I was watching USGS closely on Tuesday when a huge red square appeared and it was around 7.2 at Fukashima area.Then it shrunk. Now there are claims of a media blackout re this huge quake/attack.


Anyone else witness this on USGS? ( I seem to get intuitive feelings and view it.)



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I noticed a massive EQ during that time in Japan (I'll have to go back and see exactly where it was) on another site that I moniter daily.  When I saw it, I even thought to myself, "how strange that they didn't mention this one on the news, but they made a big deal about an  even smaller one a few days prior to that".What I've also been noticing on that site is when Yellowstone has earthquakes, they won't appear the next day. It seems they are not posting the earthquake history for Yellowstone since it became active about a week ago. They're also erasing recent EQ activity in Lake Mead AZ/NV where Hoover Dam is. If that dam was to bust, many cities would be affected.


  Look like Japan is about to go Under  Japan - Liquification .

April 12, 2011


This is getting very scary. Queensland has just had it's biggest one in years followed quickly by one in Christchurch where I went to high school. I also watched a youtube showing HAARP/scalar rings a couple of days ago, in the middle of the US. And the predicted storm came.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYHzQRxNdDI&NR=1

4/13/2011 -- Texas to Minnesota-- 'HAARP RINGS' and 'SCALAR SQUARES" - 24-48 hours from now

Spot on! Yet my kids think I am crazy going on about all this.

How big was the one in Queensland, because the site I monitor says it was a 4.7 m.


There is something to these squares. They are radar signatures that HAARP is leaving when they have been active in that area. Many times the large squares or rings only show up for a split second, so you have to watch closely.


The earthquakes in Australia were the biggest in nearly one hundred years in Queensland but not a lot of damage. I feel we are not being told what is happening in Japan as they are having constant quakes and a six yesterday but this hardly makes the news as does the level of radiation.


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