Eleven Revolutionary Ways to Celebrate Your Independence from the System on This July 4th

Eleven Revolutionary Ways to Celebrate Your Independence from the S...

Thursday, July 04, 2013 1:08 PM

For this July 4th — Independence Day — you’re going to see a lot of articles reminding us about the real history of Independence Day and how America fought for freedom against a tyrannical empire. Those articles are valuable and useful, but this year, I’ve decided to take a different approach: Let’s celebrate all the ways you can achieve independence right NOW, today, in 2013.


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4th Of July Sign In Public Park Sums Up The State Of 'Independence'...

Check out this sign.

It's located on the viral image site Imgur under the title "No Fun Here, Move Along." The comments are predictably negative.

The sign appeared in Lakewood Ohio, following a set of rules put into place by the parks division of the municipal government.

The video surveillance isn’t even aimed at crime, primarily because there is none. In 2010, Lakewood was named one of the top suburbs in the country to visit. In the same year, Bloomberg Businessweek also described Lakewood as one of the best places to “raise your kids”. In other words, it is above and beyond a typical American suburb, yet the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights still no longer seem to have any effect there.

The image was uploaded to the Imgur website under the title “No Fun Here, Move Along.” Angry residents and disgruntled Americans in general reacted with fury:

Should be front and center LARGE front page here.


note entire park under video surveillance

by who?

I like to know the tech they are using, this park huge


What kind of independence is this???....none!!!!

You citizen are not responsible enough to show you are patriotic!!! You must be controlled! You must be policed!!! You must be surveillance!!! You are but a puppet!!!


Why "sad" you ask? This year I am mourning the loss of my freedom to travel unmolested by the TSA, the loss of my right to privacy from the NSA, and the fact that I can be detained, without charge, and held indefinitely by the USA.

So today I fly the American flag upside down, not to desecrate it, but to signal that the USA is in distress; and I am calling upon all patriots to do the same. You just need two zip-ties and that little flag somebody put near your mailbox.

Still don't think the USA is in distress? Ask yourself why the FBI is executing witnesses, or why the CIA is assassinating journalists that threaten to expose their evil deeds. Or why it is now legal to kill you on U.S. soil with a drone strike just cuz the prez says you're a terrorist, with no due process or judicial oversight.

The Constitution is lying in shreds and you want to celebrate freedom?! You should be lamenting the loss of your freedom, not celebrating your slavery under a tyrannical government. As for me, the only dirge I will be singing in the dark today is:


You haven't LOST anything,  you GAVE IT UP. 

CORRECTION: They stole it. And I'm here to take back what was granted to me by my creator. I never "gave up" anything. When the so-called "President" signed NDAA, he declared war on all of us. So why are you attacking me?

Im not celebrating it this year.Im really saddened by the state our country is in.They are pussifying everybody,the citizens,the military everyone but muzzies and mexicans it seems. Its just a dirty shame no one can or will do any thing about the non doers in congress and the theif in charge in the White house.Its a shame our military has become so pussified that even though odimwit has told hey to bad your not going to celebrate the 4th this year they should defy what he says and do so any way.

No Confidence Party  Is excepting memberships from any basket cases that have broken them selves from the weave!

I gave at the office

Lordy, welcome to the Unites Police states of America
have a happy 4th of July

Unites Police states of America



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