Authorities bring in seismic technology to try and locate cause of mysterious sounds
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Mysterious booms have rattled the Wisconsin town of Clintonville for a fourth consecutive night, with local authorities preparing to bring in seismic technology to try and locate the cause of the booms, which have been described as sounding like underground fireworks, thunder, or someone slamming a heavy door.
With reports of residents hearing the boom starting on Sunday, more mysterious noises were heard in the town in the early hours of this morning. Clintonville police reported hearing the boom at 1:30am and 2:30am, while Fox 11 reporter Doug Higgins heard the sound at 5am this morning.
Curiosity has turned into paranoia as residents become increasingly insistent that local authorities solve the mystery, with some leaving town until the booms stop.
The fact that the sound has been described as coming from underground has led to theories that military activity or top secret below earth blasting may be responsible for the booms. Speculation has raged for decades about secret underground tunnels and even underground cities built by the U.S. government for clandestine purposes.
Thousands of people in the area have reported that the booms are accompanied by earthquake-like vibrations which have rattled homes.
Human activity may also be responsible for causing what appear to be seismic events. Changes in underground pressure caused by construction or mining have been known to cause earthquakes, notably in Switzerland in 2007 when the construction of a geothermal power plant caused an earthquake of magnitude 3.4 on the Richter scale.
Experts have also suggested that CO2 sequestration, which involves pumping CO2 into deep underground reservoirs, could also cause earthquakes. Given that geoengineering projects conducted in the name of preventing global warming are already taking place with little or no public oversight, could the source of Clintonville’s booms be related to a secret geoengineering program?
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and DARPA, has also long been a focus of suspicion, with some claiming it is being used to experiment with seismic-triggering technology.
In his book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, author Nick Begich summarizes the evidence that suggests HAARP is involved in weather control for nefarious purposes.
Scientists at NASA have also discovered “A close link between electrical disturbances on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground below,” which has led to claims that earthquakes are being artificially induced as a form of modern warfare and secret testing by HAARP.
Earthquake triggering technology was a matter of public debate 15 years ago, when in an April 1997 speech to the University of Georgia, Athens, then US Secretary of Defense William Cohen spoke of the threat of an “eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
“City officials say they have investigated every possible human cause. They checked water, sewer and gas lines, contacted the military about any exercises in the area, reviewed permits for mining explosives and inspected a dam next to City Hall. They even tested methane levels at the landfill in case the gas was spontaneously exploding,” reports the Associated Press.
During a public meeting last night, City administrator Lisa Kuss announced that $7,000 dollars is being spent to place seismometers around the city in an effort to locate the epicenter and depth of the booms. Kuss said the source is likely to be 200 meters underground but cautioned that “It’s possible we’ll never have a definitive answer.”
Watch last night’s public meeting below.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
They are drilling under ground-Think Denver. the underground roadway-They have a mole digging and if it hits HARD ROCK the will blow it then drill. Lie i said -Think Denver.JMHO of course
I am starting to think that these booms are part of Project Bluebeam and HAARP. They are creating them to scare people. Fear is the way they control the masses....
Yep, I have suspected a psyop from jump. It doesn't make sense really. I link up my comments to another related post for you if you want to read more of what I think about this. Find it strange the sounds only occur at night.
Has anybody toyed around with the thought that these loud bangs and booms could be from a secret underground military installation? I will tell you one thing... there's many sightings of unidentified flying objects around the greater Green Bay area.
My family was coming back from MI about 3 years ago and we saw something that was hovering over Green Bay for the longest time and it actually followed us for some way until we pulled over to a side road off the freeway and then it disappeared quickly into the nightime sky. Things that make you go hmmm....
My mother and father were followed by what they describes as an orb through a portion of the Rocky Mountains for nearly hundred miles years before I was born.
No idea what these booms are. Underground tunneling, Satan throwing a birthday bash for Beelzebub, f^ck if I know. It's just strange and the official story is garbage.
AHHH---That was just a Cheese Head waiting for a parking spot at the Football game- The lightening shoulda struck there. Woulda made more room .hahahah--ya there is an Installation somewhere over there- they are all connected Denver and the rest of them and they are in Canada also.and they to are connected-Remember what the BIBLE says---even the ELITE will cry for the rocks to fall on them so they can hide ther faces from GOD---These elite guys are SMRT
Thanks for the vid :)
Somebody go down and knock on the D.U.M.B door and tell 'em to keep it down, you got children sleeping here. ;)
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