UN Document July 31 2013 Outlines US Disarmament Plan and Jobs

UN Document Or Not, Preparations to Disarm America Is Under Way!

Submitted by SadInAmerica on Sat, 07/19/2014 - 4:04pm.


The evidence is mounting that Obama and his colleagues at the United Nations are complete gun confiscation of civilian owned American guns. There is a new , previously held secret, which has surfaced and clearly signals the intention of the United Nations to engage in gun confiscation in the relatively near future. ~ Dave Hodges - Document

The document is damning, however, the existence of the document is not even needed to prove the point that there is a major confrontation brewing between the American people and an international peace-keeping UN force, and it's coming right around the corner.

Another Nail In America's Coffin

The following is a smoking gun document that presents seven sequential steps designed to culminate in the total disarmament of the American nation.

For those of you that know your history, you will note that there were 17 genocides in the 20th Century and in each case, these genocides were preceded by gun confiscation by the host government.

According to the Democide Project, governments killed far more people, an estimated 26o million victims, than even war.

History shows that if we ever allow government, the UN, or the U.S., to ever be able to seize our guns, we are signing our death warrant!

The following document is a Declaration of WAR against the United States people.  Scroll down to the Appendix to view a clearer copy of the below document.


The UN and its cohorts have accomplished steps 1-5 (see below). They are now working on steps 6 and 7 which would constitute complete disarmament of the American people.


The UN and its cohorts have accomplished steps 1-5 (see below). They are now working on steps 6 and 7 which would constitute complete disarmament of the American people.

If one examines the first five steps of the plot, it is easy to ascertain the pattern of gun confiscation that Obama has attempted to follow. I do not believe that Obama has to completely implement steps 1-5 before moving to enforce steps 6 and 7.

Therefore, even though Obama has not completely implemented the first five steps across the country, he has done enough to usher in Steps 6 and 7 in this United Nations disarmament plan. Steps 6 and 7 are listed below:

"6. Finally, codification of laws to completely makes any and all firearms illegal to own, possess or use outside of and law enforcement usage.

7. Creation of a United Nations Police Taskforce with the specific mission of assisting member nations with the collection of weaponry from civilian hands".

The proof for the validity of the intentions signaled by this document does not lie in the authenticity of any single document.

The smoking gun evidence that Obama is progressively moving towards seizing all 300,000,000 civilian guns in this country, lies in the ubiquitous manner in which Obama has pursued sequential and progressive steps toward the disarming of the American people.

As it has been said,

"Judge a man by what he does, not by what he says".

The cases in point would be what Obama has tried to accomplish after the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Batman Aurora, CO. shootings and the Sandy Hook event.

With some very sloppy bootstrapping steps following these events, Obama has progressively attempted to make guns more difficult to obtain and he has greatly expanded what is defined as "military grade weapons" and to limit what is considered to be "appropriate" for hunting as he has tried to block Americans from obtaining as many of these weapons as possible.

"1. Classification of military grade weapons to be made illegal for possession".

"4. Codification of laws to begin the restricting and strict licensing of hunting grade firearms."

I am certain that most people familiar with present Second Amendment debates will recognize the various and omnipresent "gun buy-back" programs funded with your tax money designed to remove guns from civilian hands.

"2. Creation of programs to provide reasonable compensation for voluntary surrender of said arms".

How many times have we witnessed Obama standing before the cameras and national press corps and threaten to take unilateral action against our gun rights following each one of the false flag events mentioned above?

In each instance, Obama has used thinly veiled excuses that he only wants to take away guns that "military grade weapons".

"1. Classification of military grade weapons to be made illegal for possession.

5. Codification of laws to restrict the sale of, and possession of ammunition and components to manufacture ammunition".

Connecting the Dots for Gun Confiscation

Even if the the UN document designed to disarm America, listed above, was not genuine (and it is), the following, very public document has been proven to be very authentic.

Under the heading, "Hiding in plain sight", the United Nations is advertising for the following Job Position:

JOB Posting Title: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer, P4


Department/Office: Department of Peacekeeping Operations

Duty Station: New York

Job Description: A minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience in disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration or related area.

Experience working within peacekeeping, peace-building or development programmes operations is desirable.

Experience with small arms control, conflict/post-conflict crisis management, economic recovery is desirable.

Experience coordinating multiple partner agencies, funds or programmes is desirable.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, signing away America's freedom, security and longevity.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, signing away
America's freedom, security and longevity as
he signs the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

There is even more fuel to throw on this raging fire as we consider the fact that, at the behest of President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry illegally, and in direct violation to the Constitution of the United States, signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

The UN Arms Trade Treaty contains all 7 provisions listed above in the Disarmament Commission of the United Nations.

There are some who will undoubtedly state that all of these actions potentially lie in the future and there is nothing to worry about and they will advise the country to go back to sleep.

However, America, we are being occupied in this latest invasion of our country by illegal aliens from Central America (drug resistant TB and Bacteriological Pneumonia), South America (Denege Fever) and West Africa (Ebola).

According to Dr. Jane Orient and many other health professionals, we are facing a series of possible pandemics. However, this is the only invasion that the country is focusing on.

These health crises will be the "pretext to roll out the United Nations Tanks and Foreign Troops for their supposed "peace-keeping mission on American soil".

What we should be focusing on, as well, is the military invasion that is about to unfold in this country. This will be the military invasion that will be UN sponsored and it will be the one that seizes our guns.

Take a look at the following image of UN military vehicles spotted and photographed in our country in the past several weeks.

An occupation force is being mobilized.

An occupation force is being mobilized.


Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet

Even more disturbing is the fact that Warren Buffet, in 2011, headed an effort to help the United Nations acquire all materials needed for the building of nuclear weapons.

This is a clear signal that three years ago, the United Nations began making plans to eventually engage in nuclear blackmail, or nuclear war, with nations that might be opposed their grand takeover of the planet.

Under the guise and distraction of a massive and disruptive illegal immigration invasion of the United States, the real threat lies in what is going to follow the massive resettlement into this country by what will be millions of immigrants.

Dr. Jane Orient stated on my most recent radio interview with her that it is not a matter of "if" but "when" we will see pandemic outbreaks of virulent diseases and viruses for which Americans have no immunity.

And of course, the humanitarian efforts will be brought into play as they pose as medical rescuers driving around in white MRAP vehicles.

Obama and Obama, a very dangerous alliance for America.

Obama and Obama, a very dangerous alliance for America.

In the next part in this series, I will be presenting clear and irrefutable proof that the Obama administration is assembling a multinational "peace-keeping"UN arms seizure military organization.

As a teaser, would anyone care to guess who is one of the primary financiers will be for this United Nations effort? It would be none other than the President's half brother, Malick Obama. Can you say "The Muslim Brotherhood?"




United Nations

Distr.: Restricted
5 August 2013
Original: English


United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs

Disarmament Commission – Civilian Weapons Confiscation Study Group
New York, 29-31 July 2013

The issue of military grade weaponry in the hands of civilians looms ever larger in the face of the global implementation of 22/Agenda 21 by member nations.

In particular, the United States of America has an estimated 500 million weapons in the hands of its civilian population. This is not just a static problem, it is a massive dynamic problem for the process of confiscation as there will be those who refuse to surrender their firearms.

The conclusion of discussions by the CWCSG led to the adoption of a proposed agenda to begin the process for introducing to member nations a framework by which they can begin codification of national laws to disarm civilians within their borders through a graduated process.

Within the discussion framework, we have identified several problem areas that must be addressed, they are:

1. Classification of military grade weapons to be made illegal for possession.

2. Creation of programs to provide reasonable compensation for voluntary surrender of said arms.

3. Codification of laws to begin the restricting and strict licensing of concealable firearms.

4. Codification of laws to begin the restricting and strict licensing of hunting grade firearms.

5. Codification of laws to restrict the sale of, and possession of ammunition and components to manufacture ammunition.

6. Finally, codification of laws to completely makes any and all firearms illegal to own, possess or use outside of military and law enforcement usage.

7. Creation of a United Nations Police Taskforce with the specific mission of assisting member nations with the collection of weaponry from civilian hands.

The CWCSG will submit its findings and final recommendations once we have created the codification framework for member nations for a full review by the Office of the Secretary General.


Here we have the here the heretofore secret United Nations to disarm America.

In the next article, in this series we witness the building of the multi-national force designed to disarm America under UN authority.


Dave Hodges - July 17, 2014 - posted at TheCommonSenseShow

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However, America, our border is being "invaded" by illegal aliens from Central America bringing with them multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis (TB) and Bacteriological Pneumonia, South America (Denege Fever) and West Africa (Ebola).

According to Dr. Jane Orient and many other health professionals, we are facing a series of likely pandemics. However, this is a Trojan Horse or set-up to distract Americans with the "illegals invasion on our southern border."

These health crises will be the pretext to roll out the United Nations and their peace-keepers.

What we should be focusing on, as well, is the military invasion that is about to unfold in this country.

This will be the UN sponsored military invasion that will masquerade as "Pandemic Units" but their real mission is to seize our guns.

These health crises will be the "pretext to roll out the United Nations Tanks and Foreign Troops for their supposed "peace-keeping mission on American soil".

What we should be focusing on, as well, is the military invasion that is about to unfold in this country.

This will be the military invasion that will be UN sponsored and it will be the one that "seizes our guns".

Obama Executive Order Bans Sale and Importation of AK-47 Rifles

What I conclude from FaithNotReligion is that the law says AK-47, but it really means __?__ ... provable


I know the NSA is big; but I have a hard time believing this [the 80% number]. Not that I doubt they have the DESIRE though...

First skeptics, then over-the-hill conspiracy theorist ... :D

Would it not make more sense that "taking the guns" is what they want you to think they are going to do? [type of argument used many times before ... lead-everything-into-nowhere]

If anything the gov.'s ammunition purchases of the last year have proven they don't need to "take the guns" [proof of nothing]. They'll just buy them out of the hands of the American People [obviously that will take a generation].

If there is any talk of "gun control", people go completely NUTS! ["nuts" is in the eyes of the beholder]

Ammunition is sold out, people are buying "AR's" for 3X what they are worth, it's lunacy! [ordinary citizens do not scare me at all]

I have no doubt every government on the planet would rather none of their citizens possess firearms [basically saying nothing factual], especially the U.S. But confiscation would be so impractical and close to impossible [more nothing], it makes more sense to think they've got something else planned entirely. (To circumvent the necessity) [moving a very substantiated top post into speculative speculations = denial]

"If anything the gov.'s ammunition purchases of the last year serve as evidence that they don't need to "take the guns"

- government has purchased 1.6 trillion bullets
- government has enought bullets for every Americans (5 per head)
-> gun confiscation is not needed


The kind of bullets DHS is buyingFaithNotReligion argues then there will be no ammo left for all other gun owners ... (stated as a "proof")

NM, could you explain me why you so often resort to personal attacks on people expressing their opinions here. There is no need for a patronizing attitude. It makes you look very poor in judgement. None of us has the whole truth. Why not let the issues, not the people argue.

This topic is about what is true / false, persons as such is of no importance to us

Naomi Wolf Thinks Edward Snowden and His Sexy Girlfriend Might Be Government Plants

A favorite argument for discrediting Snowden

I've come to the conclusion over the last couple of years that "Taking the Guns" is only a major distraction launched directly from this administration in concealment campaigns of things much larger.

Same type logic. Pose as "more radical". After "two years" FaithNotReligion has not figured out what "much larger" is beyond ___?___ It is all fictionous - "major distraction", "from this administration", "concealment campaign"


"Destroying the New World Order"



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