Internet rallies around flier accused of groping TSA agent


Yukari Miyamae, 61, is seen in this undated booking photo in Phoenix provided by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office.
By Rebecca Ruiz, Senior editor,

The flying public has chosen its new folk hero and it is Yukari Miyamae, a 61-year-old Colorado woman who was arrested for allegedly groping a female Transportation Security Administration agent at Phoenix's international airport.

Miyamae is accused of grabbing the left breast of an agent at a security checkpoint last Thursday and was facing a felony count of sexual abuse. After reviewing the case, prosecutors for the county declined to file felony charges against Miyamae, according to the Associated Press.

One Facebook page titled "Yukari Miyamae Legal Defense Fund" at first described Miyamae as "the 'Rosa Parks' of US aviation." It later changed its description to "Support Yukari Miyamae, wrongly accused of sexually assaulting a TSA agent." The comparison didn't end there, though. On the "Acquit Yukari Mihamae" Facebook page, which had nearly 2,600 likes as of press time, commenter James Kress wrote, "Yukari is a 21st Century Rosa Parks!"

If the comparison is overblown, if not offensive, it seems to reflect the widespread public anger about aggressive airport pat-downs and the frustration of fliers who don't feel they can speak out against what they see as invasive screening methods.

Since the story broke on Saturday evening, a groundswell of public support for Miyamae has emerged online. Many of the 700-plus comments on the original story about the altercation were also supportive of Miyamae. The commenter Bob in Oklahoma wrote, "Why is it 'sexual assault' when Ms. Mihamae grabs a TSA agent's breast, but perfectly hunky-dory when the TSA agent does the same thing to a passenger? Ms. Mihamae didn't check the agent's diaper, did she?" The commenter was referring to a recent episode in which the TSA checked a 94-year-old woman's adult diaper before permitting her to fly.

The "Acquit Yukari Mihamae" Facebook page has dozens of posts, most of them supportive of Miyamae. G David Hawkins wrote, "you just did to them what they're doing to us all. you are a hero for the people, and i stand with you!!"

Steven Slater, the JetBlue flight attendant who last year became famous when he deployed an emergency chute on a grounded plane after an altercation with a passenger, said that a reverse-groping incident was bound to happen.


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Maybe we can help too?

At Patriot Horse


Hay PH, why leave all the Backlashing to the Ladies? Give the guys something to do to fight back.

I'm never going to be able to fly again. But if I did, and a TSA agent went after my "junk" it would take at least 3 big burly cops and a couple of taser hits before I let go of his "junk" providing it was big enough to get hold of it.

All kidding asside, its time the so called 'Men of America' started to prove they are not sheep and start to protect their sweeties (wives and Girlfriends) and their children from the TSA monsters with the worped minds and the blue rubber gloves.



TSA Grope Woman Concerned About Cancer From Body Scanners

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Laws on sexual molestation not applied to TSA employees

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The woman who became the focus of a fresh TSA controversy after she groped an airport screener and was subsequently arrested for “sex abuse,” was concerned about getting cancer from repeatedly having to pass through radiation-firing naked body scanners.

61-year-old Yukari Miyamae was arrested last week after she started arguing with TSA agent Barbara O’Toole at Terminal 4 in Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport.

When O’Toole told Miyamae she would have to undergo a full pat down if she refused to go through the body scanner, Miyamae responded, “Oh, like this,” and grabbed O’Toole’s breast.

Miyamae will not face felony charges but could still face a misdemeanor charge.

“TSA officials also say this all happened because the woman didn’t want to go through a body scanner for fear of getting cancer,” reports MyFox Phoenix, adding that Miyamae was a frequent flyer who traveled once a a week.

Despite the fact that Miyamae was arrested and jailed on accusations of “sex abuse,” TSA agents continue to remain free to commit identical abuses upon the American people, including children, the elderly and the disabled.

There shouldn’t even be a debate as to whether or not TSA workers can stick their hands down your pants or fondle a woman’s breasts. Not even a police officer or an FBI agent can legally lay a hand on you unless it’s in the course of an arrest.

As Steve Wagstaffe, the District Attorney in San Mateo County, told Alex Jones last year, merely touching someone against their will is a felony in California, just as it is across the country.

“If it is skin to skin, if someone were to take their hand and put it underneath somebody’s blouse and touch someone inappropriately and go skin to skin, that’s a felony, and if it’s done simply over the clothing, according to California law, that’s a misdemeanor,” said Wagstaffe.

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  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Miyamae’s concerns about body scanners causing cancer are well founded.

Numerous highly respected universities and health bodies, including Johns Hopkins, Columbia University, the University of California, and the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety, have all warned that the health threat posed by the scanners has not been properly studied and could lead to increased cancer rates.

Despite the TSA lying in claiming that Johns Hopkins had verified the safety of the scanners, Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at the Johns Hopkins school of medicine, has publicly warned that “statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays”.

A study conducted last year by Dr David Brenner, head of Columbia University’s center for radiological research, also found that the body scanners are likely to lead to an increase in a common type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma, which affects the head and neck.

As we reported last month, leaked documents published by the Electronic Privacy Information Center revealed how TSA workers became concerned over a “cancer cluster” amongst screening agents at Boston Logan International Airport, and how the federal agency tried to cover-up the complaints.

As a result of her stance against the TSA, Mihamae has become something of a folk hero. A Facebook page entitled “Acquit Yukari Miyamae” already has over 2,000 followers.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.


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