Well here we go again! The Tryvon case didn't have the desired out come.

  1. Thirteen year old black kid gunned down while taking out trash by ...

    freethoughtblogs.com/.../thirteen-year-old-black-kid-gunned-down-while-taking-out-trash-by-white-neighbor/ - Cached
    Jun 5, 2012 ... Spooner fired a second shot at Simmons as the boy was running away,
    according to the complaint. ..... It's often someone young living nearby, right? ...
    old black kid gunned down by white neighbor while taking out trash”; or, ...
  2. 13-Year-Old Darius Simmons Shot Dead By White 75-Year-Old ...

    newsone.com/2018903/darius-simmons-shot-dead-by-white-neighbor/Jun 5, 2012
    A 13-year-old Black boy was shot dead by his 75-year-old White ... The victim, Darius ...
  3. Man, 76, to stand trial for shooting dead black 13-year-old neighbor ...

    18 hours ago ... The case of a 76-year-old white Milwaukee man charged with the killing of ... 'To
    have a boy who's taking out the garbage at 10 in the morning ...

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Maximo Riera Octopus Chair - Isometric View, Rear Perspective


Fear sure works at dividing people, countries and the world.

People, please stop listening to the hype and step inside your own heart, mind, body and spirit. Allow yourself to remove all the layers of BS that you have learned in schools, from parents, authority figures, media darlings and all those control freaks out there trying to tell you what you should think, feel, believe, ectera....

You are the change you seek! Fuck all the so-called leaders out there. Be leaders in your own communities, circles, churches and gatherings. We are human and have yet to unlock those doors to our own minds, spirits and hearts. We are forces within ourselves so step outside your preconceived perceptions and find out who you truly are! One day at a time...

Peace and love all...

The only story the news is interested in is a white on black, involving a gun.

This one is WI and Fox is beating the drum. Have fun!

Malcolm X

“I believe that there will be ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those who do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the system of exploitation. I believe that there will be that kind of clash, but I don't think it will be based on the color of the skin...”   ―     Malcolm X
And now we have occupy for trayvon. Hmmm.


A group called Justice for Trayvon Martin Los Angeles says it plans a "peaceful protest" over the case today at La Cienega Park, which is in the southeast corner of that gilded city, just a mile or so from traditionally African American neighborhoods along Pico Boulevard:

The action happens starting at 5 p.m, organizers say: There will be speakers, drummers and chanting, they add.

Demonstrators are demanding that federal civil rights charges be brought against Zimmerman, a Latino who gunned down the African American teenager in a confrontation in Florida. http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2013/07/trayvon_protest_beverly_...
Is there better stuff to loot in Beverly Hills?


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