US govt shuts down for 1st time in 17 years as budget talks fail

The US federal government is partially shutting down after the Congress failed to fund its work amid a Republican drive to defund the Obamacare healthcare program. President Obama addressed to US troops to boost their confidence amid the crisis. Follow RT’s LIVE UPDATES on US budget crisis The Congress left the government without funding as competing spending measures bounced back and forth between the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and Democratic-led Senate late into Monday night. They actually did it. A group of Republicans in the House just forced a government shutdown over Obamacare instead of passing a real budget. — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 1, 2013 The partial shutdown will leave some essential government functions, including national security and public safety, intact. It’s not clear how long the situation will continue, with lawmakers expected to take a further vote in a matter of hours.

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I am seeing drones all the time now and also the unmarked trucks that appear to be like everybody else until they go into attack mode and light up.

I tried to pull over the other day and take a picture of one drone I saw and it just moved into a cloud and stayed. 

Very sneaky, tells me they see us in real time.

Well, now that the government is shut down, we can expect an mammoth decrease in crime.  Yes?  :-)

un reported Congressional crime lol

now that the Gov is shut down lets boot these thugs out and send them packind

“JUDAS’s, enjoy your “Pieces of Silver”, and may you ALL enjoy your wealth to your Graves!! “WE the People” of this “Republic, called America”~WILL come for you ALL with an Unbelievable VENGEANCE, for “VENGEANCE is Mine, sayeth the LORD!! Jesus Suffered and Died for the wantings of a TRAITOR, here Gathered all in One Place, the Citizens of this Country see 535 TRAITORS of the Republic--Hell-Bent to Destroy the Last Vestiges of the “Freedoms, Liberties and Pursuits of Happiness” put forth in the Constitution and the Founders Documents!
 BEWARE, you TRAITORS to the Republic, You have managed to Awaken the “Sleeping Giant” of FREEDOM!! Return to your “Deep, Dark, Damp Caves of Progressivism, Liberalism, Communism, Fascism and Deceit” that may offer you protection from the “WRATH of the People!!” Rest Assured, “WE the People” are coming for you, and our Memory’s and WRATH are PERPETUAL!!


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