Los Angeles and Torrance Police were involved in two shootings in Torrance early Thursday morning after police came across vehicles similar to one sought by authorities in a manhunt for ex-LAPD officer suspected of shooting three other officers.

Neither incident involved the suspect, Christopher Jordan Dorner who was at large Thursday morning.

The first incident occurred about 5:30 a.m. in the 19500 block of Redbeam Avenue and involved two women delivering newspapers in a blue pickup.

The women were shot by LAPD one in the hand, the other in the back.

Both were taken to local hospitals and are in critical condition.

The pickup was riddled with bullet holes and what appeared to newspapers were in the street.

Police said the women were riding in a truck similar to the one that suspect Christopher Jordan Dorner is believed to be driving.
The second incident, involved Torrance police at Flagler Lane and Beryl Street about 5:45 a.m.

No injuries were reported in the second incident.


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yea, maybe they should obey congress and keep a record of police shooting too, since 1994 they where order to do so, but to this date there is no staticial information to be had on POLICE SHOOTINGS, CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!1

Where did these cops get their badges from... crackerjack boxes?

Guess they couldnt tell the difference between 2 small women delivering papers and a big burly black man on a mission.Guess the old adage still stands,shoot 1st ask questions later. What a bunch of bull!!  Cops should be ashamed of themselves!! Wonder if they will pay for the medical bills and for the pain and suffering of the 2 women? No probably not they will consider it justified. Dont trust cops anymore,don't matter what state,or if its a small town ,DO NOT TRUST OR BELEIVE IN THE POLICE!!

Wow, I bet any black guy with a blue pick up truck & has to drive it, is terrified!

I hope the innocents are ok!

It's pathetic that the police there must shoot first and ask questions later.. 

Kinda tells me something about there training methods.

It tells you more about their "INTENTIONS" than their training!

Maybe there training and there intentions....

Maybe, or the inner culture of pervasiveness that possibly permeates their division.

Big lawsuits on horizon though....as opposed to attempted murder charges.....

"What does he know that the police involved are so desperate to shut him up?"  He tried going by the book....it didn't work.  He was pushed to take justice into his own hands and so far, is doing a job all the paid off? officials should be doing themselves.  Those police will probably get promotions for the murder of those women, while the hero is cleaning house.  That is how some of the good and honest people are going to go out of this world.  I hope I live to see the tyranny stop.  And the REAL murderers' see their own justice.

Looks like the killer was killing innocent people, and I wouldn't call that justice.  


the "killer" were the cops on this one, which nobody got killed (yet)

you on the right page???

They are all killers & cops....so I can see how it's confusing, but I met initially, the suspect was shooting innocents, then, the cops followed suit, because they were trying to kill, not capture, the suspect.


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