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Josephus is no proof at all as he lived long after the supposed death of the mythical zombie rabbi. Also, the passages in which he is meant to have mentioned  jebus, the Testimonium Flavianum, is widely acknowledged to have been altered by chwistian scribes to make it fit in better with their beliefs. The other passage refers to a John the brother of Jesus but that Jesus was a high priest of the temple and not the zombie rabbi at all. Do you have a single contemporaneous, corroborating bit of writing confirming the existence of jebus outwith the gospels, (which aren't even contemporaneous anyway)? No, you don't so scuttle back under your rock and get back in touch when your brain starts operations again.

No, he didn't. the Testimonium Flavianum was altered in the 10th century or so as the church needed something to hang their hat on as some sort of proof of jebus. Even back then they had fuck all evidence so they had to invent it. You can research it but your god goggles are screwed too tightly to your thick, moronic skull, so you will deny all evidence except what your bi-polar mind wants to see. A jew? Me? hahahahahahahaha. I know what you are, your a raving madman. If you talked in a mental hospital the way you do on here, they'd lock you up, that's a given.

"God is Dead?" is a song by heavy metal band Black Sabbath

"God Is Dead?" are a reference to Friedrich Nietzsche,

The music video was released on 10 June 2013 and directed by Peter Joseph, director of the Zeitgeist film series.[5]

The song was featured in the second promo for the sixth season of Sons of Anarchy.

The Song was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Rock Song and the Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance.

Peter Joseph (NY) = a MSM celebrity (that is interesting)

In the 20th and 21st Century, it has become abundantly apparent that celebrity worship is on the rise and, to an extent, has replaced traditional organised religion. (source)

Just daily programming

belief - 2. trust, faith, or confidence in (someone or something).

Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.

In the broad sense = a position
In narrow sense = a position
atheism = not a belief

I started to ask myself - Why will anyone present themselves as an "atheist" instead of what they believe in? (that may be anything: Scientism, Evolutionism, Buddism, Judaism, Humanism, Sosialism)

Outside Debates - when we see what these Objectors are, that will be what is real

Honest people are true people, and that is no problem. Atheism is not "belief", it is disguise (though exceptions exist)

nope, it's NOT a disguise, it's a way of life ;)

silly fictitious story book people

just keep on believin' that silly chit, and I'll defend to the death sir, your right to believe in it!!

me, believe I'll pass on the Non-Scientific, illogical lunacy called Mann's Big Book of Fairy Tales and call it a millennium.....Throwing fairy tale books @ these fukkers won't do squat, best get something a lil stronger w/ a kick ;)

Viva le Revolucion!!!

Phew, what a loony!

most of the over religious puppets are mentally unstable, my parent's (Oaky & Birch) puppet pastor from BC had to be comitted after trying to actually nail his son to some wood in a play last year. Thought his son was jeezhus. Parents quit going. still trying to guess why these types are the most seriously ill in the hed ones??


Then he wasn't much of a thinker if he could be fooled by that load of old guff. Genesis is such a load of hilarious piffle. The lawyer more likely saw a lucrative market for business amongst the sinners in some congregation of miscreant thickos and pretended to convert in order to gain access. The best way of making someone an atheist is to get them to read the buybull, it's such atrocious, badly edited, nonsensical CRAP that no person of intelligence, logic and reason could possibly fall for it.


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