An old expression says: "History is written by the victors."

Another one says: "Those who have forgotten history are doomed to repeat it." Which parallels the age-old advice that we must 'learn from our mistakes.'

Remember these as we proceed here ...

"History is written by the vicTORS." The biggest problem, these days, is that people, generally, have either forgotten history or have been institutionally deprived of a balanced and accurate education in real history.

The VicTIMS, however, probably would have given a different account of events.

Unfortunately, after the "victory", the vicTIMS were dead, imprisoned or entirely oppressed ... therefore no opportunity to express their side of the "story" (history). Therefore a one-sided account of events, not necessarily the real one.

The atrocities of the past could never happen again! some say ... however ...

Bush 2.0 justified certain things based on 'legal advice' from favored lawyers (like torture interrogations) ... and Obama relies on his hand-picked "Advisers" (and Press Secretaries) and legal positions from his lap dog (Holder) in DOJ to give him 'legal latitude' and 'plausible deniability' for what are clearly high crimes and misdemeanors.

Now for the HISTORY that parallels the present ... "How to get what you want within legal bounds" ... regardless of the moral issues.

Personal note: My grandfather, a police chief in Copenhagen during the war; and spent the balance of the war in a concentration camp for refusing to cooperate with demands and threats made to him about this very issue.

On January 20th, 1942 a meeting was held in Wansee,  a locality in the southwestern Berlin borough of Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Germany.

The meeting or conference (as it came to be known), was organized by Adolf Eichmann (SS-Sturmbannfuhrer), at the order of Reinhard Heydrich, Chief of the German State Police and of the SD ("Sicherheitsdienst", "Security Service of the SS").

The minutes of that meeting were turned into a BBC/HBO documentary in 2001 ... same year as 911 occurred interestingly enough!

The purpose of the meeting was to outline the newly planned Final Solution that would entail the rounding up of all Jews throughout Europe. They would be transported eastward and organized into labor gangs. Work and living conditions would be extremely harsh as to kill large numbers by natural reduction. Any survivors would be treated accordingly. "Treated accordingly" was euphemism for extermination.  

The documentary, fascinating to a history buff but boring as hell to an action-movie addict, documents the discussion that led to 'legal extermination' of millions of people who never had a say in their 'destiny' at the hands of those armed with their legal opinions ... and armed with weapons forbidden to the victims ... sort of a one-sided deal. (Watch out America!)

So rather than disabuse you further with my rantings ... below is a link to the documentary, and another to details on the meeting itself ... which you may want to read first for context.

Conspiracy (2001)

Background Information

Yours faithfully,
Modern Feudal Serf

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