So, it's a foregone conclusion that US military personnel are going to get the Covid shot, and it's no doubt going to be mandatory for them. What if it makes them all sick, permanently? Then what? Is this how an invasion is enabled?

In addition, Kamala Harris' comments on how she didn't trust the Trump FDA to decide that the shot is safe. So, Democrats may now be anti-vaxxers, as far as the Covid shot. Meaning that mainly Trump-supporting conservatives, especially the elderly, will be the ones volunteering.

Your thoughts?

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In addition, the coronavirus citizen police (untrained, no qualifications) idea has spread from Melbourne to the UK. Where else tomorrow?

Hi James, I have read up on my rights to make a citizens arrest (for any crime) which itself is spelt out in the crimes act, not the public health act. I have no rights to detain anyone at night at all, and during the day any such action can only be carried out if the "crime" in question carries three year or more jail penalty. Major breach of covid rules here have ranged from 14 days to 6 months incarceration so there could be a bit of a problem if members of the public (And security workers - same applies to them) try Anything heavy handed, it would mean they have illegally detained someone under the bill of rights act which they can Not do outside of the criteria.  

I hope you're right, but the guy from Melbourne (I recently posted a video) didn't seem like he was making this up. Now it's in England, looking for bars that stay open after curfew and that don't require masks or social distancing. Looking through mail slots, peeking in windows.

It wouldn't surprise me to see this in US states with Democratic governors next. It can only lead to chaos.

And, no doubt, the first to sign up for powers to detain others will be criminals, so their friends can rob houses while the owners are detained. And rapists who will use the threat of detainment in exchange for cooperation. Etc. TSA on steroids.

I have not heard of signing up to make citizens arrests, which is what it would be for anyone detaining another individual. If any old person is allowed to detain another without being fully vetted first then there is cause for concern. Pedo's would have a field day and criminals would think all the xmas's had come at once. 

For clarification, I'm talking about this video: Something Big Is Coming

The first three minutes should suffice, although there is further elaboration. Like I said, I hope you're right. Keep in mind that it is much easier to destroy than to create, and our overlords don't need us, at all.

I'm afraid the law as we knew it doesn't apply anymore. We are stuck in the wrong jurisdiction where anything goes.

Thank you, Chris. another thing is that in the US, areas that have had police departments defunded, after a while, will beg for law enforcement to return, and their "re-imagined" police will be much more brutal and repressive than what they wished to give up earlier. Ordo Ab Chao.


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