people are just dumb and lazy and don't research and only believe what some other fool tells them. The information is out there all one has to do is look, I have so much info on this stuff that its mind boggling I could probably fill up this server with just
Just search chemtrails, weather control , haarps weather modification its all out there.... for now.
here's just on example of some of the stuff that's out there this has more to do with HAARP than with chemtrails but there all in the same boat...
On July 4, 1976, the Soviet Union began generating powerful electromagnetic transmissions, that were dubbed "The Russian Woodpecker" by western ham radio operators. The Russian signals are primarily pulsed at the very dangerous 10 Hertz Extreme Low Frequency (ELF). It has remained on the air more or less continuously ever since. Varying up and down through the frequencies between 3.26 and 17.54 megahertz, it is pulse-modulated at a rate of several times a second, so it sounds like a buzz saw or woodpecker. It was soon traced to an enormous transmitter near Kiev in the Soviet Ukraine. This transmitter and others like it are believed to be based upon the original design of Nikola Tesla.
The Tesla transmitters create giant standing ELF waves that have repeatedly formed huge blocking-system that alter the path of the high altitude jet stream and dam up the normal flow of weather fronts. The Russian ELF transmitters are reportedly able to create droughts that last for months and even years, as well as being able to generate devastating floods.
It is now known that Russian and American scientists have for several decades been working on and developing "scalar electromagnetic technology." It is believed that it was this technology, used to modify weather patterns, that created the massive flooding in the Midwest during the summer of 1993.
Exactly one year after the beginning of the Russian Woodpecker, July 4, 1978, the United States conducted its own ELF weather experiment that created an enormous downpour of rain over six counties of northern Wisconsin. This ELF-generated storm generated winds of 157 mph and caused $50 million in damage, and destroying 350,000 acres of forest.
The February 1981 issue of PACE NEWSLETTER reported that the Soviets turned off their ELF Woodpecker signal for a brief period in 1980: "During the two-week lull, the Northern Hemisphere's jet stream was normal. With the return of the Soviet ELF transmissions, the jet stream was deflected again by a persistent high pressure ridge extending from the Yukon to Arizona."
The Department of Defense will not comment about American RF/EM weapons, or if Russian RF/EM weapons' development is still going forward. However, experts say that the Russians are apparently still ahead in this science and could exploit that lead in a surprise strategic move, a move that could have grave consequences for the United States and the world.
What you need to do is show these photos to your local environment group, your state and federal representatives and your weather station and ask them questions eg are these from civilian aircraft or military aircraft flight paths? Is this polluting our upper atmosphere? Is this affecting our climate and rainfall? Are there any studies? Are these what people call chemtrails?
Make sure you get some sort of response, especially from the environmental groups who tend to be politically controlled by their funders. If any of these people don't give you honest answers or try to brush you off, persist and make an issue. Go to the media to raise your concerns. Even better, get a few people to create a concerned citizens group eg Citizens Against Atmospheric Pollution. The aim to to get exposure. In California Rosalind Peterson's group do displays at farmers markets.
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