What Really Happened

UPDATE - Radiation surging in Ibaraki, Japan. IS A SECOND REACTOR COMPLEX IN TROUBLE?

Webmaster's Commentary: 

The real time radiation monitoring by prefecture showed radiation levels in the city of Ibaraki going from 639 to 2040 over a period of 12 hours March 20th!

Click for larger image

However, Ibaraki is 83 miles from the Fukushima power station!

Click for larger image

But there is another nuclear power station right next to Ibaraki, the Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant, which has one operational reactor and one decommissioned reactor, with an undetermined status of the spent fuel rods.

It seems unlikely that radiation from Fukushima is the reason for the radiation surge at Ibaraki in the last 12 hours, without corresponding increases in other cities within 80 miles of the Fukushima reactors. Of course, there are no readings from Fukushimna or Miyagi prefectures at all and maybe the entire coastline for 100 miles is rapidly becoming hotter. But given the nearly identical circumstances of nuclear power stations on the shoreline added to massive quake and tsunami, one must wonder if there is more damage to the other coastal nuclear power stations than is being admitted to.

One thing is obvious from the radiation surge; something bad just happened somewhere!

UPDATE: Confirmation of problems at Tokai-2 reactor, March 13, 2011.

The Fire and Disaster Management Agency said a cooling system pump stopped operating at Tokai No. 2 Power Station, a nuclear power plant, in the village of Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture.

UPDATE 2: Tokai Reactor has had prior criticality accident.

Update 3: April 2, 2011. I find and load a free app for my iPhone that shows real time radiation levels collec... This is what the screen shows.

The tiny radiation symbol towards the top of the display is the location of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power station. Since the area surrounding the Fukushima plant has been evacuated, it makes sense there will be no radiation readings in that area. Yet to the south we see an obvious hot spot where radiation readings are much higher. It turns out those higher radiation readings cluster around Ibaraki and in particular the nuclear power station located at Tokai!

Taking a look at the same data through a Google Earth View, we again see a high radiation spike.

In the following framecap, the location of Fukushima relative to the radiation hot spot is indicated with the green arrow.

It should be obvious from this data that something bad happened or is happening at Tokai, which is much closer to Tokyo. Aside from the initial report of cooling failure on the 13th, there has been no reports at all of conditions at Tokai. Yet the raw data suggests all may not be well at that facility.

Views: 64

Replies to This Discussion

There Are 11 Nuclear Sites damaged...Not 6
I have heard 11 a long time ago as well and I thought there was a complex 10 miles or so from the first in trouble. But is it reactor sites or reactors? (there are a number of reactors at each site) I assume Stuxnet virus is in all reactor complexes  and if the Japanese do not behave they are just activated as punishment by "them".

You  mean  to  tell  me  that  it  takes  ALL  Those  Nuclear  Plants  to  power  Japan???  Come  on!!!!  I've  never  seen  such  a  jumbled  'mess'  of  colours  all  in  one  area;  in  my  life.  Geography  101  -  If  you  can't  read  the  map  -  don't  show  it.  TULA  says  there  are  11  Nuclear  Sites  damaged  -  not  6.  Where  are  these

coming  from???  I've  been  following  this  very  closely  and  nowhere  does  it  say  that  there  were  more  reactors  damaged.  My  friends  and  I  say;  that  if  there  is  any  more  activity  -  Japan  will  slowly  sink  to

Ocean  floor  -  gone  forever!!!   Like  Atlantis  -  an  Earth  Quake  of  the  size  sunk  her.  Is  it  a  legion  or  is  it  a  fact.  And  they  didn't  have  Nuclear  Power  Plants  either!!!  No  one  has  been  able  to  find  it  either....   



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