comment by WTRH-AM-AE on August 23, 2024 at 11:56am

I wish that the Alex Jones Show would continue to broadcast on WWCR on short wave or how about WRMI, at least tht right there.  Now I had to expand my home radio listening options, to not just WiFi radio, but also one of my part 15 AM station on AM 640 and also a FM part 15 transmitter on 106.5 FM to keep in touch with the Alex Jones Show, just because WWCR from Nashville, Tennessee had to drop his short wave transmissions.  I am sorry that Alex had to make a bad decision like this, but not everyone can own a WiFI radio more than a short wave radio receiver in the household.  Shortwave radio is more accessable than owning a WiFi radio receiver and a computer, he needs to relieze that cutting shortwave radio listeners worldwide is not going to help wake up alot of people, because most others don't know where to tune to his show now.  So my advice, if you got unlimited bandwidth like I do with Verizon FiOS, get the show on the air in your own neighborhood, don't let listeners be aimed towards just mainstream, BS, biased content, let his and other voices be heard on the air.  Radio works way better than television, and it's easier to set up.  Setting up a digital or analog TV station is more difficult, because it requires a video and audio stream or satellite FTA system.  My next part 15 project is setting up the NOAA weather radio audio feed that is already on AM 540 on AM 610 soon.  

Comment by Hobby Radio on July 26, 2024 at 11:57am

  Less Prone I agree with you.  I just received a copy of Radio World in the mail, and usually the magazine is all about technology for radio.  However, the cover featured WBCQ shortwave, and among the comments made in the story was how that WBCQ and most of the USA based shortwave stations stay in business because of their support of free speech.  And hence sell airtime based upon this concept.

  Another thing that we can do as we the people, is to use the low powered AM broadcasting service, as  Part 15 AM micro powered station, to put onto the airwaves in our communities, alternative free speech sources of information, with some of the new transmitters, that the FCC approved, for use high up on a mast, which still use the specified 3-meter-high antenna.  The mast mount Part 15 transmitter can cover quite a bit of range.  I was surprised back in the day when the FCC type accepted these transmitters.  However, that is one thing people can check into, and perhaps undertake as a hobby.  

Comment by Less Prone on July 25, 2024 at 12:55pm


You bring up an important topic. There may become a time when all public communication systems get censored down to irrelevance or closed entirely. Private radio stations may then be the only free source of unbiased information. So it's interesting to get a radio professional in 12160.

Being censored in Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and the like is actually a huge merit. It shows a person is prepared to pay a price for expressing ideas that go against the official narrative. And truth has become a rare commodity in these times of lies and deception. This is how totalitarian government establishes itself in society.

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