Ocean Shield Cargo Ship Enroute to Diego Garcia US Military Island "goes dark"?

"Ocean Shield" Cargo Ship  Enroute to Diego Garcia US Military Island "goes dark" ..... Where Is It??

Wednesday, April 2, 2014 6:29

(Before It's News)

I was the route of the cargo ship "Ocean Shield", to Australian ship tasked with carrying the massive 200lb (sarcasm) towed locator. As if the P-3 Aircraft can’t do this with Sonobouys. 

Notice how the "Ocean Shield cargo ship" has NOT updated it’s position for 2 days now. Why??

See map and link below with last known position March 31, 2014.


Since I believe the "Ocean Shield" cargo ship is going to be used to locate phony debris and/or pick up dead bodies off Flt 370 from Diego Garcia US Military Island, I consider it worth watching.

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The cargo ship called Ocean Shield departing from Perth Australia is traveling at 13.7 knots to Diego Garcia US MIlitary Island in the Maldives -Indian Ocean area.  They will have to stop in Singapore for more fuel - especially if they keep their speed up they will use more fuel faster.  Their ETA will be approx. April 14th - the day before the Blood Moon on April 15th 2014.

Satellite tracking:  www.marinetraffic.com/en/p/satellite-ais   use their name Ocean Shield for cargo ship or their IMO 9628374 (ship is flying Australia flag) Gross tonnage = 8368, Dead weight = 4000


The arrowed route shows Ocean Shield leaving Garden Island - a Naval Base!

4. Garden Island

Garden Island has some incredibly beautiful beaches – most of which are visited by very few people – and the snorkelling and fishing are excellent. It is long and thin, running roughly parallel to the coast of Cockburn Sound.

Access to much of Garden Island is restricted because the navy is based there. A causeway links the island to the mainland, but unless you’re with the navy, you need a boat to visit. The naval base takes up most of the south and eastern part of the island, so you can only moore in the northern and western bays.

These bays are beautiful and feel remote and peaceful.

http://www.westernaustralia-travellersguide.com/perth-australia-isl... ... scroll 3/4 down

@ Patriot Pete - thanks for the update and info on Ocean Shield cargo ship.   

Searchers for missing MH370 detect ‘promising’ acoustic lead

“The towed pinger locator deployed from the Australian defence vessel Ocean Shield has detected signals consistent with those emitted from aircraft black boxes,” Houston told a press conference.

There wouldn't be much time left to receive a strong signal, the month's nearly out. Does anyone yet know why the plane was that far off course ? Weird isn't it ?

They know exactly where that plane is: 

‘MH370: 9/11-style false flag gone awry?’


If Diego Garcia US (black ops base) had this plane from the get-go they would have cut out the black box and dropped it in the ocean to divert attention away from the Diego Garcia Base.  Although the black box might be "pinging" from that location - I doubt that the actual plane is there with it.


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