Something just doesn’t seem right. Why has the TSA been showing their hand so blatantly in the past month? It has become obvious that they are forcing the public to revolt, but to what end? What is the game that is being played on us now? After giving this much thought, this is the conclusion I have formulated given the information we have and the known history of the New World Order and how they operate.

This is a pretty sophisticated psyop they are playing on the American sheeple, as far as I can tell. First, you get Americans, who have become so politically correct and brainwashed to believe in the "greater good", to demand profiling in a nation where they believe everyone is treated "equally" and must therefore, submit to invasive screening to "make it fair" for all. Go along to get along, you know. “As long as it makes us safer”, the American people cry! That is why everyone was so willing to accept ever increasing security measures as each successive false flag event kept raising the bar incrementally. However, with the recent and quite frequent talking points of “profiling” being bandied about by the talking heads of the main stream media, it seems obvious what their next step will be and Americans are jumping on that bandwagon

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Replies to This Discussion

This is a no-brainer: The only way we can stop this from happening is to stop buying plane tickets. That's it in a nutshell. If they keep selling tickets and we allow this to happen, they could care less if we like it or not. Personally, I will never fly again unless I charter a private plane.

You have to fight to keep your freedom. Think about it, do we really want to reward the hand that strips us of our civil liberties? If you say "yes" (and purchase a ticket), then I say bend over and get ready for a cavity search.

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
This is a no-brainer: The only way we can stop this from happening is to stop buying plane tickets. That's it in a nutshell.

Hey Vin, got knocked off chat sorry. The point of the post was to ask if it is a diversion
maybe only a convenient one yet a distraction all the same. We have two rights crushing bills out there that may be put in to law before end of this month.

s 510 and the net bill.

James adap2k said:

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
This is a no-brainer: The only way we can stop this from happening is to stop buying plane tickets. That's it in a nutshell.

Hey Vin, got knocked off chat sorry. The point of the post was to ask if it is a diversion
maybe only a convenient one yet a distraction all the same. We have two rights crushing bills out there that may be put in to law before end of this month.

s 510 and the net bill.

I believe its both psyop and diversion. Two sides of the same coin though - look over here at the TSA abusing your rights, ok now look away. Oh, did you miss s 510 & COICA? They are for the “higher good” you know and hey, at least these bills didn’t fondle your junk.

My loving government has promised the eminent arrival of backscatter in all major Australian airports.

Aus airport authorities also mysteriously and silently, over 1 year ago, obtained the right to browse laptop and cell phone directories of any air travellers entering the country, to check what pornography they might be carrying. Disembarked passengers are asked if they have any porn to declare.

Total surveillance, total intrusion and interference with every aspect of our being, that’s normal, that’s what these psyops are implanting. You want privacy? You must be a freak, a f*cking extremist.

Aus Gov has also been secretly negotiating “data retention” law proposals with ISP’s and Telco’s. Reportedly ISP’s will be required to keep the browsing history of all subscribers for “law enforcement” capabilities. ISP’s were forced to sign “non disclosure” agreements regarding the discussions. A successful FOIA request was made for the documentation, but the Gov released it only after marking 90% of it with a black highlighter pen (CIA style).

It can be quite troublesome for Governments to be continually subject to extremists disrespecting their authoritah. When will we learn? They know what’s best for us, better than we do, so let’s all just accept that only terrorists pine for privacy.

I agree with Vincent, just say no, that's one way of dealing with it. However if I followed on with this logic, I would have to disconnect my internet as well, and then...
@ Vincent L. Guarusco

Vincent write ...

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
This is a no-brainer: The only way we can stop this from happening is to stop buying plane tickets. That's it in a nutshell. If they keep selling tickets and we allow this to happen, they could care less if we like it or not. Personally, I will never fly again unless I charter a private plane.

You have to fight to keep your freedom. Think about it, do we really want to reward the hand that strips us of our civil liberties? If you say "yes" (and purchase a ticket), then I say bend over and get ready for a cavity search.

Vincent, maybe there is another reason this is happening..

Maybe THEY want to seal off America and the American people from domestic and foreign travel either perminently or temporately for ..... while I don't want to think about the reason. Its too horriable to write down .... I gota go there is a Black van with 6 men parked at the foot of my drive and they have weapo..

Larry bye.
Larry, we can entertain all kinds of things and who knows, some of them may be correct. However, it stands true - don't by tickets and they lose money. If they lose money, the rules will change.

Lawrence Edward Calcutt said:
@ Vincent L. Guarusco

Vincent write ...

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
This is a no-brainer: The only way we can stop this from happening is to stop buying plane tickets. That's it in a nutshell. If they keep selling tickets and we allow this to happen, they could care less if we like it or not. Personally, I will never fly again unless I charter a private plane.

You have to fight to keep your freedom. Think about it, do we really want to reward the hand that strips us of our civil liberties? If you say "yes" (and purchase a ticket), then I say bend over and get ready for a cavity search.

Vincent, maybe there is another reason this is happening..

Maybe THEY want to seal off America and the American people from domestic and foreign travel either perminently or temporately for ..... while I don't want to think about the reason. Its too horriable to write down .... I gota go there is a Black van with 6 men parked at the foot of my drive and they have weapo..

Larry bye.


In answer to the question about this being a 'psy-op', I have seen clips and quotes from both Napolitano and Holder, regarding the implementation of the 'FAST' program. They wish the American sheople to become so fed up with the irradiation and blue-glove feel-ups that they will 'demand' to be 'fast-tracked' into the only other option: The biometric data collection and nationalized I.D. card program is the option to this (the acronym in use is 'F.A.S.T.', AKA 'National I.D.'). OF COURSE, these were all provisions introduced by Madame Hillary Rodham in 1993 ('medical IDENTITY CARDS'), as well as one of the provisions of the various NAU attempts over the last 20 years '(NORPASS', etcetera).


The real purpose is to FORCE anyone who wishes to do 'business' with the Financial MIC to yield their Constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms to this CABAL that has operated this nation for about 100 years or so (and took over Europe and Russia more than 300 years ago).



How about them SAUDIS, huh? 12 of the '19' were holding passports from that nation!

Omar Sharif don't like it!

"Hey Vin, got knocked off chat sorry. The point of the post was to ask if it is a diversion
maybe only a convenient one yet a distraction all the same. We have two rights crushing bills out there that may be put in to law before end of this month.

s 510 and the net bill."

S.510 has been codified into another bill, introduced in the House two days ago, and Julian Aussange has all but assured the 'internet kill switch' bill, as proposed by Lieberman.


The shit goes on, and on, and on and on...







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