You Could Never Anticipate This Happening in the United States of America

SO OUT OF CONTROL THEY ARE!!!! ( personal comment)

What began as a simple traffic stop ended in a humiliating and nightmarish ordeal for a New Mexico man. It won’t come as a surprise to most people why the man has now filed a federal civil rights lawsuit.

The incident began on Jan. 2 as David Eckert was leaving the local Walmart in Deming, N.M. He reportedly failed to make a complete stop at a stop sign, prompting police to pull him over.

The officers asked him to step out of the vehicle and claim the man appeared to be clenching his buttocks, Eckert’s attorney, Shannon Kennedy, told TheBlaze. It is unclear why police removed him from the vehicle in the first place. However, because the cops believed he was clenching his buttocks, they took it as reason to suspect him of hiding narcotics in his anal cavity.

New Mexico Man David Eckert Sues After Anal Cavity Search, Colonoscopy After Traffic Stop


Police officers detained Eckert after a narcotics sniffing dog allegedly issued a “hit” on Eckert’s car seat. Meanwhile, they sought a search warrant for an anal cavity search.

“What is so strange about this case is they held him with no evidence,” Kennedy said. “They seized him to collect evidence, to go on a fishing expedition on someone’s body.”

Upon securing the warrant, Deming police officers took the man to an emergency room, but hit their first snag when a doctor refused to perform the anal cavity search because he believed it to be “unethical.”

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P.S.  My big brother once worked for John Plaine.  I don't know if they're still in existence.  It was back in the '60s.  White suburbanites started freaking out, because black "revolutionaries" were talking shit about KILLING white folks. 

So, white suburbanites were not just purchasing guns.  They were purchasing CASES of guns.  My brother took the orders, each day.  He came home one day, suit and tie, looked at me and said, "Lil brother, lemme tell you something: Black folks running around here talking about revolution.  Boy, THESE white folks is buying CASES of guns.  And if a "revolution" jump off, WE GONE BE DEAD!!!!  They're quiet, yes.  But them mufuckas is PREPARING!"


How much longer, hum?  HOW MUCH LONGER!?

I hope I don't end up dead, but I CANNOT imagine taking some cops shit.  I'd have to think about my wife, and how she'd worry.   But, I don't know.  I don't know if I could take it, even for her.  How much longer, Americans? 

What does it mean to be an American?  I read that, in history, the Europeans finally got dog tired of the old Divine Right of Kings shit, and decided to tell the monarchies to go FUCK OFF.  They also got tired of the Church of Rome, and told the POPE to go fuck off.

The Founding Fathers, as I understanding, told Europe, "You keep that shit OVER THERE!"  I thought that the idea was that every man be FREE, and un-fucked with.  I mean, who's DOING this shit?  BRITAIN!!!  Have the British, quietly and sneakily, figured out a way to RE-ENSLAVE us??  I have heard, here and there, that it's ACTUALLY the British Royal Family that's behind all this shit.

I do not know, because I have no way to prove it.  But who the FUCK is behind this shit?  And WHY are Americans--who LED THE FUCKING WAY, historically, against the Divine Right of Kings and against religious hierarchy; WHY are the descendants of those people just bending over, pulling their pants down, and going, "FUCK ME"?

Why are they not organizing?  Is it because of the drug, TV?  It can't be all put on TV.  What the fuck is going on?

It's embarrassing. 

God save me from a dumb-assed cop, because I don't know if I can save myself from MYSELF.  God save me, so that I can continue to fight, even if just with words.

YOUNG FOLKS!!  We stood up, in the 1960s, against The Matrix.  The hippies, the black revolutionaries, the communists, etc.  They were fighting against the SAME ENEMY, but, at the time, they didn't know it. 

But now, you young people KNOW who the enemy.  We didn't know anything about the Bilderberg Group, or any of that shit.  But now, you do.  AND you have The Internet. 

Our generation stopped Vietnam (Well, with a little help from Ho Chi Minh).  YOUR generation, I'm so sorry to say, has a much, much, much bigger job.  BUT YOU CAN DO IT!!!!  You CAN.

I come here, sometimes, and I quietly read, without leaving messages.  And the KNOWLEDGE you guys have is incredible!!!  I mean, CERTAINLY you can stop these assholes.  It doesn't take much [does it?] to find out where they live.  You young people can hack into ANYTHING to get information.  And you can do it virtually at will.

So, ORGANIZE.  And organize QUIETLY, and for a LONG TIME.  Then END this shit.  You can do it!

We had no help in the '60s.  Just our WILL.  And we stopped Nam. 

Some of you think that's an exaggeration, don't you.  Well, check this out: Talk to a knowledgeable Vietnam Veteran.  Know what you'll find?   Back in the day, the U.S. military was forced to bring a ton of troops back here to the U.S.--troops that COULD have been used to fight in Vietnam.

Why were they brought back here?  I'll tell you why, and you go verify it yourself.  It's not hard to verify, you have The Internet.  They REASON that the U.S. military kept a ton of troops here, rather than send them to Vietnam, is because, from their perspective, THEY WERE FACING A REVOLUTION HERE IN THE U.S.  That's right.

See, that don't TEACH you that shit in school, do they?  Well, that was the REAL SHIT.  Manpower in Nam was reduced significantly, because the U.S. military perceived that they were fighting on TWO FRONTS: Vietnam, and the United States of America.  THAT'S the shit WE did!  Go look it up.  Some of you probably know about this. 

I can't get out there anymore.  Not because I don't have vigor.  I'm approaching stuff in a.....different way.  And perhaps some of you are too, and I apologize if I ragged on anyone's QUIET efforts.  But, the right way to think is to consider this note as ENCOURAGEMENT, however awkward the note sounds. 

My Two Cents


One more thing: If you need a hero for inspiration, consider Colonel Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Qaddafi--the guy you were TOLD was a "brutal dictator."  If you "Americans" knew who he really was, every one of you would have his picture PROMINENTLY hanging from your living room wall, and every room of your house.

I predict, in fact, that time is going to prove that Colonel Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi is THE individual that began the process of the END of NATO and the NWO.  I can't get into that here.  But, get online and search out some recent books about The Leader, as he was loving called by his people, and as he is called even by non-Libyans from all around the world.

I'll tell you.  Martin Brodel is a conservative American.  But, conservative or not, on the day that Tripoli fell, Martin Brodel CRIED, and got drunk.  That's because, he KNEW who Gaddafi was.  He wasn't a dumb-assed sheeple that just drinks in the propaganda of that which is CALLED the "news" media.

Brodel did his research, probably not expecting to find what he found out: That Muammar Gaddafi was a GREAT MAN to be ADMIRED.  That Muammar Gaddafi, despite past faults [Oh, he had them] had grown to be perhaps--and this is no exaggeration--the greatest fighter against the NWO of this age.

The truth is that, the NWO had been fighting against Gaddafi for 40 straight years, not just in 2011.  And for 40 years, he ducked assasination attempts, coup attempts, bribery attempts, etc.  He was a savvy man, and they HATED him because he had long out-lasted their predictions of his fall, and he had outlasted every single attempt that they made to destroy him and the Libyan Jamahiriya.

Unfortunately, some fucking TRAITORS, whose only concern was themselves, money, and Playboy bunnies [in hotels that the CIA put them in, and gave them for pleasure] SHAMELESSLY worked with the NWO to topple Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya.

They told you he was a "brutal dictator." Well, here's what a "brutal dictator" did for his people:

Raised literacy from 10% (under the former leader, King Idris) to 93%Provided FREE EDUCATION, through college
Provide free education to any college on the planet
Gave free land, and seeds, to anyone that wanted to farm the land
Raised the longeivity rate to age 77--the longest lifespan in all of Africa
Won for Libya the U.N. rank of #53 on its Index of Human Development, a HIGH ranking that measures how well a country's citizens are doing.  Yet they call him a "brutal dictator."  ASSHOLES!!!!!
In a Muslim country, he gave women the right to marry WHOM THEY PLEASED, and to marry them FOR LOVE.  Yes, sir!  That sounds like no big deal to us, but it was HUGE in the Middle East
He TOTALLY removed homelessness for ALL Libyans, a promise that he kept.  He said he would not even house his own mother and father until all other Libyans were housed.  He stuck to that promise, and didn't house his OWN MOTHER until that promise had been fulfilled
Cities in Libya were more modern than European cities
Under Gaddafi's leadership, every single Libyan was given $500 dollars (maybe it was dinars) in his or her bank account, each month, through the Jamahiriya's oil revenue-sharing program.
I read that electricity was free, but I've never verified that.  But I don't doubt it
He simply REFUSED to give up his national bank, and join the NWO's global banking system.  Perhaps more than any other reason, that's why the NWO destroyed him and the Jamahiriya.

His generosity to other nations was IMMENSE.  I can't go into much more, because I'm welling up now.  SHIT!!

I'm an American.  But, those of us who hate slavery, through the NWO, should give HONOR to Gaddafi!!  The poor Libyan people, since the Jamahiriya was destroyed, are now suffering tremendously.  Libya is filled to the brim with militias, although I hold out hope that there MIGHT be some secret plan [the Libyans are smart people] of restoration happening.  An umbrella group has formed, composed of Libyans living outside the country, and those living [quietly] within Libya.  My sense is that they still have money, from the Jamahiriya days, and are somehow involved.  I hope so.

I'll tell you this.  If the Libyan Defence Forces had not held out for so long against NATO, Syria would be in WORSE condition than it is now.  The stubborness and heroism of Muammar Gaddafi, the Jamahiriya, the Libyan Defence Forces, and, later, The Resistance, gave the Syrian people a chance to protect themselves against what EVERYBODY knew was coming next: an excuse to destroy Syria.  Syria was on the list of the NWO, because Syria has its own central bank. 

Allah, Muammar, Libya wa bas!! (God, Muammar, and Libya are all that we need!  It was the rally cry of the people of Libya)

They hated him.  He was strong man.  They HATED that.  They wanted him to wimp out.  But that was not his character.  You could see it in his face.  He had stretched out, and his thinking went far, far, far beyond Libya and Africa. 

He created a concept, rooted in African tradition, called direct democracy.  Well, he didn't create it, as it had been around for a long time, used by tribal societies.  But he expanded it upon it, and proved that it could be workable even in non-tribal societies.

They way they treated him and the Jamahiriya finally convinced me that those who had been claiming, for decades, that this world is run by satanists ARE RIGHT.  Hillary Clinton is at the top of the list of satanists, as is Barack Obama.  What ELSE do you call a group of people that did what they did to Libya?

My Two Cents


He was loved over all of Africa.  The news media will not tell you the following.  I know it due to my activity, back then, and the contacts that I had established:

When it became clear that NATO was intent on brutalizing Libya by every means, African forces from all over Africa begged Gaddafi to allow them to come and fight.  He refused them.  The reason was PAINFUL to hear, but it was the truth.  He told them,

"You cannot.  You do not have the strength.  Besides, how could you cross the desert.  You cannot.  They will bomb you.  Stay in your own homes, for, one day, they will be coming to your land also."

And that is happening, but the U.S. is doing it in a sneaky manner, through AfriCom, and through the use of operations that are being conducted by the U.S.'s foreign legion, Al-Qaeda.  They U.S. sends Al-Qaeda into a country to destroy it.  Then it tells that country, "Hey, looks like you guys are having problems with Al-Qaeda.  We'll help you--ON CONDITION......."

The African people loved Gaddafi so much that they gave him a name: Omo Ju Omo Lo.  It means something like, "Best of the children."  In the context of that continent, it meant, "Best of the leaders of Africa."  That he was!!

Nelson Mandela said the following about Gaddafi: "In our worse days in South Africa, when it seems that our struggle for freedom was lost, my friend, Muammar Gaddafi, came to our rescue."

At one time, Africa paid $500,000,000 a year to use Europe's satellites for its communication systems.  Muammar Gaddafi WIPED THAT DEBT OUT by paying for Africa's first satellite.  That is ANOTHER reason Europe and the U.S. were furious with him.  He took MONEY away from them.

And he had plans, on the table, to do more, such as,

1. Create the AMF (African Monetary Fund).  It would have REMOVED African dependence on the IMF.  Loans to countries would be given INTEREST FREE.  Countries applying for AMF loans would have to remove corruption from their governments.

2. Create "The Afro," Africa's first, continent-wide currency, backed by Libyan gold.

3. Build, with Russia's help, a continent-wide railroad that would run from Libya all the way to South Africa.  I suspect that, perhaps that, more than anything, scared the shit out of the NWO.  A continent-wide railroad would have lead to BRANCING of that railroad.  Marxist economists had long ago stated, in a book, Africa Must Unite, that Africa had everything it needed.  But the problem was getting lumber, for instance, from one place, to another place where needed.  Gaddafi CONSCIOUSLY understood this.  And his manner was to use ONLY internal means, NOT IMF loans.  And, for that, the NWO went nuts.

4. He was getting read to open 4 development banks, one in Libya; one in The Cameroon, and one in Lagos, Nigeria.

He and the Jamahiriya had other moves that would have, in time, united Africa into a United States of Africa.  Such an idea has for a long time been THE single-most fear of the NWO.  Don't believe it?  Read, "The Rising Tide of Color," written by Harvard-based historian, Dr. Lothrop Stoddard.  It's online for free.

He was DEMONSTRATING, in REAL TERMS, in practical ways, precisely HOW to get from under the grip of the NWO.  Oh, now, he was NOT some little guy to be dismissed, just because Libya only had a population of 6,000,000 people--smaller than the population of Metropolitan Chicago.  He was a GLOBAL thinker, and a global chess player.

What mistake did he make?  A few:

1. He had learned, in advance, that traitors existed within the Jamahiriya.  And he was advised, by his close advisors, to get rid of them.  Instead, he told them, "No.  I want to ferret out more of them.  Keep digging.  Let's find out who more of them are, THEN we'll bring down the hammer."  It was a mistake.  He should have made an example of the traitors that were found.

2. He trusted the U.S., when the U.S. "promised" it would never attack Libya, if Libya gave up its weapons of mass destruction programs.  One reason he extended that trust is because he was a believing Muslim.  And Prophet Muhammad said, "When your enemy sues for peace, you must accept that, even if you know that he is simply biding time to re-group."  That was the ethic.  But, it was a mistake.  It's a new world

3. I can't call this third reason a mistake.  It wasn't a mistake.  Gaddafi did not want to waste money on building his military.  Instead, he used that money to develop THE PEOPLE; to improve life for EVERY Libyan.  This, some claim, was a mistake, in that he should have known that he needed a strong military.  I don't call it a mistake.  He simply took a chance, HOPING that the U.S. would not turn its back on its stated position that it would not attack Libya. 

I hope another Gaddafi is raised somewhere.  Maybe it's Putin.

Clarification: The African forces that were lined up to help Gaddafi WERE NOT going to do it OFFICIALLY.  Whether their respective governments supported them or not, had Gaddafi gave the word, they would have gone to Libya--probably to be MURDERED by NATO, as Qaddafi had warned them.  But they were standing ready to go, no matter their government's objections.  This is the love and respect that he commanded, and still commands.  UNFORTUNATELY, corrupt African "leaders" are a big problem.  But that's another story.

You are a very intelligent man Zhivago and spot on in what you say.

I remember the things you speak of.

He was a good man.

I cried the day he was snuffed out and felt a hardness grow within my heart.

There are only three left now;

Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) be one of the main reasons that Iran is being targeted by Western and Israeli powers? As tensions are building up for an unthinkable war with Iran, it is worth exploring Iran’s banking system compared to its U.S., British and Israeli counterparts.

Some researchers are pointing out that Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were also gone. In Libya, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi while the country was still at war.

Islam forbids the charging of interest, a major problem for the Rothschild banking system. Until a few hundred years ago, charging interest was also forbidden in the Christian world and was even punishable by death. It was considered exploitation and enslavement.

Since the Rothschilds took over the Bank of England around 1815, they have been expanding their banking control over all the countries of the world. Their method has been to get a country’s corrupt politicians to accept massive loans, which they can never repay, and thus go into debt to the Rothschild banking powers. If a leader refuses to accept the loan, he is oftentimes either ousted or assassinated. And if that fails, invasions can follow, and a Rothschild usury-based bank is established.

The Rothschilds exert powerful influence over the world’s major news agencies. By repetition, the masses are duped into believing horror stories about evil villains. The Rothschilds control the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. Also they own most of the gold in the world as well as the London Gold Exchange, which sets the price of gold every day. It is said the family owns over half the wealth of the planet—estimated by Credit Suisse to be $231 trillion—and is controlled by Evelyn Rothschild, the current head of the family.

Objective researchers contend that Iran is not being demonized because they are a nuclear threat, just as the Taliban, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Muammar Qadaffi were not a threat.

What then is the real reason? Is it the trillions to be made in oil profits, or the trillions in war profits? Is it to bankrupt the U.S. economy, or is it to start World War III? Is it to destroy Israel’s enemies, or to destroy the Iranian central bank so that no one is left to defy Rothschild’s money racket?

It might be any one of those reasons or, worse—it might be all of them.

Aye,I know the feeling.

Wow, Zhivago...well said.

Not all white folks thought blacks ( or any other race) deserved what happened in the 60's or any other time before or after that era.

Some people where and are color blind, thank goodness.

Being of American Indian heritage, I have felt more than my share of unsolicited remarks and lost job opportunities.

But with people (no matter their linage) that have open minds I have never had a problem.

You are right about the fight that is coming, also. I am thinking it will be when everything has hit rock bottom, just as with the drug addicts and alcoholics. Only then will people ( I feel )  be pushed far enough they feel they have nothing left to lose, only then will they stand up and be willing to die for their right to live peacefully and be free from oppression. Which is kind of a silly way to look at it. Be willing to die to live free.

I hope I have not been poisoned to death by chemicals or radiation before the SHTF.      

You, Sir are 100% correct. Except, maybe the part about the "civil war". There will be nothing "civil" about it. It will be 311 million pissed off American's, against about 535 of the scum of Washington DC. It's long over due. And as a fellow American, you can say whatever you want about white people, it's your right. For now.

It would be so sweet to be experiencing some intestinal distress (diarrhea), just around the time when they ask you to drop you pants - and just shit all over them.

The issue that woke me up to this sort of thing was way back in the 1980s when seatbelt laws swept the USA and we eventually swallowed them after years of manipulation. I knew that would lead to far worse things but never in my worst nightmares did I imagine this latest abomination.


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