Planet Nestor - our 'next-door neighbors' - is predicted by FOD=6_4 algorithm (vs. GOD=7_4)

Planet Nestor is the predicted nearest 'true Earth-like plan-it'; it's next-door to us and humanoids have a nest or colony there. Nestor was built(64=B2+U21+I9+L12+T20) with the mathematical model/algorithm of FOD=6_4...

Nestor is ~4.6 billion years old. It has 6 continents & 4 seasons, '6 Seas' & 4 oceans, 64% of its surface is water. Its large moon has 4 phases of a little over 6 days (~6.4 days) each. (Its lunar month is 25.5 days.) Their lunar year is 306 days + 6 day week + 4 days = 316 day solar year with a leap year every 4 years. Its two inner planets are at .6 & .4 AU. Their 'Venus' has an orbit(64=O15+R18+B2+I9+T20) of 6.4 average Nestor months (26.33 days each) of ~168.5 days. Besides Nestor, its solar system has 6 planets with 4 being non-rocky gas or ice giants. Their 'Saturn' has an orbit of ~25.6 Nestor years (4 'seasons' of 6.4 years each). Their 6th planet (including Nestor) from their sun has the 4th largest mass in their solar system and has a diameter of 4x Nestor's.

From Nestor's surface, 6 moving celestial objects - their 6 Classical Planets - can be seen with the naked eye (Sun, Moon, & 4 'wandering stars'/planets) and 4 of these don't cast shadows on Nestor/4 can't easily be seen during the daytime. Their Big Dipper is 6 stars with 4 making up its quadrilateral ladle. It points towards its Polaris which is at the end of the handle of its Little Dipper: again, 6 stars with 4 in its ladle. Polaris may currently be their North Star. Their Orion is 6 stars with 4 in Orion's Belt. They observe their 'Mars' returning to the same point against the background of stars and in relationship to its Sun and Nestor every 46 years. Out of the 6 planets besides Nestor, the 4th from their sun is the largest.

Their solar calendar has 6 months with 27 days, 4 months with 26 days, and 2 months with 25 days = 316 days. Every 4 years, a day is added to one of the normally 25 day months. 6-day weeks and 24 hours. The day is divided into 4 parts of 6 hours each: pre-dawn, morning, afternoon, and evening.
The Nestor-Moon barycenter is 64% of Nestor's radius from its center to its surface. 4-6 eclipses occur annually. The longest theoretically an eclipse can be is 6 minutes 40 seconds. Their sun has a 10-year sunspot cycle. Nestor's magnetic field is tilted 10 degrees from its spin axis. 

Superstrings theory (M-theory) states there are 6 dimensions of hyperspace + the 4 common dimensions. Unified Strings (U21 S19) Theory adds the analysis of time as 6 aspects of 'regular time' + 4 aspects of 'hypertime', thus providing a very simple symmetry.

The Nestling brain, heart, muscles and newborns are 64% water. Tropical storms become hurricanes when their sustained winds reach 64 knots (74 mph). They speak Eqfish(6 letters, 64=E5+Q17+F6+I9+S19+H8), they recofnize FOD as The Creator, they love playinf checkers and chess (64-square board), and their gavorite beer is Miller 64.

For further explanation, see my tweaked NASA conference presentation of 4.21.09 Identifying 'True Earth-like Planets' - All New Worlds Are Built On 7_4 (like Earth) Or 6_4 at . (NASA Conference Missions for Exoplanets: 2010-2020 held in the Pasadena Hilton. I presented a poster which was approved by peer-review and displayed between one from the Japanese Space Agency and another by Harvard-Smithsonian.)

“The more perfect a nature is, the fewer means it requires for its operation.” - Aristotle (student of Plato)

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