The Awakening Nears Critical Mass

Monday, December 17th, 2012. Filed under: Activism Consciousness Inspiration Medical Fascism The Awakening


by Zen Gardner

The exponentially increasing revelations of truth that the alternative research community is exposing are having a profound effect. This uncensored research is based on efforts toward a more honest, integrated and holistic worldview, using real history, honest facts and trends, and accumulated information outside the controlled and censored media.

The massive vibrational change of consciousness is palpable. And more so by the day.

And it’s getting to the would be Controllers. It’s never been easy to quantify, but we’re starting to get proof positive of the effects on a massive scale. We need to take that awareness and apply that as direct knowledge on other fronts and act accordingly.

The walls are coming down. The wake up is clearly reaching critical mass.

The Power of Awareness

Being aware of not just the information but the vibrational changes is a huge advantage. The insiders on their side know about this too. Most of the stooges you see in the news don’t. They’re just hired thugs. We know it’s working not just by observing information and events, but by intuitive conscious awareness and the thrilling crescendo of awakened lives we’re seeing and hearing from everyday.

Their ranks know something’s happening because it’s impacting their plans and putting them on the defensive. Imagine someone trying to make a wave pattern in one end of a swimming pool trying to push all the floating items in a certain direction with hardly any resistance. Then in jumps person after person in the other end and they start playing and splashing around. You think Mr. Wavepattern Controller will feel the effects on his little baubles of lies and deceit he’s been busy floating out there?

Oh yes he will, and he won’t be too happy about all these unpredictable waves swishing around the pool now, would he be?

Cosmically it’s much more profound than that, but you get the idea.

So….everyone in the pool! Start making all the waves you can! Every drop counts, never mind splash!

Presumptuous? I Don’t Think So.

Think about some of the powerful revelations and clear awarenesses coming to light. The cosmic ground has been seeded and it’s springing into life everywhere!

We’ve raised awareness of multiple false flag scenarios from micro nukes to virus seeding to staged so-called “lone gunman” rampages like this latest child butchering. They make them more and more horrific to push the unconscious public over the edge, as in the 9/11 mega ritual.

They’re desperate.

And we’re on to them. We know about and track their weather warfare moves. We’re well aware of their insidious mind control tricks. We’ve unraveled their phony education, political, financial and media scams.

We’ve tracked and identified in great detail the fascist takeover and implementation of the police state. We’ve exposed the banking and corporate whores, and their poisoning of our air, water and food supplies. And such activism is working.

The horrific reality of their wicked child abusing is coming to greater and greater light, as are their blood letting sacrificial rites and satanic ceremonies. We can read their pagan, Freemasonic and occult symbolism and their numerological codes.

We connect the dots of their deliberately scrambled dystopian compartmentalized scheme, and are well aware of their Illuminist agenda.

We may not be not know everything, but the Creative Force is sure bringing a lot to light and we’re shining it in their f**king faces!

All Part of the Wake Up, Baby.

Fact is we’re pissing them off and the bastards are literally having to regroup and reshuffle their plans because of us.  It may not stay the wars and false flags  these psychopathic idiots have lined up, but it can shift battle conditions and put them on the defensive and cause erratic, self-exposing behavior, further advancing humanity’s awakening.

And more so. When these things come to pass, those who’ve caught on or the even greater numbers of those who’ve even just heard about this methodology and intent and dismissed it as “conspiracy theory” will go off like roman candles!

The Elite Emergency Button – False Flag

They are aware of our awareness, and planning accordingly. Make no mistake. “We” not only need to be controlled, but if awareness is really getting out of hand and they’re meeting resistance to the next level of manipulation, we need to be seriously distracted and manipulated.

And it will be soon again, and continual. Sorry, but it has to be. But this time when the next big one goes down many millions of people will know exactly what they’re up to.

Just like the Colorado and Connecticut shootings and the like. Obvious as all hell if someone is even slightly awake. And these events usually happen not just to push their agenda, but to distract from something way bigger and more insidious they’re trying to slip past us.

It appears they’re scrambling to get into place and that’s what tells me it won’t be long. Be it a false flag to start the next big war, or a serious domestic attack on a U.S. city to ram the U.S. and the rest of the world into the next level of Orwellian military control, they’re licking their chops to pull the trigger on something. Be prepared, it will temporarily quash internet freedom, freedom of movement, and unleash a whole array of  weapons against the citizenry of the U.S. and elsewhere that will make heads spin if and when something of that scale happens.

So do be prepared, but not afraid. It’s just being realistic.

They Fear the Wake Up – And They Should

In fact they live in constant fear. You think the hierarchy they exercise to control us is bad, imagine the hellions they report to! And they turn on each other in a flash if it serves their purposes. Nasty bunch. And it manifests in this need to exercise control over and abuse those under their imposed dominion.

But a major concern for these freaks is that the wake up is getting out of hand and potentially screwing up their world takeover plans. It’s not the climate they need. They need drugged up, dumbed down and freaked out masses who are easy to intimidate and control.  So be on your toes, but don’t be afraid.

The awakening will only spread faster!

Whatever the planned disturbance, vast swaths of ignorant, freaked out “sleeple”  will fall for it and beg for whatever it takes, even martial law, to “protect” them”. That’s why I think there’s going to be something that “hits home” to pull this off, sorry to say.

But it will only add fuel to the cosmic shift, in spite of anything they do.

Let the Wake Up Roll!

Don’t be afraid, and don’t be deterred. The matrix is in its death throes. That we know…and they cannot help but sense.

While the awakening hits critical mass, expect wonderful breakthroughs, revelations of Truth and personal and social empowerment. Now’s the time to get as active as possible and encourage others to do the same. Every bit of information, every act or intention of compassion, every brave effort to expose them and call them out and stand up to them is having an exponential effect.

Learn to listen to and trust your heart. That’s the true cosmic consciousness internet. They can’t censor or shut that one down.

Only you can.

Do be prepared for a backlash, but keep fighting the good fight no matter what.

Fearlessly. And in love.

“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected”. – Mahatma Gandhi

Love, Zen

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Awakening of the masses is happening in front of us. That's why the high cabal is accelerating their war against the people. News are becoming more and more bizarre and the deception increasingly obvious day by day.

Yep, and the psychos are willing to ANYTHING to win, even if that means taking everything with them in the process. The PTB are starting to panic, and with that comes more mistakes on their part.


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