If I were a Government Agent and I was tasked with causing dissent among the Liberty movement and misguide those who would fight against the NWO one of my platforms would be encouraging them not to show up on voting day.

What would be more perfect? The entire Liberty movement not voting! It will be great. We wouldn't have to worry about people being upset about their vote being rigged as heck they didn't try!

So now I don't even have to rig it, if we even could have on that scale. If we could have there would always be the whistleblowers to watch out for, and with Senator Grassley, RP, and GJ on the prowl just waiting for that to happen it would have been risky.

This will be great because in addition it will dishearten the people in the Liberty movement that did vote as they will find themselves very alone.

Also, without something peaceful to strive towards as a means for change this will motivate some to violence (which is always great for us) and others to do nothing which also works for us.

Finally, we get to watch as those who have fought and taken up the torch of Liberty be betrayed by the very people they hoped would at least show  support for the growing movement.

So please take it from those who would hate for you to have Liberty, don't bother voting.

--This is of course not a confession of being a GA and simply pointing out that this would be a great plant --

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Your sarcasm is uncalled for here Troy.

Bottom feeding is not making the effort - kinda like not voting.

Why are you not fighting to make a change of these illegal activities?

I didn't say vote Obama at all... : / what is confused in your head that I or anyone here is still considering Obama or Romney?!
I don't know what your plan is... We've been asking because I am hoping there is more than ... sit at home and not vote. And other than not doing anything and encouraging others to do the same your accomplishing nothing with this plan. If your right about the extent of the rigging (big if) than they will make up the vote anyway to suit their needs right? So your big show of no confidence won't even show up, they will show as many voting and the right precentages to make it look right as well. This is assuming your right.

The only good arguement I can see for this is a fear of them knowing who you are, where you are and that you support Liberty. However they already know all that so registering and votging will not change that.

Illogical: Making a plan to do nothing an expecting a solution. 

Ironically the only arguement those of the Non-Voters offer me.

To Be or not to be.....to let it be or not let it be....to vote or not to vote, that IS the question. Will my vote count or will my no vote count more. Here-in lies the answer. There's a reason it's called CONgress. Neither the demoCRAPS or republiCONS are the friend of the FREEple. They frivolously squander their ill-gotten money/gains, lie with impunity, white-wash the Truth and speak out both sides of their mouths. Two-faces, one objective.....turning the American dream into a nightmare. Voting is a personal choice, no one should be ostracized for which choice they make. One man's trash is another man's treasure. We should reach an equitable solution that Unites US instead of dividing US.  JMHO. Some would say "pick the devil you know as opposed to the one you don't" I personally don't want to have to "give any devil his due", but will come to a decision based on fact and NOT conjecture.

All I can say is..."OK". I may not like what you say, but shall defend to the death your right to say it.


May I also point out that a DisInfo Agent would also make the same points that you do while slanting the blame towards anyone that does not agree with you. I prefer to keep my mind and my convictions free of such interference.


I have an opinion also, and that you, sir, are just another Harper Valley Hypocrit!


Well at least my opinion is backed up with some reasoning, if I were an disinformation agent what would  the government gain by you voting? They have everything to gain by you staying the hell home and nothing to gain by you coming to the poles, assuming you vote for Liberty. Cute video? 

"All the World is a Stage, and we but poor Actors destined to play out our parts."


If you honestly understood the heirarchy that was set forth by the CONstitution, then this issue of voting would not even be a bone of contention.

See, the USA Inc. was set up as a Representative Republic. What this means is that Electors holding Trusts of Land/Grants were allowed to determine who would hold each office. The General Election was held for the People to transmit their will to the Electors, but the Electors were not bound to vote but his own conscience, no matter the Will of the People.

To even vote, you had to at least be a landowner, an heir or assign, otherwise, you had not the standing to cast even your opinion vote. Is that a sweet inside job or what?

Even better, there was never any type of Vote on a Referendum to reject or adopt the Constitution, so you are not even a party to that contract, and therefore cannot complain of "Constitutional Rights" in a Court of Law, as so many cases have explained in exhaustive detail.


The even better Con Job was that in later years, after the New Deal, that the idea was implanted that the USA Inc. was a Democaracy..."One man, One Vote"...all sound and fury, signifying...nothing.


This then , to me, is the greatest tragedy...and that is the one of ignorance. In USA Inc., and even before, you NEVER had a VOTE, and under the current SYSTEM...YOU NEVER WILL!


What you have is Slavery, and as long as you refuse to understand your own political process..that is all you will ever have.

If you really believe that than what is your solution? Staying at home on election day doesn't work it won't change who is elected anymore than voting according to your delusion of the voting system here. So what is your grand plan than pal? If not at least to show support for the movement and so that across the nation we at least know some out there voted like us? Or catch those who would change our vote in the act? 
No I think your just a defeatist. 

YOU DON'T ELECT ANYONE YOU MORON, THE ELECTORS DO! So hard to speak with anyone that doesn't have a clue as to how the political process works in his own dam country. It is a sad and pathetic statement of the educational system today. 

Only a complete buffoon or a Disinfo Agent could possibly believe that running out to a voting booth will change anything. Only when the People speak with one voice...will anything ever change.

How do you expect to get the People to vote with one voice without voting? How do expect to motivate people to support Liberty when they don't vote? How do expect to show those who are there figting for us that we appreciate the struggle they go through without giving them your vote?
This is not just about winning this round, great if we do, but this is about getting representatives in there for Liberty, this is about giving the people hope, this is about showing the system to be corrupt, and finally this is about showing the rest of us that we will go out the polls and we will vote for Liberty. We will get off our asses for one day and put our name down for Liberty and smear it into the face of our enemy. Finally this is about showing to at least that guy that spoke in a sea of corruption that there was at least one guy who heard him and voted for him. I hope ya'll will be joining me. It won't cost you a thing, and can gain you everything.

So your logic is that if we don't elect a third party candidate after you've encouraged others not to vote than that proves that voting does not work? Ah good logic.


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