Spanish Doctor Reveals Important Information About Swine Flu
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November 4, 2009

 BELL TOLLING for the Swine Flu (CAMPANAS por la gripe A) subtitled from ALISH on Vimeo.

Teresa Forcades is a nun at the monastery of Sant-Benet, in Monserra-Barcelona. She is a doctor physician specializing in internal medicine, PHD in public health at Barcelona’s university, specializing in the USA at the State University of New York. She gives verifiable scientific data and the disturbing irregularities related to this subject. This is relevant to all countries, all people.

She explains the consequences of the declaration of a PANDEMIC, the political consequences from this declaration and makes a proposal to keep calm. She calls for an urgent activation of all legal mechanism and the participation of all citizens in this matter.

Big thanks to Marta Cobos (gripeArtificial), Marina, Paula Hernandez and Amalia, whose help made it possible to publish this version with English subtitles.

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Thank you so much for this information!!!! I posted it on Facebook! I wish there was more I could do to get the word out!
One of the most comprehensive videos I've seen James, touching upon all of the salient facts, and by a very well educated medical doctor with the credibility of a nun.

If we retrace our steps back to last year, we will find a lot of useful information. If there are psychopathic eugenicists out there, and let's not blandly assume they are just a figment of an over-vivid imagination, then 'secondary' bacterial infections would be the modus operandi of these lunatics. Naturally they would offer assurances to the dupes that unleashed the holocaust, that they,(the elite,) would be protected by tamiflu. etc. This is a manufactured pandemic. The question needs to be asked; "What else do they have in store for us?"


Antibiotic Resistant Infections Will be Problem During Pandemic

by Anthony L. Kimery
Tuesday, 19 August 2008

'Of course bacterial infection following influenza should be of concern'
Pandemic health preparedness authorities, virologists, and other scientists are expressing alarm over the findings of two new studies that indicate a potentially significant number of people died during the horrific 1918 influenza pandemic in part because highly opportunistic bacterial infections were able to flourish in these flu victims because the virus severely weakened their immune systems.

Scientists today also have found that the virulent H5N1 flu virus profoundly short circuits a person’s immune system, especially people with healthy systems.

But what's of particularly grave concern is that a terribly weakened immune system is vulnerable to aggressive bacterial infections like the virulent strain of Staphylococcus aureus that’s been linked to seasonal influenza deaths and has developed a resistance to many of the antibiotics used to treat it.

Last fall, the "Journal of the American Medical Association" (JAMA) reported that a strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that has been spreading across the country is causing more life-threatening infections than public health authorities had thought, and killing more people in the US each year than AIDS.

The revelation that a pandemic strain of influenza could hasten the spread of antibiotic resistant bacterial infections like MRSA in flu patients is especially disturbing, and presents an entirely new set of challenges for pandemic preparedness planners. earlier reported that hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) like MRSA that kill an estimated 90,000 to 100,000 Americans each year during routine hospital stays could be expected to run rampant during a health crisis in which tens of thousands – or more – persons require emergency medical care under what will likely be less than sterile and sanitary conditions. Conditions most authorities agree are primarily responsible for the transmission of HAIs like MRSA.

HAI infections can cause serious illnesses and, in severe cases, death. Indeed, infectious diseases are a major cause of illness, disability and death, statistics and authorities point out.

Consequently, "we have to realize that it isn't just antivirals that we need" during a pandemic, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and coauthor of one of the studies published in the "Journal of Infectious Diseases."

"We need to make sure that we're prepared to treat people with antibiotics," Fauci stressed.

“Yes, of course bacterial infection following influenza should be of concern, and antibiotic resistant bacteria of even greater concern,” Dr. Graeme Laver told

A former professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University in Canberra, Laver played a key role in the development of the antivirals Tamiflu and Relenza.

Laver has been studying influenza viruses for nearly 40 years. Along with colleague Dr. Robert Webster, the two are credited with having first found the link between human flu and bird flu. In the 1960's, both received world acclaim when they developed a new and innovative generation of vaccines for flu viruses.

Both new studies – the other published in "Emerging Infectious Diseases" – indicate that opportunistic infections are able to take hold in the upper respiratory tract of flu victims because of the flu’s ability to provoke a severe immune system reaction called a “cytokine storm.”

This problem is prevalent in victims infected with the H5N1 flu virus which, unlike seasonal flu viruses, upsets the chemical messengers that regulate immune function in a healthy, vigorous immune system, thus activating an inordinate number of immune cells.

Studies show children and teens between birth and 19 years of age account for nearly 46 percent of all H5N1 flu deaths in the world.

Similarly, the 1918 pandemic flu virus struck down an inordinate number of young, healthy adults.

Prior to the new studies linking virulent influenza to the onset of opportunistic bacterial infections, a team led by Menno de Jong of the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, urged that “the focus of clinical [pandemic] management should be on preventing this intense cytokine response by early diagnosis and effective antiviral treatment.”

“If virus replication can be stopped in the early stages, then the likelihood of bacterial infection will be greatly reduced,” Laver said.

Laver earlier explained to that “If people with flu symptoms take Tamiflu immediately, say within six or so hours after symptom onset, the infection should be rapidly terminated, the person should recover, and then, and this is important, should then be immune to reinfection for the rest of the pandemic.”

Laver said “this has been called ‘Aborted-infection Immunization,’ and to use Tamiflu in this way would allow many health care workers and so on to go about their business without fear of reinfection.”
More people die each year from Parainfluenza (no vaccine), Empyema (no vaccine), Pneumonia and almost 200 other infectious pathogens than from the flu. There are almost 200 infectious pathogens active now, during the flu season. While the CDC claims 36,000 people die yearly from the flu in the US, their web site at this moment confirms 297 flu deaths this year. That's because the figure of 36,000 is derived from averaging Pneumonia deaths and attributing flu deaths to those Pneumonia deaths over the average. It's referred to as an ESTIMATE and that's precisely what it is, an estimate. It's all smoke and mirrors. The risk of death from the flu is small.

The other statistic that isn't kept or examined is as follows. How many people contracted the flu and then died from another infectious pathogen and how many people contracted an infectious pathogen and then died from the flu. That's a question that needs to be asked and examined. Until then, flu shots are virtually worthless.
Monstrous interesting. Thank you for this. Pop goes the weasel.
Great info. It's a pity tho that she does not do it in English (if possible)

I wonder if she will get a roasting from either the hospital or the Vatican.
As she says, You could convince people ok about the vaccine poison but when you start to go deeper into the conspiracy of mass murder, it takes away from the vaccine exposure.

I will be sending this to local MPs and radio stations. OH and my doctor who has refused to take the vaccine.
Great video, and thank you for posting!

I wish they would make this into a CSI Miami or whatever the "hot" show is right now cuz most people won't take the time to listen to this video, it's just too long for them, but if it were in a tv show they could even make it "to be continued" and many would tune in.
This is Excellent! I to have posted it on Facebook, but I would also like to hear from the Czech individual that decided to test Baxter's products in the first place.


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