International Nuke Watch


International Nuke Watch

Location: nuke
Members: 105
Latest Activity: Aug 22, 2021

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant?


Airspace Over Flooded Nebraska Nuclear Power Plant Still Closed After Fire


US orders news blackout over crippled Nebraska Nuclear Plant: report


Media Blackout Nebraska Nuclear Plants Flooding !! (MIRRORED)


Nebraska Nuclear Plant Emergency Level 4 About to Get Worse - June 14, 2011.flv


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Comment by Barry Mundy on August 22, 2021 at 1:22pm

Nuclear power is very dangerous. I believe it was Einstein who said that nuclear power is a hell of way to boil water.

Comment by Less Prone on August 22, 2021 at 4:19am

History Channel list eight spies who leaked nuclear secrets to the Soviets, but is careful to not mention some other spies.

8 Spies Who Leaked Atomic Bomb Intelligence to the Soviets

At least these are missing:

Atom Spy Case/Rosenbergs

Victor Rothschild Was a “Soviet” Agent

A more inclusive list

Spies Who Spilled Atomic Bomb Secrets
Had this comment:
"One additional thing you might mention is that after Klaus Fuchs was released from prison in Britain in June 1959, he went to Dresden, East Germany, where he taught physics. One of his "pupils" was Qian Sanqiang, the mastermind of Mao Zedong's A-bomb project. During the summer of 1959, Fuchs gave Qian the full details of the Fat Man or plutonium design atomic bomb and possibly information on the thermonuclear bomb as well. So Fuchs did not quit his atomic espionage work. This information was recently published in "The Nuclear Express" by Tom Reed and Danny Stillman (Zenith Press, 2009).

Cindy Kelly
President, Atomic Heritage Foundation
Washington, DC 202-293-0045"

Comment by Burbia on July 26, 2019 at 5:30am
Comment by truth on January 16, 2014 at 1:57pm
Comment by Wolf on May 7, 2013 at 6:19pm - this is a report from Mr Collins from so much information.

I believe that the truth seekers absolutely have to join the anti nuclear agenda.  

In less than 24 hours on my farm land I have found 3 mutated dandelions.  This is real folks...we have one earth we have to defend her against these money whores.  Earth is not their whore...

Someone has to you?

Comment by Wolf on May 2, 2013 at 5:00pm - excellent nuclear information pages

Comment by truth on February 16, 2013 at 10:30pm
Comment by truth on October 31, 2012 at 1:50pm

Nightmare On The Nuke Street:

Comment by truth on October 1, 2012 at 6:05pm

5pm ET: 3 quakes hit Fukushima in last 2 hours — M5.2, M4.4 and M4.4 — 2 at almost identical location and depth (MAPS)

Comment by guest_blog on May 17, 2012 at 1:11pm

Fraud at California’s San Onofre Nuclear Plant Jeopardizes Safety

A recent change in San Onofre’s cooling system – done uner the radar to avoid government approval – has also put the plant at risk:


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