related weirdness
Obama threatens military intervention in Libya
US president Barack Obama said yesterday that the United States and its Nato allies are considering military intervention in Libya in the strongest warning yet to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi that the world will not stand by as the embattled Libyan leader attacks his own people. Webmaster's Commentary
Obama threatens, he talks, he considers, he ponders, he consults, he declares, he discusses, but in the end he will do nothing.
and neither the United States nor Great Britain will ever stand up to Israel. They will stay back out of Libya while Israel tries to bring an end to the global revolt against the global bankers, while Obama preens in front of the cameras trying to pretend that the United States is still a nation that believes in democracy and the will of the people. But again, he will not actually do anything at all to challenge Israel's goal of keeping Qaddafi in power
You've read the news. Now understand it.
Monday, February 21, 2011 | Ryan Jones
The revolution is now ACTIVELY being undermined
by these pro-Gaddafi African mercenaries.
They are being secretly imported at $200/day by the thousands.
But consider the 'strange' US demand,
that 'all mercenaries' shall be given UN immunity from prosecution.
Who's funding this? Who's coordinating this? Who's REALLY demanding the immunity?
If I said 'the Bankers'... I'd be right.
Using terms like 'Nations' just makes it confusing. Seriously.
In FACT...
OUR MARINES will be very likely be facing Israel.
You're $%!#ing me!
(via the funded/imported mercenaries, of course.... and Al-Quaedas at that)
March 3, 2011 posted by Gordon Duff · 149 Comments
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
In a move that surprises all but Middle East experts, Israel has promised Libya’s dictator of over 40 years, Colonel Gaddafi, 50,000 troops to aid in crushing rebels set on overthrowing his his murderous rule. According to news sources inside Israel, “troops” are being hired across Africa, Uganda, Sudan, Chad and the Central Africa Republic, including Al Qaeda fighters, to be deployed against demonstrators and rebel forces currently involved in heavy fighting in a two week old attempt to overthrow the Libyan ruler that has left thousands dead.
march on, Zionists, Bankers, Social Engineers, Traitors, and Criminals against Humanity, the People--you reveal yourself, as ancient writing portends: "By their fruits will you know them."
Zionists, Vatican, CROWN--these 3 are the focal point, though not the top of the "food chain," in this ongoing onslaught against *all* the People of the planet, whom are seen, alternately and at once, as simply chattel, animals, and play-things, however heavily massed We may be in relation to those Evil Ones numbers...
*They* do not *care* about you...*They* do *not* care about *you*--*They* *do not* *care* * about* *You!*...*they* will use you, and slaughter you, until you can no longer stand, shoulder-to-shoulder, against them...and all because We cannot see and act clearly and unifiedly enough to *Just Stop Complying*, and *not participate in **their** heinous, evil SYSTEM*...
good luck with that...*or*, maybe, just *maybe*, We can opt out, and *finally* work to acheive real--
When will most people wake up and realize that the Zionist State of Israel is to blame for most of the chaos that's happening over in the middle east and they are nothing but cold, calculating racists and killers? And here we are in the U.S......supporting this rogue state with our tax dollars. Israel needs to be crushed like the little yippy yappy, foaming at the mouth dog that it is.
They're supporting Gadaffi......unbelievable! And since the US and Great Britian are not going to do anything about this, like stop funding the lunatics, I guess we're supporting the madness too.
Intentionally trying to alienate themselves to start war is what I see going on here. Absolute madness, the libyan people are going to win eventually and when they do I suspect they will become an Islamic state (likely because of this, giving more credence to the moron fundamentalists). If this is proven true that Israel indeed has sent mercs into Libya to prop him up, all I can say is 2-3 years from now when WW3 breaks out in the middle east and Israel gets nuked or whatever we'll all know why. I feel sorry for the people of Israel that they are just as dumb, gullible, spaced out, corrupt, domesticated and powerless as we are here. Pain is coming to all the populations of the world that have become so duped, lazy and complacent to allow such idiocy to continue on their behalf. I have nothing but disdain and contempt for these fools we all see around us every day buying the bullshit wholesale and calling us crazy.
If the US just has to do something to help Libya might i suggest a quarantine ... nothing but medical supply's in, para-dropped in and monitored by some neutral party and the Iranians so they could shoot down the Israeli mercs that would of course ignore those resolutions and things called laws, morals : and nothing out but refugees, no trucks or planes full of gold and no oil. Problem solved its like closing the cage on a UFC fight, eventually a winner will emerge.
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