Climategate - Global Warming Hoax Blown Wide Open -


Climategate - Global Warming Hoax Blown Wide Open -

Location: al_gore's_head
Members: 21
Latest Activity: Aug 25, 2018

Gores Carbon Tax Scam

Gore Not Interested In Solutions To Climate Change That Don’t Line His Pockets


Australian Lateline (CRU hack/leak report):


Australian Lateline (Interview with Tim Flannery, Australian climate change activist):


Russia Today:


BBC 4 Radio — Lord Lawson vs Robert Watson (East Anglia University climate scientist):


New & Related:


“Climate change” PSA featuring polar bears falling to their deaths:


Naomi Klein on Democracy Now, recorded post-CRU-hack, discussing “climate debt” and “climate rage” (pt2) (pt3):



Discussion Forum

Rape, Murder, Chocolate Shortages: Is There Anything Climate Change DOESN'T Cause?

Started by Central Scrutinizer. Last reply by Tara Mar 29, 2014. 2 Replies

Rape, Murder, Chocolate Shortages: Is There Anything Climate Change DOESN'T Cause?…Continue

Tags: global, warming, looting, rape, Gore

Anti-Science: Those Who Wish to Debate Climate Threatened with Death or Jail

Started by Less Prone. Last reply by Christopher Mar 28, 2014. 1 Reply

First they cancel free speech, then they criminalize free thought.…Continue

Tags: climategate, science, false, fascism, Orwell

At CIA, Climate Change is a Secret

Started by Nota Khan Sep 26, 2011. 0 Replies

When the Central Intelligence Agency established a Center on Climate…Continue

Tags: Warming, Global, Secret, CIA

Methane bubbles in Arctic seas stir warming fears

Started by Localtarian Mar 4, 2010. 0 Replies (Reuters) – Large amounts of a powerful greenhouse gas are…Continue

Climategate & Penn State

Started by Tara Jan 15, 2010. 0 Replies

IntroductionThe release of embarrassingly candid emails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia has intensified, if not vindicated, suspicions that scientific misconduct…Continue

Tags: Global, Warming, scam, investigation, Mann

Turning Tricks, Cashing In on Fear

Started by Tara Dec 19, 2009. 0 Replies

By ALEXANDER COCKBURNIn the early 1970s the UN spearheaded the progressive notion of a new world economic order, one that would try to level the playing field between the First World and the Third.…Continue

Tags: alarmists, manipulation, tax, cap-n-trade, warming

Creepy Globe Sphere that projects global warming propaganda at Copenhagen

Started by Localtarian Dec 17, 2009. 0 Replies

Also, U.S. making progress with China at U.N. Climate talks. Uh-Oh. leaves…Continue

White House: Obama going to climate summit regardless of prospects

Started by Localtarian Dec 17, 2009. 0 Replies (CNN) -- President Obama will travel to Copenhagen,…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Tara on March 2, 2014 at 11:26am
Comment by peter b dunn on August 17, 2011 at 9:40am

Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Dr Wes Allen on the carbon tax
Alan Jones speaks to Dr Wes Allen about Tim Flannery and the carbon tax.
Comment by luggnutz on February 23, 2011 at 8:59am

3 very important places to check out, 2 articles and a new site I heard about on the canadian radio yesterday. I beleive it is why they had propoganda news this morning on CBC saying 80% of canadians beleive in the lie. Must be because this new site went up.

I strongly urge you to visit and sign up if you can. FINALLY!!


Also, go read these to get a better picture of how this was done.

Scientists using selective temperature data, skeptics say

Don’t be fooled. Science is always politicized 
Posted: January 14, 2010, 7:30 PM by NP Editor
Comment by luggnutz on February 22, 2011 at 2:44pm


Comment by Cryptocurrency on February 17, 2011 at 12:10am
Al Gore owes me money...
Comment by fireguy on February 16, 2011 at 10:05pm

My latest letter to editor.


A little over a year ago, the hacked emails of ‘Climategate” scientists from the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, exposed the fraud of the IPCC’s “hockey stick” model and their need to “hide the decline” in global temperatures over the last 20 years.


Anyone who points out that there is no “scientific consensus” about global warming, I mean climate change, is labeled a planet killing “Denier”


Of course the real deniers are the ones who think there is no political or financial motive for people like Al Gore (whose carbon footprint is 1000 times larger than anyone you know) to fly around the world, proclaiming like Chicken Little, that the sky will fall unless we serfs give trillions of dollars to the Banksters and Gore in the form of Carbon Offsets, Taxes and Credits.


They say the earth is being killed by CO2 emitted from human activities, and,  that unless we “bankrupt” those wanting to build coal fired electric plants, as Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama famously said, we are all doomed to be buried in Ice Age snow, or alternatively, cooked alive in some Global Warming horror movie scenario. 


You see?  They can have it both ways and blame it on your SUV.


If you thought derivatives were destructive to the world’s economy you have not seen anything yet.


Al Gore and David Blood (Blood and Gore) are partners in the Carbon Credit Trading Exchange, that will net them billions, if we let them pull off this ponzi scheme. 


The jig is up. Anthropomorphic Climate Change is a fraud and a myth perpetrated to further de-industrialize America and impose One World Eco-Feudalism on us all.


In the mean time China is building over 500 coal fired electric plants and buying up the world’s oil fields.


Comment by truth on January 26, 2010 at 1:33pm
Comment by Christopher on December 19, 2009 at 10:02pm
Greg aka Sonatadude; I was much younger then too, and I do agree....GOVERNMENT as BIG as "THEY" get, will never be satisfied.

This Video sums that up real well...Mouseland

I don't vote for the NDP party, but I think the words of Tommy Douglas are inspirational, to say the least.
Comment by Christopher on December 19, 2009 at 8:29pm
Remember Global Cooling?

Why Scientists Find Climate Change So Hard To Predict.

In April, 1975, in an issue mostly taken up with stories about the collapse of the American-backed government of South Vietnam, NEWSWEEK published a small back-page article about a very different kind of disaster. Citing "ominous signs that the earth's weather patterns have begun to change dramatically," the magazine warned of an impending "drastic decline in food production." Political disruptions stemming from food shortages could affect "just about every nation on earth." Scientists urged governments to consider emergency action to head off the terrible threat of . . . well, if you had been following the climate-change debates at the time, you'd have known that the threat was: global cooling.
Comment by Christopher on December 19, 2009 at 6:20pm
President Hugo Chavez Lambastes Capitalism at COP15.

Venezuela President Hugo Chavez took the stage at COP15 and launched his own protest. He declared, "If the climate was a capitalist bank, the rich governments would have saved it."

Before linking the economic crisis to the climate one, Mr. Chavez's scathing critique invoked the ghost of Karl Marx and praised street protesters drawing some applause from the audience. He went on to criticize what he sees as the destructive practices of the capitalist system, Chavez said that he fears that the "infinite model" of capitalism will exhaust the finite resources of the environment.

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