The New Flu Pandemic: Treatment with Herbs, Oils & Roots - Part 1

Ms. Sandra Hale, LVN

The New Flu Pandemic

Sandra Hale, LVN

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I researched the latest flu pandemics and gathered a few tidbits that might be useful to anyone trying to avoid dying from the new and improved version of the Avian Bird/Swine/SARS/MERS flu. I also studied the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, of which some medical experts have expressed their opinion that all these new flu strains may be related to the original Spanish Flu. Bad news, because “The Spanish Flu killed 100 million people, that’s 3-5% of the world population. It killed more people in 24 weeks than AIDS killed in 24 years and killed more people in one year than the Plague did in 100 years. “(The Great Influenza by John M. Barry).

There is good news: As Engineer Scottie said in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) “The more they over-think the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.”

There is much unknown about all these animals to human viruses; but, here’s what we do know:

A) They are all apparently airborne and spread thru the respiratory system. Most of the Spanish Flu deaths were young healthy people aged 15-35 years old. Sound familiar? This happened in Mexico during the Flu outbreaks of March and April 2009. Most died of the results of a “cytokine storm” which is basically when the immune system over-reacts and causes inflammation, fluid overloads, hemorrhage and organ failure. The November 2002-March 2003 SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) strain affected the very young and the elderly with the largest mortality group being over 65 years of age. After 2-7 days most went into respiratory failure and required mechanical ventilation. The new MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) is affecting children moderately and the middle aged and older severely and it has an unknown incubation period. In fact, most everything about this MERS virus is unknown. MERS is affecting not only the lungs, but the kidneys and most survivors of the 50% survival rate require kidney dialysis for life.

B) The majority of deaths were from hemorrhage, hypoxia (low oxygen) and organ failure caused by pneumonia and/or sepsis. Pneumonia and sepsis can cause the lungs to fill up with fluid and blood, which literally drown/suffocate the patient to death. In the Spanish Flu and the later Swine/Bird Flu strains, Pneumonia allegedly developed from secondary bacterial infections. In SARS, the condition itself is viral pneumonia. Even though, bacterial Pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics, viral pneumonia must be treated with antivirals.

There is a serious problem with both types of pneumonia if they are related to The Spanish Flu virus because the Spanish Flu virus replicated so fast into so many different mutations and left so many secondary bacterial infections in so little time that people felt fine in the morning, felt sick in the afternoon and were dead before nightfall. Their extremities turned blue from lack of oxygen and their lungs filled up with blood and fluid. The bleeding was caused from the bursting of bacterial or viral cells (lysis), pathogenic abscess and inflammation. (History Channel-The Plague & Alien Infection)

Since they claimed pneumonia induced organ failure was the primary vehicle of death in all these flu groups, there has been reliable research that shows inflammation was NOT the cause of death in pneumonia patients; it was hemorrhage (bleeding). Jae Hyang Lim, Ph.D., DVM, instructor in Microbiology & Immunology at the University of Rochester Medical Center and first author on the paper wrote: "The medical establishment had for years believed that the breathing difficulty was brought on by inflammation: the swelling and fluid build-up caused as immune system proteins rushed to the lungs to fight the infection. A medical mystery emerged, however, when our studies revealed that such inflammation was actually lower during the early time period when most people died."

Researchers have identified a toxin released during pneumonia that causes bleeding in the lungs called “pneumolysin” which increases the permeability of the lung’s blood vessels and causes them to leak blood. Even worse, bacteria can thwart the protection afforded by vaccines by reproducing and evolving so quickly that they become unrecognizable to both vaccine and immune system. Furthermore, antibiotic drugs kill bacteria by cutting them open, which release even more pneumolysin which in turn, results in more bleeding. In the report, there are some interesting things noted about this newly discovered “toxin”. First of all, it requires an acid environment and extreme heat and Trypsin (a digestive enzyme) inhibits it. [Bleeding, Not Inflammation, Is Major Cause of Early Lung Infection Death, 2013 University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY 14642 | 585-275-URMC (8762)].

So, what have we learned from all this? Some Medical Experts have come up with a few basic steps to follow that would pertain to the entire group of flu virus:

1) Stop the virus from replicating.

2) Kill the virus and any forms of it that are left in your body.

3) Treat any bacterial or secondary infections, including Pneumonia/Sepsis.

4) Treat inflammation to prevent or stop a cytokine storm.

5) Support your immune system until complete recovery.


  • Protect your respiratory system: Wear a N-95 Mask, Gargle, Spray throat, Irrigate Sinuses and Drink warm liquids every day- You can drink tea or other warm drinks; gargle with warm salt water or gold color Listerine; Use a Saline, Xylitol, Olive Leaf Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano (sparingly) or other type of nasal spray and/or irrigate your nose and sinus with a Neti Pot daily to wash away pathogens trying to replicate in your throat and sinus before they migrate into your upper respiratory system and lungs. This is because bacteria and virus needs time in the back of your throat and sinus to reproduce. By doing any or all of the above, you can wash away many of the virus particles into the stomach where, hopefully, the stomach enzymes will kill them.

  • Chicken Soup - Several studies prove chicken soup helps break up congestion and ease the flow of nasal secretions. It seems to inhibit the white blood cells that trigger the inflammatory response that causes sore throats and produces phlegm. Chicken contains an amino acid called Cysteine, which is released when you make the soup. This amino acid is similar to the drug, acetylcysteine, which is prescribed by doctors to patients with bronchitis. It functions by thinning down mucus in the lungs, making it easier to cough up and out. Hot chicken vapors have been proven more effective than hot water vapors in clearing out the cold in your nose. To increase the effectiveness of chicken soup, add lots of hot and spicy ingredients, like cayenne pepper, fresh garlic, and onions.

  • Green TeaStudies of green tea have found that two catechins called epigallocatchin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin gallate (ECG) were very effective in inhibiting replication of the influenza virus. Green tea is generally taken in tea form, although capsules are available as well. Green tea does contain caffeine, so those sensitive to caffeine should use it with caution. Like coffee, the caffeine will keep you up at night. It also causes hyperactivity in children and teens and some adults.

  • Fever- Promote the presence of a fever if it is not life-threatening. Never attempt to inhibit a fever unless it is life-threatening, as it is one of the few tactics the immune system has to destroy and halt the spread of a virus. According to the Mayo Clinic, "Don't treat fevers below 102 F (38.9 C) with any medications unless your doctor tells you to." Prevent dehydration with lots of oral fluids and electrolyte drinks. A fever is designated as critical when the temperature stays above 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit for more than three days or when the temperature goes above 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Seek medical attention immediately for a fever of that magnitude.” Read more: How to Stop a Virus From Replicating | eHow

  • Protease enzymes - “Protease enzymes break down proteins, be they proteins in the digestive system, cellular debris or toxins in the blood. Not all proteases, however, can break down all proteins. Therapeutic protease enzymes go beyond digestion, travel through our bloodstream and serve as catalysts to metabolism, detoxification and immune activity. The proteolytic enzymes support the enzymatic activity of the human body, making the formula a potent immune balancer.

While proteolytic enzymes are able to dissolve almost all proteins, this only applies to proteins that are not components of living cells. For protease to digest a protein it must be damaged, attached to a dead organism, or be a protein that does not belong in the body. The body employs enzymes to break down foreign invaders such as bacteria, yeasts and viruses. This happens because viruses are cell parasites consisting of nucleic acids covered by a protein film. Research has shown that oral proteases, taken as a dietary supplement on an empty stomach are absorbed and carried into the blood stream where they are bound to plasma proteins known as Alpha-II-macroglobulin. Recent research also indicates that the oral proteases bound to these plasma proteins are able to break down protein based pathogens in the blood. This includes viruses, fungi such as Candida, bacteria and parasites.”

  • Alkaline Food and Water- Research has shown that pathogens, including virus need an acid environment to replicate. (Influenza A Virus Entry Inhibitors Targeting the Hemagglutinin, by Yang, Li, Shen and Shuwen Liu).

  • Lauric Acid: A sentence on page 82 of The High Blood Pressure Hoax notes, "Monolaurin actually disintegrates the lipid (fat) envelope or membrane of viruses, destroying their main defense." (Rogers) cites the study,” It's the lauric acid in Monolaurin that binds to the virus's lipid (fat)-protein envelope. That's how Monolaurin inactivates the virus. You see, Monolaurin binds to the membrane that covers the virus and prevents the virus from 'uncoating.' At this point, there's no way the virus is able to reproduce itself. The shell or "viral envelope" of the virus is disintegrated. Now the virus can no long get into more of your cells or attach. The virus's envelope is gone” (In vitro effects of Monolaurin compounds on enveloped RNA and DNA viruses," by Hierholzer, JC, Kabara, JJ. Journal of Food Safety, 4:1, 1982). Lauric acid is a saturated fat. It is found in many vegetable fats, particularly in coconut and palm kernel oils. People use it as medicine. Lauric acid is used for treating viral infections including influenza (the flu); swine flu; avian flu; the common cold; fever blisters, cold sores, and genital herpes caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV); genital warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV); and HIV/AIDS. It is also used for preventing the transmission of HIV from mothers to children.

Other uses for lauric acid include treatment of bronchitis, gonorrhea, yeast infections, chlamydia, intestinal infections caused by a parasite called Giardia lamblia, and ringworm. In foods, lauric acid is used as a vegetable shortening. In manufacturing, lauric acid is used to make soap and shampoo.

How does it work? - Some research suggests lauric acid might be a safer fat than trans-fats in food preparations. Lauric acid is safe in amounts found in foods.

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