
End The Fed

The Federal Reserve is privately owned by international bankers. Lets take back our constitutional right to manage our own currency. End the Federal Reserve's inflationary tactics that will ruin our country. Contact your Representatives.

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End The Fed 2012 NYC w Tatiana Moroz Lets Coin Together!

We The People are “FED” Up with the Crony Capitalism Centrally Planned by the PRIVATE Federal Reserve Banking System. Let’s “coin” together.
New York City, September 22, 2012: Libertarians, tea partiers, occupiers, conservatives and liberals will be joining forces in late September to spread awareness about a major issue in U.S. politics and economics that they can all agree on; the corrupt, private Federal Reserve banking system that controls U.S. monetary policy. The people will be gathering at Federal Reserve locations all across the nation, including The New York Fed located at 33 Liberty Street in Manhattans financial district. The event will be held from 12-3pm on September 22nd 2012 and will be followed by a networking after party. The Speakers at this year’s event include Chris Duane of Sons of Liberty Academy, Luke Rudkowksi of, and Danny Panzella of as well as a musical performance by Tatiana Moroz.

Operation Repeal The Fed! -

Operation Repeal The Fed! -

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Comment by truth on May 19, 2009 at 11:17am
"It is the responsibility of every member of Congress to represent the interests of the people that sent them to Washington and find out what has been happening with our money." - Ron Paul (HR 1207 now has 170 cosponsors, and companion Senate bill S 604 introduced)

Audit the Fed, Then End It!

Listen to Ron Paul. Click the play button below.

Audio image 
Comment by truth on May 15, 2009 at 6:18pm
Written by Ian D. Erickson Thursday, 14 May 2009

On February 26, 2009, Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced H.R. 1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, into legislation. Currently the bill has been referred to the Financial Services Committee whose chairman is Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.). This particular committee is comparable to a mini-congress to see if the bill should reach the House floor for a vote.

A groundswell of support has both Republicans and Democrats cosponsoring this bill. As of this posting there are 137 republican cosponsors, and 25 democrat cosponsors. Many organizations including Campaign for Liberty, Freedom Works, Center for Fiscal Accountability, of course The John Birch Society, and even have been rallying grassroots support for this bill.

House Resolution 1207 states the following:

To amend title 31, United States Code, to reform the manner in which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited by the Comptroller General of the United States and the manner in which such audits are reported, and for other purposes

This, in layman's terms, enables the veil over the Federal Reserve to be lifted so that the public can see how their money is being utilized. One would assume that a bill such as this would have gained support on an unprecedented scale. The Obama Administration has been all about transparency in its verbiage since taking office. However, President Obama has not encouraged Democratic lawmakers to stand behind a bill that would allow for that much needed transparency.

Ron Paul explains this circumstance in an interview held on April 22 with Judge Andrew Napolitano on Freedom Watch: “Once we get the audit bill passed and we can reveal what they are doing, I think the next step is to end the Fed. That’s why they don’t want that.”

Many supporters of the bill believe an audit will lead to a public outcry against he Federal Reserve and call for its immediate closure. Ron Paul believes that is why more law makers have not jumped on board this bill, because it would do just that, end he Federal Reserve.

Recent additions to the cosponsor list include both Representatives Leonard Lance (R-NJ), former Sate Senator and first term congressman from New Jersey's 7th district and 10-year veteran of the House Jay Inslee (D-WA) from Washington's 1st district.

There is a Senate version of the bill, S. 604, introduced by Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.) which has received no cosponsors as of yet, and currently sits in the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

For a full list of cosponsors and to see if your representative has decided to stand for transparency visit this website.

Ian D. Erickson is a political activist from New Jersey where he resides with his wife and two sons. He is author of the book Broken Volume 1, and is currently studying organizational leadership at Somerset Christian College.
Comment by truth on May 8, 2009 at 12:11pm
One down, many to go !
Comment by Jamie on May 8, 2009 at 1:24am
New York Federal Reserv Chairman Stephan Friedman Resigns

Friedman claims there is no impropriety. Lets all bow before Saint. Feirdman that greatest man to walk the streets of NY.

Stephen Friedman, New York Federal Reserve Bank's board of directors chairman, has resigned amid questions over stock purchases.

His resignation comes amid questions about his purchases of stock in his former firm, Goldman Sachs.

Friedman, a retired chairman of Goldman Sachs who has led the New York Fed's board since January 2008, said he quit to prevent criticism about his stock buying from becoming a distraction as the Fed battles a severe US recession.

"Although I have been in compliance with the rules, my public service motivated continuation on the Reserve Bank Board is being mischaracterized as improper," he said in a letter of resignation to New York Fed President William Dudley.
Comment by truth on April 29, 2009 at 6:53pm
Comment by truth on April 27, 2009 at 5:07pm
Comment by truth on April 22, 2009 at 5:16pm
Comment by Jamie on April 6, 2009 at 12:40am
Comment by Jamie on April 6, 2009 at 12:36am
The Fed must go ~ how I do not know ~ but go it must before we finally trust in a financial system that now directly contradicts the Constitutional foundation of America : Allen L Roland


Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Comment by Kimberly and Aaron on March 31, 2009 at 9:26pm
I was at the november 22nd protest in boston, but since I'm prego this time around I don't know if I can make it to the next one, I'm due on the 17th of April...

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