Ex-Director of the WHO's Global Influenza Programme, suggests developing a vaccine including a "cocktail" of flu strains ... together with an adjuvant


An influenza specialist who previously led the World Health Organization's (WHO's) flu program and now works for Novartis, has recommended that developing a prepandemic vaccination to get a grip on the next flu endemic, a thought that other experts are welcoming with concern or cynicism.

Dr. Klaus Stohr, ex-Director of the WHO's Global Influenza Programme, suggests developing a vaccine including a "cocktail" of flu strains considered apt to cause the next epidemic, together with an adjuvant (immune-system stimulant). He proposes the plan in an opinion article released yesterday online by Nature.

The proposal of prepandemic vaccine has been around for years, stimulated by some researches implying that adjuvants can make flu vaccines defensive against more than just the particular viral damage they are based on.

But since of a lot of doubts like an approach, together with security questions and the volatile timing of epidemics, it has never got much footing.

Stohr says that prepandemic vaccination would help deal with the problem when an epidemic virus surfaces. It takes around 6 months to develop and generate a well-suited vaccination for it, as was exhibited last year with the epidemic H1N1 virus.

He says that this idea can also help lessen the massive scarcity of production capacity to meet worldwide requirements.

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The idea of combining seasonal flu with H1N1 came about after people became aprehensive over the safety of the fast-tracked H1N1 shots. This way they could gaurantee that people would accept the H1N1 shot. They have also joked about announcing 'shortages' of the vaccine in order to rally people to line up for them in fear they'd "run out". At the end of the flu season however, we discover that there is an overstock of vaccine.

We only found this out because the GREEDY vaccine manufacturers complained bitterly about the loss of the promised sales by governments world-wide.
I have an elderly relative who was discharged from the hospital two days ago, and who is now in a convalescence hospital for acute rehab. When I signed him in, I filled out paper work that stated NO vaccines of any kind. When I went to see him yesterday, the nurse said that they were getting ready to give him his H1N1 vaccine. I said absolutely not! They knew I was upset and the nursing manager assured me he would not get the shot, but didn't know why my orders had not been inputted into the computer. She also said she did not know why they were giving patients this vaccine when the flu season was over.

They are either trying to get rid of stockpiles or are trying to kill elderly patients or both.
virginia (ginny) linn said:
I have an elderly relative who was discharged from the hospital two days ago, and who is now in a convalescence hospital for acute rehab. When I signed him in, I filled out paper work that stated NO vaccines of any kind. When I went to see him yesterday, the nurse said that they were getting ready to give him his H1N1 vaccine. I said absolutely not! They knew I was upset and the nursing manager assured me he would not get the shot, but didn't know why my orders had not been inputted into the computer. She also said she did not know why they were giving patients this vaccine when the flu season was over.

They are either trying to get rid of stockpiles or are trying to kill elderly patients or both.
@ all and
virginia and Bob Brown said it :: once..

May I repeat the most inportant part again.

They are either trying to get rid of stockpiles or are trying to kill elderly patients or both.</</u>b>

Bob Brown said:
virginia (ginny) linn said:
I have an elderly relative who was discharged from the hospital two days ago, and who is now in a convalescence hospital for acute rehab. When I signed him in, I filled out paper work that stated NO vaccines of any kind. When I went to see him yesterday, the nurse said that they were getting ready to give him his H1N1 vaccine. I said absolutely not! They knew I was upset and the nursing manager assured me he would not get the shot, but didn't know why my orders had not been inputted into the computer. She also said she did not know why they were giving patients this vaccine when the flu season was over.

They are either trying to get rid of stockpiles or are trying to kill elderly patients or both.

Now,, it is highly likely that there is no place on the form the computer uses to record that specific piece of Data, or if it is recorded into the computer, it fails to print out when requested. As a programmer of 35 years I can believe it. Some programmers are not all that bright.

I would sue the Hospital if that happened to me or someone I loved and cared about.

Larry From Canada
As you all know this flu virus attacks the youngsters the most. As a veteran I've noticed posters up everywhere in the VA hospitals making you aware that everyone should get the vaccine and just ask and you'll get one. They (The Government) must have so much of this it's coming out their ears. Also, why risk the age group that isn't at risk with risks it doesn't need to take? I guess that's always the question. WHY
@ all and Troy, Virginia, John, and Bob

Remember I said elsewere, that 1 out of every 30 babys born in America develops some form of Autism... Only in America? Why?

The reason is simple.

A new born's immune system is not mature enough to cope with a massive shot of from 5 to 8 different pathigens placed in the babies body with one of their super vaccine shots.
Even at 6 months it has a great deal of difficulty to cope with all the different dieases the supershot was susposed to combat.

Now they want to manufactre a super Flu Vaccine to give to humans.WTH... what will it do to kids, teens, adults and seniors, Kill them. God help us if they do.

Your comments will be appreciated.

Larry from Canada
Pharmaceutical Companies Earned Over $3 Billion on H1N1 Vaccine.

The above headline comes from a May 10, 2010 story by EarthTimes. In this article, it was reported that makers of the H1N1 vaccines reported sales of $3.3 billion in 2009. Healthcare market research publisher Kalorama, issued a report, "H1N1 'Swine Flu' Vaccine Market Review" in which they noted that although the vaccine income did not reach the levels anticipated, that the bottom line of several of the companies was boosted by the swine flu vaccine.

In the face of all the reports showing that the H1N1 vaccine scare was dramatically overblown and may have been partially fabricated, the Kalorama report coldly stated that they, "believe the contracting, production and distribution of this vaccine will be a model for future pandemic vaccines."
In what seemed more business than healthcare concern, the report stated, "there was no clear model to follow for the H1N1 vaccine, as marketing it in the traditional sense based on consumer need for the vaccine was not required. Companies were innovative."
Bruce Carlson, publisher of Kalorama Information, noted the business aspect of the vaccine by stating, "It was a unique product and each (vaccine) company adopted a different strategy."

In an unrelated but ironic new story, Reuters news on May 4, 2010 reports that the "U.S. has 71 million unused flu vaccine doses." They note that these vaccines all have expiration dates and that some of these doses start expiring in June of this year. These vaccine doses have already been paid for and should not impact the vaccine companies bottom lines.

Association between the 2008–09 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine and Pandemic H1N1 Illness during Spring–Summer 2009: Four Observational Studies from Canada.


In late spring 2009, concern was raised in Canada that prior vaccination with the 2008–09 trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) was associated with increased risk of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) (pH1N1) illness. Several epidemiologic investigations were conducted through the summer to assess this putative association.

Read more: http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal....
The worm will pack up this world in the old kit bag and swallow it. The is nothing in Stohr.


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