Its a great video and I like that the late Marlon Brando is in this nwo video. It is well made video

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It is coming, people think the voting is going to work, yea right! As I said before: "You put new blood in with old blood, and you get the same bad blood!" This has been in the planning for decades, the elite are not going to throw in the towel because of elections! They will be threaten, lied to, bought out, or just eliminated and it will be called an accident! I don't see a way out of this, it has gone on too long! The changes to the Constitution and the executive orders that have been put out, just made it harder to stop! With Congress giving it's power to the executive branch, through deceit and stupidity you have nothing left! Now the Police State will finish locking it in! The more time that goes by the more it is implemented! So run, with no place to hide!
Well Billy it will be very hard to put up a resistance but this will be worldwide all the countries will turn into Police states. Once Amercia is one then its a matter of time before the other countries also become part of a Police state. Most people are not aware of this. After that the elite nwo, Illuminati whatever you want to call them will have their new leader The Antichrist and only the Second Coming of Christ will prevail against the Antichrist and the nwo!
Yes the new world order will fail!
This is true Robert, but some Countries are already worse the ours! Take England for example, they have cams at every block! We still have a chance even if 3% of the population stand up! The rest will follow later! It is going to take a spark to get them to stand up! And I think that is coming and soon! The NWO is at pause until the U.S. has fell! But we are Americans, and I don't think it's going to be that easy! We are used to Freedoms, and the sheeple, once it is in their face will stand! Then they will have a very hard if not unsuccessful time doing it! But I do have one thing to say, don't be at home when they come knocking!
Well Billy im not from the stares im from Canada and why does England have cams everywhere and they do not stop it or protest it. The nwo are moving at this very slow and are trying to creep up stuff on us. we must fight and resist the nwo and destroy them. When they come knocking I will not be afraid of thise scum.
I wonder if the real leader is Jacob Rothschild?
England gave up their guns under deceit and lies! They let them into their laws for a small thing and other things were put in it to take them over, It left the door open for their govt. to get rid of them! It is the same thing they are doing here to make it so hard to own a weapon that you will not want to go through it! When you have these right wing groups that want to use the EPA to ban lead, you can see what they are trying to do! England was a start point for the test of the NWO and police state! While we were worried about this fake terrorist that Bush started they were being took over and we were not paying attention to what was going on! It is a distraction thing like they are trying to do with Iran! When you start digging you find out how far in our Culture they have dug in! While we try to get one thing fixed they are throwing a lot of things at us at the same time! So while we may have stopped one thing another 15 things have been past! They know what they are doing and they covered themselves for what ever happens! Numbers count, and when you divide the numbers you have an easier time getting what you want! The funny thing is the people in our govt. that are helping this along are nothing but a pawn too! We have a lot against us, but we will win!
Here is the Canadian people in the Bilderberg group:

Jean Chretien (1996),[44] Prime Minister of Canada, 1993–2003

This is past and present, alive or passed!
Stephen Harper (2003),[74] Prime Minister of Canada, 2006-current
Mike Harris,[74] Premier of Ontario 1995-2002
Bernard Lord,[74] Premier of New Brunswick 1999-2006
Paul Martin (1996),[44] Prime Minister of Canada, 2003–2006
Frank McKenna (2006, 2010),[75] Deputy Chair of TD Bank Financial Group, Canadian Ambassador to the United States 2005-2006, Premier of New Brunswick 1987-1997
Gordon Campbell (2010), Premier of British Columbia, 2001–Present

This is as of 2010, Alive and dead! It is not the complete list, but I will dig it up!
Yes these leaders are in the Bilderbergs and I heard that theywere upset with Haeper because he was slow to react with certain issues. England got fooled but we cannot here in North America get fooled like that. I heard that late former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau was in the Illuminati. I hope that is not true.
CAN Pierre Elliott Trudeau Prime Minister
13-15 May 1983
CAN Pierre Elliott Trudeau Former Prime Minister
10-12 May 1985

Robert Carobene said:
Yes these leaders are in the Bilderbergs and I heard that theywere upset with Haeper because he was slow to react with certain issues. England got fooled but we cannot here in North America get fooled like that. I heard that late former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau was in the Illuminati. I hope that is not true.
Thanks so I guess he was one hmm i thinkj you have to be one to be worldsleaders you have to be Bilderbergs and in the Illuminati! he was a great PM but now I guess hes not!


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