The blogosphere has exploded with outrage in response to news that Walmart is suspending ammunition sales in anticipation of the Obama administration’s gun-control recommendations to Congress – but the retail giant tells WND the reports aren’t true. “That information is inaccurate,” said Ashley Hardie, a spokeswoman located at Walmart’s corporate headquarters in Bentonville, Ark. WND then asked whether the retail chain is cutting back on orders of ammunition. “No,” Hardie said. “We’re continuing to serve our customers as we have in the past.” She said Walmart’s ammunition sales policy has not changed, even amid talk of gun-control legislation in Washington, D.C. The uproar began when the InvestmentWatch blog posted a story headlined, “Breaking & confirmed: Walmart is not going to order any more ammo.” CNS News cited the report, and talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh mentioned it during his Monday show. According to the InvestmentWatch report, a man claimed to have visited his local Walmart and noticed the store was “out of almost every kind of ammo.” “The manager I talked to said they had not heard anything, but she tried to order some .223 as I was standing there. She said the order was being rejected by the corporate office. Said she had never had that happen.” He added, “She called corporate as I was standing there. And was told this, ‘As of right now Walmart is not going to be making any new orders of ammo because of the upcoming decision on the Second Amendment.’ Said, ‘As of right now we are unsure of what new legislation might be coming, and because of this, we are suspending new orders. We will continue to sell what is already in stock in stores and at our distribution centers, but any new orders will not be shipped until the issue is resolved.’ “So after they run out, there will be no restocking until Obama makes his decision. How’s that change working out for you now?” The InvestmentWatch posting also included an audio recording which was purportedly taken as a man called Walmart’s customer service line. “I went to my local Walmart to go get some ammunition, and they said they were out,” the caller said. “I was looking for .223. Are you all still going to be selling ammunition? The lady seemed confused about whether they were going to get any more in stock.” The person claiming to be a Walmart representative can be heard saying, “You know, there is going to be a new policy change, according to the federal gun control act, the new law that the president’s getting ready to enact.” The caller then asked, “Well, you don’t have any idea what that says, do you? Is that saying you’re no longer going to carry ammunition?” The man responded, “To be honest with you, I don’t know what the policy is going to be, but I know they, but I was told they’re going to be reviewing it.” WND has not been able to verify whether the man on the call was, in fact, a customer service representative for Walmart. Earlier today, the CNS News report on the story had been linked by WND. Under the posting, more than 400 concerned readers had commented under the post. The following are some of those comments: If I cannot buy ammo at Walmart, my wife can do no shopping there at all. That is not arbitrary, that is the rule of my home. Sounds like what happens in a dictatorship doesn’t it? It saddens me to see this happen. It is clearly a first step toward a socialistic takeover of our once great nation. Buy ammo where you can and seriously consider learning to reload your own. You don’t have to stop selling weapons if there is no ammunition to fire. Walmart is mainstream, and the sales of ammo there are as American as apple pie. I believe Walmart was threatened. If Walmart knuckles under to the administration on this, I won’t set foot in the place again. I hope Sam Walton figures the Chinese will support his enterprise. TRAITORS! Ban Wally’s World. Boycott Walmart, dump their stock. The cowards capitulate in the face of tyranny. Remember this and spend your money accordingly.
massive .22 shortage @ the corporate jip-joint here (2 week wait), but 16's,12's, 20' shells aplenty
.223,.38,.357 in stock but short 40's
Walmart has been compliant with D.H.S. with their "See something say something" program. So how many other dealing has Walmart had with these communists? Slave labour products, G.M.O., products and Probably quit a few others that we don't know about. Everyone should stop buying at Wally World until we see significant changes until we "hear them" say "Uncle". It's hard to break old shopping habits, but we can form new ones. I will pay more for a non-Chinese item I absolutely refuse to buy anything "Made in China" even if I have to go across town to get it. Taiwan products are o.k. because they are NOT China or Japanese products just make sure you bring a Geiger counter with you to make sure it's safe.I'm willing to take the risk for those guys . My whole point is, is to get away from buying things from enemy corporations. Good day!
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