
Alex Jones

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Uploaded on Dec 2, 2008 Commentary from the Alex Jones Show (which can be heard daily @ from November 24th, 2008. In this audio clip, Alex explains that it is the Zionist Jews that are responsible for the evil that America (and the world) is currently being subjected to. The Zionist have taken over America's political machine and run America with a Israel (really British Palestine) first attitude. The Zionists or Khazars run the world. They own the world media, the money supply (FED) and the world corporations. They dictate the policy, that we slaves have to follow, or face imprisonment. That is why everything in the world is all screwed up, and doesn't make any common sense. (Because We The People, do not run the world.)


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Obama Launching World War III

Started by Maria De Wind Jan 5, 2012. 0 Replies

BREAKING: Obama & Israel to Launch War with Iran!!

Started by Maria De Wind. Last reply by Ariessun Oct 14, 2011. 3 Replies


Started by claris e. drouet. Last reply by truth Jun 30, 2011. 1 Reply

what american president's wife

Started by joeph berry Jun 16, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by Jamie on January 13, 2009 at 5:43pm
I agree he is very passionate! But he is truly pissed about all of this! And he has every reason to be! Just check out his rants on youtube, in particular this one from January 5:
Comment by CBCS on January 13, 2009 at 4:00pm
I think it is more passion than anger with Alex. When you are passionate about something then you tend to seem angry sometimes.
Comment by Mettacom on January 13, 2009 at 3:47pm
lmao at Jamie! That Jason Bermas comment came out of no where. To funny...

I think everyone has doubted Alex at one point. He is sooo untamed isn't he? Yea he gets angry at times but he can also be pretty funny too. He's had me laughing pretty good more than a couple times.
Comment by Jamie on January 12, 2009 at 11:58pm
Thank you! I had a few reservations up until pretty recently. I didn't like his ranting. I thought he had an anger problem. But the more I listened (because I wanted to learn about different subjects) the more I came to realize that his anger was one result of fighting the new world order. There is no way we could do what he does all day and not be pissed! I think Jason Bermas is funny also. He does a really good job on the show. I would love to see him get some braces though. lol :)
Comment by amdarvon on January 12, 2009 at 9:13pm
Wow, Jamie. Nice comment. I had my doubts about Alex too a while back. I weighed what he was saying and doing. He is producing good fruit. There is no doubt in my mind. How about Jason Bermas? hahaha, I am not sure if he realizes his own sense of humor. You must listen carefully. He had me lmao. My wife thought I had lost it.
Comment by Corcceigh on January 12, 2009 at 8:37pm
Sorry, Krypke. That link should read:

Sorry, Keisha. I guess we did kind of change the subject on you. I guess my original point was that I think Alex Jones is spreading good, useful information and is doing a good job overall.
Comment by Jamie on January 12, 2009 at 7:30am
I really enjoy Alex's show and have been listening for 3 years. I have to be honest with everyone here-it took me a very long time to awaken fully. I continued to lie to myself about various things for a long time. Only fairly recently have I been able to come to a real awareness of what we face. I appreciate his show because without it, I would be swimming in a sea of deceit. I love the various topics he discusses on the show. Recently, I have enjoyed learning about mind control. I also love his rants. My opinion is that Alex Jones is genuine. I have read a lot of slander against Alex Jones-but I have to honestly say, if he was only in this for the money/fame, why would he cry about the nwo on the radio and television? I have heard/seem him cry many times. He also gets very angry. I think fighting the nwo is hard on him emotionally. Anyway, I love the show-without it I would be lost.
Comment by amdarvon on January 11, 2009 at 10:41pm
Hey Keisha and all. Krypke has brought up a good point but as Alex has varied topics shouldn't this group be the same? Maybe focus on the daily radio program topics?
Comment by Mettacom on January 11, 2009 at 10:10pm
Corcceigh, I checked for your news letter, but the link was bad. I agree with much of what you say here.

I just realized we have taken over Keisha's group with martial law chatter. Ooops, sorry Keish, this is suppose to be an Alex Jones discussion group after all.

Someone start a new group or
Comment by Corcceigh on January 7, 2009 at 1:05pm
Yeah, good come-backs from the both of you. I think there are enough cases of cops and military going bad to show the threat they pose. During a false flag operation, or any state of emergency as far as that goes, I am not going to trust my safety and the lives of my family to anyone representing the renegade government. I'm going to take steps to keep my family and cooperating members of my community alive and free.

I don't know if you've been following some of the information I've been posting, but it doesn't include grabbing your rifle and shooting everyone in front of you. You have to move with a purpose to get your family to safety, then you can act from a geurilla posture. In case you want to know more about my position on this strategy you can read the newsletter I have posted at

I don't like that I have to develop tactics that include ambushing and killing attacking troops whether they be foreign or domestic, but I and this entire country's children will like slavery and despotism even less. I just don't think that we can let the American dream be killed by criminals pretending to be American representatives.

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