England's King George III & the Divine Right of Kings |
As the day of this Country’s 237th Anniversary of our
Declaration of Independence approaches, let us take this opportunity to
revisit and discuss the events and circumstances that inspired the
subjects of the American Colonies to revolt and declare independence
from King George of England.
This won’t be the same old, dull
rehash of the enumerated list of grievances the colonists had petitioned
King George for relief from and were denied. You know that list from
primary and secondary school: the King’s failure to enact laws
necessary for the fair and proper governing of the colonies, the King’s
failure to listen to and act upon the Colonists Petitions for Redress of
Grievances, the King’s punishment and reprisal of those involved in
said Petitions, the King’s failure to provide the colonies with adequate
protection from external invasion and internal strife, No Due Process
and the King’s failure to establish a Colonial Judiciary and his refusal
to abide by the Rule of Law, the King forcing American Colonists to
quarter large numbers of military troops and failing to adequately
supervise them, his cutting off the Colonist’s trade with the rest of
the world and inflicting other economic unfairness, taxation without
representation, unreasonable searches and seizures and restrictions on
free speech, free press and freedom of assembly [(and a host of other
grievances). You can view the entire list by reading the Declaration of
Independence [http://goo.gl/buq6I]
While these individual trespasses, that partially explain what happened on the 4th
of July, 1776, are important to acknowledge, focusing on them obscures
the bigger picture of a series philosophical epiphanies, enlightenments
and events that would alter the future trajectory of humankind. While
you watch fireworks this 4th of July, ponder this: The American
Revolution was an intellectual revolution as much as it was a military
revolution. The entire oppressive, overwhelming, all consuming
Socio-economic-political status quo of the Old World was overthrown and
cast off.
The new Socio-economic-political paradigm that replaced
the old status quo resulted in the tremendous expansion of individual
freedom and liberty as well as great improvement in the quality of life
for each individual. On the 4th of July, 1776, 13 American
colonies had trembled at the thought of declaring independence from what
was then the greatest power in the world. However, these enhancements
to the lives of every individual under the new American
Socio-Economic-Political Perspective of Reality allowed the 13 American
colonies to rise 170 years later as the greatest socio-economic-military
power on earth.
The American Declaration of Independence on the 4th
of July, 1776 was not just a Declaration of Independence from King
George of England. It was also a Declaration of Independence by every
American Colonial Subject from King George’s Perspective of Reality on
the Nature of Mankind and the proper relationship of the between
government and the governed.
“Huh? What the heck is he talking
about?”, you are thinking to yourself. Relax and get ready to enjoy the
wild ride adventure that led to our American Declaration of Independence
and the formation of a new country. A country made up of former
subjects, now self proclaimed citizens acting with their own
Self-Determination. And, within a newly realized Perspective of Reality
regarding the Nature of Mankind and the proper relationship between
government and the governed.
This wild ride begins by recalling
the fall of the Roman Empire and the descent of the Western World into
the “Dark Ages”. Out of the political and economic chaos of the Dark
Ages arose a Socio-Economic-Political system known as Feudalism [http://goo.gl/QqbHt] and the institutionalization of a Governance Doctrine known as the “Divine Right of Kings” [http://goo.gl/BHJHt].
Governance Doctrine of the “Divine Right of Kings” meant that the
King/Queen/Head of State (hereafter “King”) was a God or the
representative of God here on earth. As such, no earthly being had the
right to challenge the King’s authority or decisions, as they were a god
or divinely inspired. Quite simply, the King was never wrong. Your
parents may have declared to you, “My roof, My rules”, but King’s
essentially declared, “My Country, My rules.”
Further, the King
owned all the Land. No Person could be upon the King’s Land without the
permission of the King or his representatives. No person on the King’s
land had any rights, instead they had permissions and privileges; The
King’s Permission (and privileges as he so desired). And the King’s
permission (and privileges granted), including the permission to simply
be on his land, could be revoked at the Kings discretion (whim). And
that is why such persons are called subjects (as we shall more
dramatically demonstrate later in this good read).
The King
allowed certain persons the privilege to manage portions of his lands.
These persons had a wide variety of titles, but for our purposes we will
just refer to them as “Nobles”, “Lords” or “Aristocrats”. In exchange
for being given the privilege to “manage” a portion of the King’s land,
the Nobles were required to supply the King with Tax money and soldiers
for the King’s Army. In turn, the Nobles collected taxes from anyone
who lived upon the land the King had granted to the Noble and paid the
King his required portion. And, when necessary the Noble pressed into
military service some the subjects, when insufficient volunteers could
be found to meet the Kings requirements for soldiers.
And with
that foundation laid, the writer entices you to read onward with this
teaser. Perhaps you did not notice this writers phrasing of the first
paragraph of this writing:
is impossible to fully grasp the perspective of reality of a person
living under feudalism and the “Divine Right of Kings”. However, to more
fully appreciate the scope of change the American Revolution
represents, it is important that you try to intimately understand the
“Perspective of Reality” of a “subject”. That is to say, a person living
under the Socio-Political Governance Doctrine of the “Divine Right of
Kings” and the Socio-Economic System of Feudalism. To do so, this writer
asks you to participate in the following exercise.
To avoid
unnecessarily offending any particular Nationality, you are going to
envision yourself as the subject of an unnamed Country whose rules are
an amalgamation of the written and unwritten rules that existed in the
many countries of Old World Europe and the American Colonies during the
Renaissance (1300-1700AD)[Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 (AD
“discovers islands near America) [http://goo.gl/LSf05]
This exercise requires you to “inhabit and visualize the internal
pressures, restrictions and constraints subjects living under the
Government Doctrine of the “Divine Right of Kings” would have had to
place upon themselves at all times in order to survive and avoid
consequences”. (For the younger among you, think of this like setting up
your character for a computer role-playing game. Your goal here is to
survive.) Are you ready to start?
OK? First add each of the following rules to your Feudal Subject Perspective of Reality:
To continue reading for free, click here http://goo.gl/yxaxh
Those were my thoughts.
In Closing:
Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.
you seek original thought, read me; If you want the same old, tired
false left/right alleged 2 different major political party paradigm
propaganda and dogma, read someone else.
Please join with me in
mutually pledging to each other and our fellow citizens our lives, our
fortunes and our sacred honor to our mutual endeavors of restoring
liberty and economic opportunity to WE THE PEOPLE as our Founding
Fathers envisioned and intended. [Last Paragraph, Declaration of
Independence http://bit.ly/ruPE7z ]
This article is written with
the same intentions as Thomas Paine http://ushistory.org/paine. I seek
no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their
own way using their own “Common Sense” http://amzn.to/kbRuar
Tell My Politician http://goo.gl/1FWfz
Keep Fighting the Good Fight!
In Liberty,
Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot
Don Mashak Google Plus http://goo.gl/1AUrE
Conundrum: WE THE PEOPLE are forced to work part time without
compensation for the cause of #liberty with what is left over of our
time, money and energy, while our #Government works full time with
compensation and funded with our money for the cause of #Tyranny.
End the Fed(eral Reserve Bank System) #ETF
National http://bit.ly/ta3Rju Minneapolis http://bit.ly/tjZJKF
Lawless America #LawlessAmerica
Justice in Minnesota #JIM
Bring Home the Politicians #BHTP
Term Limits #TermLimits
Get out of our House #GOOOH
Thinking Notice - This author advises you as no politician would dare.
Exercise Critical Thinking (http://bit.ly/ubI6ve) in determining the
truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not passively accept nor
believe anything anyone tells you, including this author... unless and
until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively
defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to the contrary
of your perspective.
Franklin, who was one of the chief architects of the American independence, wrote it clearly:
“The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament, which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War.”
This point of view of Franklin was confirmed by great statesmen of his era: John Adams, Jefferson, and several others.
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