Gulf Oil Disaster... BP Deepwater Ground Zero


Gulf Oil Disaster... BP Deepwater Ground Zero

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The Gulf of Mexico Oil spill 2010. Shocking new pictures.

Started by truth. Last reply by Lawrence Edward Calcutt Mar 7, 2011. 1 Reply

BP Genetically Modifying the Gulf of Mexico

Started by truth. Last reply by Lawrence Edward Calcutt Jan 24, 2011. 1 Reply


Started by truth. Last reply by Lawrence Edward Calcutt Jun 30, 2010. 1 Reply

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Comment by CHUCK W. on June 7, 2010 at 5:13pm
the word depopulation keeps flowing thru my mind.
like an elusive butterfly searching for the nectar of truth
Comment by Rambling Rose on June 7, 2010 at 5:03pm
Unbelievable accident that was no accident and even more unbelievable that they can't clean it up when there's lots of alternatives.....why more poison poured into the water?? Trying to fix it???sure!!
Comment by CHUCK W. on June 7, 2010 at 11:57am
As this is a health related issue – this update . . .

The following post was sent to President Barack Obama at 0722 Hours on Sunday, June 6, 2010.

It is not likely that he will be aware of this plan given the various levels of ‘official filters’ which exist between the general public and the White House.

The only option is that of ‘tree-ing’ the message. Send to your friends & associates in the hopes that someone out there has entrée to the President, his Praetorian Guard.

Uldrich Plan Part One:

Uldrich Plan Part Two:

The Uldrich Gulf Recovery Plan


June 6, 2010 – Decision Day

To: President Barack Obama

A Sword-to-Plowshare Program

Mr. President: it is incumbent upon this nation, its leaders, to come to grips with the magnitude of the environmental/economic disaster of the Gulf Oil Spill.

Time is not our ally – it is our enemy. I respectfully submit the Uldrich Plan for your purview and action – as President – as our Commander-in-Chief. . .


1. Bring the Gulf of Mexico back to 2009 (or better) levels By 2020

2. Establish Dynamic Mass Oil Spill Clean Up Bioremediation Protocols - Immediately

3. Establish an Air/Ground Hub Prairie Grass Particulate (PGP™/AAASorb™ Inventory - Immediately

4. Initiate an Agricultural Assuring Inventory Process - Immediately

5. In Parallel, initiate PGP™ Plan Giving the U.S. 30% (or better) of its Bio-Mass Fuel Needs* by 2020 - Immediately

It presumes (and calls for) the full and total commitment of the Office of the President, his entire staff and the unimpeded support of all units of Government.

It calls for the full dedication of resources of the Federal and State governments.

It further calls for the involvement of those countries which border the Gulf of Mexico and those areas which are (or may be) affected by the oil spill.

British Petroleum International, by the nature of its involvement, is also a key player now and in the future.

The Uldrich Plan calls for the immediate cessation of the use of dispersants/surfactants.

The Uldrich Plan is based on Prairie Grass Particulate (PGP™) under the trade name AAASorb™ (or related brands) being the primary agent of adsorption, absorption and agglomeration of surface and subsurface oils.

All growers of PGP™ product would be invited to participate in this Plan. Close adherence to the standards that have been set by the Joint Venture of Uldrich-Integris Media/Marketing Inc., and the Vogt Farm will be called for.

While millions of pounds of PGP™ are currently available for immediate use in the Gulf, billions of pounds of this organic agglomeration product will be needed over time.

The primary means of oil spill surface control calls for the wide scale use of U.S. Military air assets (all branches) consisting of Galaxy C5, Globe Master C17, Hercules C130 and the multi-service Osprey. Helicopter assets call for the use of Chinook, Black Hawk, Pave Hawk and commercial helicopters capable of both cargo lift and sling load capabilities.

The C5 and C17 assets are for large load transport from Minnesota or other areas having the capability of producing PGP™ in large amounts. This plan also presumes the establishment of an Airfield Storage, Disbursement & aircrew training center. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, having the present capability of handling C5,C17 and C130 operations (helicopter assets also available at MSP) is being advanced as the most logical ‘hub’ site.

U.S. Naval assets required call for the return of CV67 (Carrier John F. Kennedy) from its Mayport Naval Station (FL) to active duty as floating ‘C&C’ (Command & Control) asset for the duration of this effort.

It further calls for CV67 to be modified to allow C130 landing and take-off** and re-fueling and servicing of the Chinook, Black Hawk/Pave Hawk and Osprey class aircraft.

If use of CV67 is not practical, the assignment of a major nuclear carrier to the project is called for.

U.S. Naval assets required are access to diesel and nuclear submarines which have the sustained depth capability ranging from 300 feet (diesel) to 2000 feet (U.S.S. Sea Wolf category).

While all other assets normally used in oil spill containment and clean up will still be called for (booms, skimmers, vacuums etc) PGP/AAAsorb™ would be used on the surface and below the surface exclusively.

The Uldrich Plan calls for the creation of a “Gulf Clean-Up Czar” in effect who has command and control of the operation from its inception to a successful conclusion.

If a full military operation, C&C should be at the five star level and carry the designation of “Ambassador” for effective interface with the countries involved. This should be a Cabinet-level unit of the Federal Government through 2020 – beyond if needed.

If at a combined civilian/military level, the civilian should be brevetted to the five-star rank for effective C&C purposes.

In addition to U.S. Military access, the full range of services of NOAA and the private research sector should be mobilized into this Plan.

The Uldrich Plan calls for strict adherence to time lines and benchmarks for the successful recovery of the Gulf of Mexico to 2009 standards - if not to a higher level – full recovery date: 2020

*University of Minnesota Biomass Research – Dr. David Tilman

**Successfully demonstrated on the U.S.S. Forrestal – October, 1963

John Uldrich - 612-722-2287 (Cell)

3000 West River Parkway, Ste. 201

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406

Independence Party - MN
Comment by Dewk Chronic on June 7, 2010 at 11:54am
In 2008 George Bush the oilman before he left office he lifted the ban on off shore drilling. Less then 2 years later this. If this is just a distraction, then a distraction from what?
Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on June 5, 2010 at 8:11pm
BP says they can't stop the oil spill until August.
BULL SHIT!!! BP = BS. Get someone in there that can get the job done.
BP says they will pay damages? BULL SHIT!!!
Will they pay me when I have to pay more at the pump!!
Not to mention when Barry S. imposes new taxes.
I am as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more.

Comment by CHUCK W. on June 5, 2010 at 6:19pm
Comment by Swtnlovabl on June 5, 2010 at 1:30pm
Comment by CHUCK W. on June 5, 2010 at 12:01pm
Franklin's Focus 6/5/10

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck...

I've appended a Telegraph record of recent frantic behavior by BP's CEO.

I've been muckraking for a long time, and when something smells
strongly of a fraud, a false flag op, or any kind of enormous scam, I
figure that something was something rotten. Did the head of BP fear
and foresee the precise tragedy that occurred killing eleven workers
and unleashing the most destructive oil leak in history? That old
simile about something looking like a duck was born of popular common
sense. I therefore believe the behavior of BP's corporate CEO, Tony
Hayward, a mere few weeks before the stunning event at a BP deep sea
well, to be exceedingly incriminating.

I do not mean to suggest a false flag op. I do, however, strongly
wonder if Hayward had been warned by engineers of a real possibility
of a major explosion followed by vast oil spillage. It seems to me
extremely likely that one or more engineers were becoming worried. An
entirely second rate safety system had been installed (with Obama's
okay) in order to speed up the installation of a dependable safety
system by four years. It was a system that had a bad record.

The actions of Hayward only weeks before the explosion strongly point
toward a fear on his part of just such an event. Hayward did not get
to where he is by making foolish financial decisions. Paying off the
mortgage on a home valued at 1.2 million English pounds is not very
smart. Even I know that. The cash he dished out to make that move
could have been put to far more profitable use from a financial

The behavior of Hayward looks to have been frantic. If he was frantic,
the very real possibility of a disaster at a deep sea well may have
started some wheels spinning in his head. An enormous disaster
including multiple deaths and vast damage to the Gulf and coastal
industries and resources would realistically lead to his dismissal
considering that the normal safety equipment for such a deep well had
been bypassed (with an okay by the White House). Hayward knew he not
only would be fired, but he might even face criminal charges. Did
little bells start tinkling in his head? An enormous amount owing on
his mortgage, might become one of his fleeting thoughts. He may also
have figured one third of the stock holdings for BP would drop like a
bucket of lead. Hmmm!

I'm absolutely convinced Hayward was warned by one or more engineers
that an explosion or huge leak were not only possible, but even
likely. The second rate system that had been installed had a record of
failures. Will such an engineer eventually step forward to confess
that he had warned Hayward of a serious danger and potential
catastrophe? Well, not if he has been in some way paid off.

I believe Hayward knew of the likelihood of an explosion and/or vast
leakage of oil. One or more of his engineers also surely knew of the
likelihood. Did an engineer or two engage in the same kind of frantic
behavior as Hayward? If so, the truth will probably never be
forthcoming, that is unless an engineer is willing to make a deal with
a prosecutor.

Keep in mind that eleven deaths are involved here. This potential
scandal has extremely serious overtones. Even the White House may be
dragged into a mammoth scandal. Have you noticed how Obama is now
distancing himself from BP as fast as he can?

If somebody has a better explanation for the obviously frantic
behavior of BP's top dog, please pass it along. Until I have a better
explanation for Hayward's bizarre behavior shortly before the
explosion, I hold to my strong suspicions. The appended piece shows
the Brits themselves are suspicious of their own compatriots.

Of course, my dim view of predatory capitalism plays a role in my
suspicions. As I see it, this is just the way capitalism works. We
have in Amerika a vast coterie of crooked bankers, lawmakers,
governors, presidents, contractors, and so forth ad infinitum. This
is, after all, in the very nature of the beast. As for the Invisible
Hand.... Was it fiddling while the sea exploded?

Today's Quotation

'Formerly the master selected the slave; today the slave selects his

Albert Parsons, 1848-87. He was a heroic American figure in the
history of the struggle between capital and labor. He was a prolific
writer and the editor of 'The Alarm'. He ultimately was one of the
Haymarket martyrs and was murdered by the state in 1887.

Now take a look at what Hayward's compatriots are saying about his

Warmest regards,



BP Chief Tony Hayward Sold Shares Weeks before Oil Spill

Tony Hayward cashed in about a third of his holding in the company one
month before a well on the Deepwater Horizon rig burst, causing an
environmental disaster.
Mr Hayward, whose pay package is £4 million a year, then paid off
the mortgage on his family’s mansion in Kent, which is estimated to
be valued at more than £1.2 million.
There is no suggestion that he acted improperly or had prior
knowledge that the company was to face the biggest setback in its
His decision, however, means he avoided losing more than £423,000 when
BP’s share price plunged after the oil spill began six weeks ago.
Since he disposed of 223,288 shares on March 17, the company’s share
price has fallen by 30 per cent. About £40 billion has been wiped off
its total value. The fall has caused pain not just for BP
shareholders, but also for millions of company pension funds and small
investors who have money held in tracker funds.
The spill, which has still not been stemmed, has caused a serious
environmental crisis and is estimated to cost BP up to £40 billion to
clean up.
There was growing confidence yesterday that a new cap placed over the
well was stemming the oil flow. An estimated three million litres a
day had been pouring into the sea off the coast of Louisiana since the
April 20 explosion, damaging marine life.
The crisis has enraged US politicians, with President Obama yesterday
forced to cancel a trip to Indonesia amid a row over the White
House’s response.
Mr Hayward, whose position is thought to be under threat, risked
further fury by continuing plans to pay out a dividend to investors
next month.

Comment by Metalchemist on June 5, 2010 at 11:21am
The Obaaaama admin want's to sequester the net and supress our firest ammendment right, Cass Sundstein and SCOTUS nominee Kagan have stated this. Also the FCC say's they have control over the net.
Soon we will have censorship that will make China's look like they have freedom of speach.

BP owned by British and Dutch Royalty.
Queen Victoria and Queen Beautrix own controling interests.
Why do you think Amereica is considering an attack on Iran.
Could it be why we went into Iraq? For OIL.
Why is America in Afghanistan?
Could it be the opium / heroine that the millitary is guarding at taxpayers expense. History has a way of repeating itself, especally when the sheeple/ chattle have been luled into a FALSE sense of security by the wolves.
Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on June 5, 2010 at 12:26am
Gulf oil spill overshadows second oil leak in Alaska
Published 05 June, 2010, 04:36
Source: RT
While the focus has been on the BP oil rig explosion and crude oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, BP’s other spill of more than 100,000 gallons of oil in Alaska has been completely overshadowed.
he Alaska Pipeline is owned by BP and is dangerously corroded and unmaintained. This neglect caused the pipe to burst and spill gallons of oil off the coast of Alaska.

“No one is watching,” said investigative journalist Greg Palast.

BP is not the worst in the oil business said Palast, citing Chevron's issues in the Amazon and Shell’s past spills in the Niger Delta. However, BP has a long history of neglect.

“They [BP] were greatly involved and greatly compliable in the spill of the Exxon Valdez. It had Exxon’s name on the ship, but it was British Petroleum that was in charge of preventing that oil from hitting shore. They didn’t do it. They were in charge of having the emergency spill equipment around the Exxon Valdez, they didn’t have it. Just like in the Gulf, they said they could handle a spill. They couldn’t," said Palast.

Read more

Palast said BP operates under a “culture of neglect driven by penny pinching” where a desire for increased production and lower costs has driven the company to cut corners where safety is concerned.

“They [BP] have gone after whistleblowers they don’t like,” said Palast.

BP targets those who recommend and encourage spending on safety. Palast said they have continually used political pressure to fire government regulators whom they see as a threat. BP has even gone to the extreme, using ex-CIA agents to tap phones and search houses.

“A US judge who heard about this activity said that British Petroleum was acting like Nazis,” said Palast.

Palast said that if BP listened to the whistleblowers, these type of incidents would not happen.

“But of course if they listened they would have to spend some money to fix things,” said Palast.

Palast continued, “We have a big problem with oil companies. They are worth so much that they feel they have immunity and impunity. […] And baby, in politics it’s money that talks!”

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